Full-time Summoner

Chapter 364 Investigation

And this time the tragedy happened in Nomura. Nomura's theory has been broken, but Nomura will definitely not disappear. Nomura also survived.

Because in ancient times, human magic was not as powerful as it is now, and when there were no mobile magic tools like airplanes and cars, ordinary people could not leave the place where they were born for a lifetime.

Human beings live in the form of villages or tribes, which is the origin of the word Nomura.

"So that's how it is. This is Nomura that has existed since ancient times. No wonder it has something to do with the Dark Plane."

Zhaohua roughly read the information and understood the reason.

The reason why the Nomura theory failed is because foreign people did not understand that no matter what it is, a big city, a small city, a big country, a small country or a Nomura, the foundation of one's life is power, and only with the power to protect life, such Only the village can survive.

Magic is just one of the life-saving powers, but it is not the only one.

The best explanation is that big snake in Hangzhou, it does not belong to magic, but as long as it is there, no matter where you are, it is a 'village'.

And the Nomura that was brutally massacred by the Black Vatican has been around since ancient times, which means that it must also have its own 'guardian', and the most likely possibility of this so-called guardian is a dark creature.

Because of the nature of Dark Plane transactions, it's perfectly normal to pray for protection.

The 'living sacrifice', 'chu nun tribute', and 'sacrifice' handed down in ancient times are not scary. The souls of demons are spirits, but human beings are not? Humans are too, and for creatures of the dark plane, human souls are more suitable and delicious.

"There are a total of one hundred and twenty-three people in the village... It is suspected that they were committed by the black-clothed priests of the Black Vatican."

"The purpose is unknown, but it is tentatively speculated that it is an evil operation carried out by the Black Holy See for the human body material of the Black Beast."

Heck, Zhaohua turned off his laptop, he planned to investigate tomorrow, and tonight was just previewing his homework.

There are still four months before the real ballot contest at the university, with two months of summer vacation in between. Zhaohua estimates that during the summer vacation, students who really want to fight hard and get votes will definitely make a qualitative leap.

Now Zhaohua's summoned beasts are very strong, and if they are all released at the middle level, not to mention how lonely it is to be invincible, it is also too cold to be at a high place. However, the strength of the summoned beasts is already difficult to improve. Commander level is a watershed, and Zhaohua's summoned beasts have not even reached the advanced stage, even if they have resources, they cannot advance. It has entered a period of stagnation.

So the goal that Zhaohua set for himself now is to upgrade the summoning system of the first system to the third level within four months, and prepare a magic shield for himself.

He has the magical equipment for walking and armor, but he doesn't need the magical equipment for cutting and concentrating, so the magic shield is left to increase his strength.

"Then it seems that joining the Judgment Council is indeed a good choice. There are quite a lot of magic equipment in it, and it can be customized." Zhaohua looked at the resource library of the Judgment Council with his mobile phone, and there were various backpacks in it, which made him want to get into the phone Take it out.

This time the task was related to the Black Holy See, so the points given were quite high.

Early the next morning, as soon as Zhaohua opened the door, Ji Shaohan stood at the door with a smile on his face, wearing a small floral hat and white skirt, and carrying a suitcase in his hand.

Although the place where it happened was in Yaodu, there are eleven cities in Yaodu. If you go back and forth every day, you will be exhausted, so Zhaohua plans to live directly in Fancheng where it happened.

Although Zhaohua had persuaded her to stay, the result was obvious.

Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan went directly to Fancheng by car, left their luggage at the hotel and went directly to the trial meeting in Fancheng. After a night of understanding, Zhaohua knew that there were two remaining clues.

The first is the autopsy report. The corpses of the villagers are still being dissected and analyzed, and the results just happened today.

The second is the survivors. There is one survivor, but because he is in a state of mental breakdown, he cannot make a statement yet, and he is currently receiving treatment in the hospital.

The purpose of the trial meeting is to find out the truth about the massacre of Nomura and arrest the members of the Black Vatican. It is speculative, but there must be actual proof why the Black Vatican did this. Creating a dark beast is a trivial matter, and the Black Vatican is afraid that something like Bo City will happen, so the Judgment Council has to investigate and find out.

The purpose of the people's police investigating the case is to return justice to the common people. In addition to arresting the Black Vatican in a just manner, the Tribunal also needs to prevent secondary disasters from occurring.

The Judgment Council in Fancheng is the same as in Zhucheng City, an office building with the three big characters of Judgment Council hanging on it.

After Zhaohua took out the identity certificate and relevant documents of the court, he entered the building, and the staff took Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan to the dissection room of the court, which is the forensic office.

The door was open, Zhaohua knocked lightly twice, and led Ji Shaoan in.

In the office, there is only one long-haired woman who looks about 30 years old and does not wear makeup. She is holding a pack of pseudo-Dragon brand spicy sticks in her hand. While eating, she is watching variety shows on the computer, mouthing I still didn't forget to say "too fake, there is a script at first glance." '.

The forensic lady looked up at Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan, handsome men and beautiful women, who looked in their early twenties, just took a look, then lowered their heads and continued to watch the variety show, and blurted out: "The interview room for the staff is on the second floor, this is where the dead are. .”

Twenty years old and beautiful. It must be an ordinary person who came to apply for the job, or could it be a trial?

There are also many ordinary people in the trial meeting. For example, the receptionist, document sorting, and intelligence analysis are all performed by ordinary people who are not lawyers.

Zhaohua said: "No, I'm not here to apply for staff. I'm here to get the autopsy report."

"Oh, it's the one who took things, wait a minute."

Tick ​​tock, five minutes passed. Zhaohua reckoned that this plain-looking woman had a hint of jealousy because of Ji Shaoan's appearance.

It's probably the kind of 'ah, why is she so good-looking, I'm naturally plain-looking, huh, embarrass them. ’ Such a mentality.

Zhaohua took off the ID card hanging on her chest and put it on the table so that she could see it.

"The Judgment Envoy!!!!"

With a kick, he jumped up from the chair like a frightened cat. Originally, because of the Nomura incident a few days ago, he had been staying up all night working, and his face was very pale after dissecting dozens of corpses, and now he was even paler than the dead people next door.


Zhaohua waved his hand, he didn't pay attention to these, because he also heard how miserable it is to be a forensic doctor.

Persuading people to study the Fa is a death sentence. Persuading people to study medicine is like lightning. Advise people to study forensic medicine, tsk tsk tsk. This shows how hard the work of forensic medicine is.

"It's okay, I want to know about the Nomura incident in the Dafushan area outside Fancheng a few days ago." Zhaohua actually felt a little sympathetic to the forensic lady in front of him.

At the age of thirty, I don't even have the motivation to put on makeup. I dissect corpses here every day and work with corpses. Thinking about it, I shed tears of bitterness.

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