Full-time Summoner

Chapter 310: A Super Mage

With a roar, a yellow sand monster with a body length of more than one meter opened its mouth and bit Zhaohua.

"Wind track - flash step."

After Zhaohua moved his body with the least mana energy, with a wave of his hand, a thin silk thread cut off the yellow sand monster's neck.

Originally, the yellow sand on the yellow sand monster was used for protection. For example, if the fire burst, it would be difficult to cause damage and would reduce the damage, but it is different like Zhaohua's silk chopping, which can easily separate its body and head.

Zhaohua was typing, and then remembered that Liang Ri didn't seem to see him, so he said into the headset: "Who of you saw Liang Ri, why didn't you see him?"

There is no need to worry about communication problems when fighting in the city, because even in the Loulan New City that is still under construction, there are signal towers that can communicate with walkie-talkies.

Gao Cen's voice came and said: "Today, I went to the surrounding desert with him to see if we could find any resources, but when we came back later, his blue-striped giant-toothed pig seemed to find something, and then we separated gone."

"That means he's still in the wild?" Mo Ze asked.

Gao Cen said: "It should be, I live next to him, I didn't feel it... Shield Shadow... didn't feel him coming back."

Zhaohua said: "He has a magic stone for help, and now the ancient city of Loulan is more chaotic and dangerous, he should have seen it and hid outside."

Now Zhaohua and the others couldn't pay attention to Liang Ri, and logically, they should be the more dangerous party.

As expected of the number of a tribe, these slave-level yellow sand monsters really can't be killed no matter how hard they are, Zhaohua also saw a steady stream of yellow sand monsters jumping down from the top of the city wall.

Jumping from a height of more than ten meters, they were fine. They really deserved to be the bodies of monsters, much stronger than humans.

"Wind Pan——Luo Tian!!!"

Zhaohua is now able to use the second-level wind disk after linking the magic energy with Xiaofengcan after the nebula of the summoning system is at the second level.

He used the wind track to run around by himself, and after gathering a group of yellow sand monsters, he continued to gather monsters and kill himself.

Luo Tian is bigger than the tornado, but Luo Tian doesn't have the suction power that the tornado can gather the demons to the center, but the range of Luo Tian is much wider. Within the range of Luo Tian, ​​it is like a meat grinder. It is very sharp and has a very high range killing ability.

Puff puff! ! ! ! Piles of minced meat, dozens of yellow sand monsters were ground into pieces of meat. When it comes to killing monsters in a large area, the wind element is still strong. Killing monsters of the general level is not as good as fire and thunder, but killing servants depends on my style.

It's a pity that Ji Shaoan is not here, and Zhaohua doesn't bring a vessel for collecting essence. Because Zhaohua discovered that the repair and daily maintenance of undead utensils are more expensive than spirits, unless your undead utensils are high-end goods that can always collect essences but will not break, or have necromancers to help you maintain .

It is also for this reason that many mages do not buy undead utensils, unless they are hunters who are going to stay in the wild for a month or two, or if there is a big battle going on, they will not buy undead utensils.

Splashing sparks, thunder from the sky, huge tornado, monstrous waves, the breath of magic has never stopped, but these magic lights all erupt outside the wall, Zhaohua is in the city, so he doesn't know what's going on outside.

Rumble! ! ! The number of flying from the boulder has not decreased much, and the situation is not optimistic than imagined.

Although every military mage is a warrior who has experienced many battles, a powerful mage who can kill monsters of the same level, but the number of monsters is more than a hundred times.

"Quick! Use the fire array to attack!"

"No, the yellow sand on the yellow sand monster has a certain resistance to fire magic, and it is difficult for fire magic to be effective."

"Then use the wind disk! Use the wind disk together to attack!"

"The warlord-level giant yellow sand monster used monster skills to build a golden sand barrier to block the wind disk attack!!"

"Thunder! Thunder troops! Break through the defense!"

Rumble! ! ! A series of thunderbolts bombarded the barrier, and finally penetrated the barrier, but the range of thunder is not enough to kill, and it can only kill a small number of yellow sand monsters.

In fact, the main reason is that they never thought about why the Huangsha monster tribe, which is so far away from here, would suddenly attack Loulan New City.

You also have to find a reason for the attack, what a mess.

Because of this, the troops stationed in Loulan New City didn't really know how to deal with the Yellow Sand Monster Horde. They didn't have a good understanding of their characteristics. It was the first time they fought against the Yellow Sand Monster Beast, so the command was a bit confusing.

And the most troublesome thing is that Zhaohua could have killed more of those boulders, but he threw a few rocks over from time to time, which made Zhaohua miss the chance to kill them.

Shan Shancai suddenly walked up to Zhaohua and said, "Come out with me and kill those giant yellow sand monsters!"

! ? ! ? ? Before Zhaohua could react, he saw a pair of brown wings growing from behind Shan Shancai, which was the magic wing tool. Shan Shancai grabbed Zhaohua's clothes and carried him into the air.

Zhaohua was speechless: "Why don't you ask my opinion?"

Shan Shancai said: "Master Li Guan said that if you have made enough military exploits, you can give you the time liquid directly. Or do you not need it anymore?"



Zhaohua was surprised at first, then frowned in thought, and then said: (メ`[])/"Kill!"

Zhaohua finally saw the situation outside the city wall in mid-air. He was a bit like returning to the city, but the number was a bit tingling, which was a boon for trypophobia patients.

Only 60,000 to 70,000 should be available. If it weren't for this rock wall to block a large number of yellow sand monsters and prevent them from rushing in all at once, this amount alone could knock down all the buildings in Loulan New City.

And Zhaohua also saw the culprit who threw the rock, a giant yellow sand monster with a body size of seven or eight meters. They are very similar to the yellow sand monsters in appearance, except that their hands are much longer. They are seven or eight meters tall and can touch the ground with their hands hanging down.

With a long head, like a crocodile.

I saw these giant yellow sand monsters spread their five fingers and touch the desert, and the yellow sand would condense into a huge boulder, and then throw the condensed rock over the rock wall like a pitcher.

The number of giant yellow sand monsters is actually not many, only twenty-three, but their throwing speed is too fast, like an emotionless pitching machine, throwing with both hands at the same time. Adding the time to generate rocks, one rock is thrown out in fifteen seconds.

And the most frightening thing is not these giant yellow sand monsters, but the three commanding-level golden monsters in the farthest distance like three golden mountains.

They are really three glittering golden mountains. Zhaohua can't see that they have facial features at all, and their arms are like hammers. Zhaohua saw the golden monster on the far left hit the ground with a hammer, just like the ground seen on TV. Like waves, those yellow sands flew up.


But this seismic wave was completely petrified by a person who stared at it.

One against three! ! ! !

Li Guan of Shanshan is like the gate of heaven, standing in front of all three golden mountains, defending against three commander-level monsters with his own strength, Zhaohua was stunned for a while, is he so awesome.

"You let Li Guan of Shanshan alone stand up to the three commander demons?" Zhaohua asked in disbelief.

What kind of high-level mage can do this.

Shan Shancai seemed to understand why Zhaohua was surprised, and replied flatly: "Master Li Guan is a super mage."

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