Full-time Summoner

Chapter 363 Nomura

The dozen or so trainee judges behind Li Weize came to help collect resources.

Zhaohua walked up to the stunned Gao Yan and said, "You... think... I got the sale contract because of luck?"

Zhaohua was a little puzzled, is he the kind of person who has no strength but wants to pretend to be 13?

If you don't have such a big head, don't wear such a big hat. Zhaohua understands the meaning of this sentence very well, so he didn't protect Kunlong hard at the beginning, but sold it without saying a word.

Zhaohua has done the calculations, not to mention that his parents started their business in the business of monster material resources, whether Zhaolang and Zhang Ning have any hidden strengths and identities, as for Zhaohua himself, he has the ability to 'eat' this batch resource.

Zhaohua's current connections are really not simple. He knows the disciples of the top magic families in Yaodu, and he also knows the hidden ones. .

In fact, Zhaohua doesn't give it to Mai Jiaxi's family, and he can eat alone. Although you can earn less money by distributing resources to the Mai family, Deng family, and Gao family, you can earn some friendship and facilitate your future magic training.

It’s just that in Gao Yan’s eyes, it might be a different matter, thinking that Zhaohua got the contract because of good luck, relying on their Gao family’s channel sales and personal connections, they can eat up Zhaohua’s share at any time.

"Is that the new judge?"

"Well, it should be him. I heard that he is the youngest judge in Yaodu."

"How old is he? He looks younger than me. I'm still a trainee judge. How could he be a judge?"

"I don't know, you're selling ass."

Li Weize coughed twice, motioning for them to transport the resources back to the Tribunal.

Li Weize had already applied for the purchase of a batch of several billion resources five days ago. Although several billion is not a lot for the Trial Council, it was not approved casually, and it was just approved today.

Li Weize walked to Zhaohua's side and said, "What are you going to do with these three?"

Upon hearing this, Gao Yan quickly hid behind Gao Tiancheng. Gao Cen was on the verge of crying when he saw it, just what the hell was he thinking, that he wanted to snatch things from Zhaohua. The future of the Gao family is worrying.

Zhaohua also found it funny when he saw it. Back then, Gao Yan had a low mouth, and Zhaohua was "boosted" by Zhaohua on the ranking stage. It has been so long, and he is still like this.

"What can we do, he is the elder of the Magic Association, and we are just a small tribunal, and we need to clean up the dust for him." Zhao Hua suddenly said in a strange way.

Chi Xu broke out in a cold sweat. This was to wash away the dust, and this was clearly a Hongmen feast!

"No need, the old man is just here on business to drop by Zhongshan Academy, no need, no need." Chi Xu quickly waved his hand and started walking towards the door, leaving Gao Yan alone.

Originally, Gao Yan promised that he could get a part of the resources before he came, and the contract was signed even today. Who knew that the other party turned out to be the judge, and even allowed the judge to use funds to buy resources. People with such power , how dare he offend.

Naturally, Li Weize wasn't in trouble, and the main family didn't violate the law, and in the absence of a clear crime, the affairs of the Magic Association were indeed difficult to manage.

Li Weize said: "Xiaohua, do you want to complete a mission? There are quite a lot of rumors about you now."

Zhaohua also heard the words just now, and not only here, but now there are legends about Zhaohua in the Judgment of Zhucheng.

The illegitimate son of the chief executive, the male favorite of a female forbidden curse, and the head of the most famous cowherd shop in Yaodu. Because Zhaohua is really too young, although he has the merits of Kunlong, but it is more often said to be luck and fraud.

Zhaohua said helplessly: "I want to, too. I also want some resources, but let alone solve those tasks, I can't even reach the destination."

The task of the Anbu of the Judgment is naturally not like that of a killer, go to a certain place to meet, and then give the task information in person. You can see it when you log in to the system of the Judgment Council.

However, in the past few days, the Anbu information that Zhaohua has noticed is all in the demon area, otherwise it is a dangerous place, and he is only a middle-level person, so going to the wild is looking for death.

Li Weize frowned, thought for a while and said, "I have one here, but it's related to the Black Vatican, so it's a bit dangerous."

Zhaohua spread his hands and said, "Brother Wei Ze, the affairs of Anbu and the Black Vatican are equally dangerous, and anyway, I have been hunted down by the Black Vatican, so I have experience."

Li Weize was suddenly amused, and seemed right. He smiled and said: "Your boy is also destined, okay, you and the Black Vatican are also predestined, and this time, apart from being related to the Black Vatican, various clues show that it may also be related to the dark plane, which is just right for you."

"You can check the specific information on the system, and I will tell the judge who took over the case."

"Well, I'm sorry, brother Wei Ze."

Two days later, Li Weize finally transferred the case to Zhaohua.

The money from the resale of resources has not been credited to the account so quickly. The money will not be given to Zhaohua until Loulan New City and the Judgment Council have settled the calculations. Giving it to the Judgment, and Zhaohua profiting from it, there is obviously a problem.

But if you don't tell him, if he doesn't tell you, no one will know.

Zhaohua was busy all afternoon, and after having dinner with Ji Shaoan, the two returned to the dormitory of Sun Yat-sen University. As for cohabitation, the two haven't reached that point yet.

"The Nomura massacre... there were traces of black beasts and cursed beasts at the scene, it is inferred that it was the work of the Black Vatican."

Zhaohua opened the information system of the Trial Council, because this incident happened for a few days, so there are already some ready-made investigation results.

Nomura means a village in the field of monsters. Not all villages are in the safe zone or the sub-safe zone, and many people live in the wild and live a simple life.

If there is no military area in Lu County, several villages in Lu County are actually considered Nomura.

In the past, the Nomura theory was popular, allowing humans to return to the wild in order to survive. Nomura's theory is actually very simple, like a big city, with a large number of mages and a large population, it can have greater power to face demons. However, because of the large population, it will be easier to attract powerful monster tribes to attack.

The Nomura theory is to separate people, one or two hundred people live in the wild, and the mages in the village guard the villagers. Such a small number of people will naturally not attract powerful monsters, let alone a huge monster tribe. Without powerful monster attacks, the power of ordinary mages can survive better.

It's a bit like how termites survive.

However, this Nomura theory will be self-defeating in the future, because many people abroad believe in this theory, especially some young mages, who organize their own groups to build their own paradise in the wild.

As a result, they used their lives to tell the whole world that it is not necessary to have a large group of monsters to kill, but a few are enough. Encountering monsters who strayed into the village, these village mages have no resistance at all, and there is no barrier protection, let alone ordinary humans, just desserts after dinner.

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