Full-time Summoner

Chapter 368: Chasing Monsters in the City

"Escape Shadow!"

Zhaohua narrowly escaped the blow, the white sharp blade even cut Zhaohua's bangs to a point, making his hairstyle weird.

"Cursed Beast?!"

Zhaohua came out from the shadows, and Zhaohua dodged the blow in a thousandth of a second, which made him never expect that there was a loophole in the wind perception of the little windworm.

"No, I've killed the cursed beast, it's not that strong, and the cursed beast can't hide in the shadows..."

Huh, Zhaohua just appeared from the Shadow Escape, and at this time the black shadow had turned into a shadow and disappeared, which made the most worrying thing of the Tribunal happen. And horrible creatures.

It is basically impossible to achieve a commanding level creature, and even if it can be created, it will require a lot of resources. But to make the Cursed Beast more powerful requires technological innovation, even if it is only a little stronger, it will be a big blow to human beings.

Originally, the cursed beast could be killed at the third level of the middle level of the two lines, but now the evolved cursed beast needs at least the middle level of the two lines of spirit species. This means that ordinary trainee judges are no longer able to defeat the evolutionary curse beast, so the trial meeting may not have enough manpower, leading to a series of problems.

Zhaohua didn't think about it, activated the wind scale armor, and used the wind track to chase it out. This is the only clue to find the Black Vatican, and it cannot be let go.

With the sound of Peng, Zhaohua heard the sound of glass breaking as soon as he stepped out of the corridor. The evolution-cursed beast smashed the glass at the end of the corridor and jumped out. This is the eighth floor.


Zhaohua used the wind track, and with the help of the little wind silkworm, turned into a green breeze and also jumped down from the window. He didn't care about the floors here. If you curse the beast to jump off the building, I can't? !

Boom! ! Relying on its strong body, the cursed beast landed abruptly with two feet, smashing a huge hole, while Zhaohua just used the elf magic wind silk as a sling. Only then did Zhaohua, who was in mid-air, see the true appearance of the black shadow.

It's a little smaller than ordinary cursed beasts, but bigger than dark beasts. It doesn't have muscular bulges like cursed beasts. The muscles are well-balanced and streamlined.

Zhaohua urgently called Li Weize and said, "Brother Wei Ze, I'm in the Judgment Hospital in Fancheng. A cursed beast has sneaked into the hospital. Now it's on the street, and I'm chasing it."

The speed of this cursed beast is no slower than Zhaohua's wind system, the speed of the wind track has soared to the limit, coupled with the acceleration of the fan windbreaker, it can't even close the distance.

"I'm calling for reinforcements now, you turn on positioning." Li Weize's voice came from the phone.

This is a big event, and a cursed beast was allowed to enter the safe zone. This is obviously the negligence of their trial committee. The most important thing now is to minimize the damage first, catch the cursed beast as soon as possible, and then consider blackouts. How did the Holy See enter the Inquisition Hospital?

"Hold the grass!!! What the hell!!"

"Ah!! Oh my god, that black one is a monster!!!"

"My mother! Monsters!! Monsters have attacked!!"

The city was suddenly in chaos, and some people who were not afraid of death took out their mobile phones to take pictures. Although they could only capture a series of black fuzzy shadows and green flashing shadows at a high speed, this was enough.

'Judgment will chase demons in the city! ! The city has fallen! '

'The location is Fancheng. Monsters have invaded the city, and the city is in danger. '

'Shock! The protection of the demon capital is like paper, and the demons come and go freely, just like public toilets? '

For a while, comments on the Internet began to ferment.

"Little Narcissus, see the right moment and use a mental attack to slow down its speed."

Boom! ! Wherever the evolved Cursed Beast went, it was a disaster, not to mention people, even the magic vehicle couldn't withstand its impact and was knocked into the air. The mutated cursed beast rampaged on the road, already causing a major traffic jam.

Even in Fancheng, the capital of demons, high-ranking mages don't just see it when they see it. Think about it, a high-level mage can already be a professor in a school, an elder of a magic family, these people with status, just go shopping on the street when they have nothing to do? There may be, but rarely.

Although Zhaohua saw a few mid-level mages singing the star map, these mages only had a sense of justice, and the magic release speed was very slow. where it goes.

"It's now, little Narcissus!"

Zhaohua can't do it while using wind track while using mid-level contract summoning, but Lan Xinghu can use spiritual attack through the summoning space. Although the power will be much weaker, Zhaohua can't summon it now. Can make such a move.

Huhu! ! !

An invisible spiritual power spewed out, directly hitting the spiritual world of the cursed beast. Even if it has become a cursed beast, it will still be attacked mentally.

Taking advantage of the moment of being attacked, Zhaohua activated the elf magic: "Wind silk!"

Xi Xi Xi! ! !

Together with the little wind silkworm, double spirit magic, the wind silk of the little wind silkworm bound the hands and feet of the cursed beast. And Zhaohua aimed at the person in the embrace of the cursed beast.

Zhaohua discovered it when he was just chasing after him. This cursed beast was actually holding Wenshui Dan. No wonder Zhaohua didn't find it at the beginning, it turned out to be hidden.

Roar! ! ! The cursed beast roared angrily, trying to break free from Xiaofengcan's wind silk, but Zhaohua was a step ahead, and snatched the Wenshui Dan from the cursed beast's hand before the wind silk was freed.


When Zhaohua pulled her back, she realized that something was wrong. It was too heavy. Wen Shuidan was a fifteen-year-old girl, and she was skinny after not eating for a long time. She weighed only a little more than 30 kilograms. At least sixty kilograms!

Looking at the hospital gown in his hand, it was a man, and he looked like he had died. Zhaohua immediately understood that this was actually a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

First, he kept the doctor and transferred Ji Shaohan away, and then used this cursed beast who was good at speed to transfer Zhaohua away, then the purpose was obvious, Wen Shuidan was actually in the examination room all the time.

Although there are many members of the Judgment Council in the hospital, Wen Shuidan is indeed a patient here, as long as she is pushed in a wheelchair and uses Wen Shuidan's identity certificate, she can leave the hospital swaggeringly.

As long as the black-clothed priest of the Black Vatican is not discovered, then he is a normal person, and he will not be suspected at all when he enters or exits the hospital.

In this world where demons are rampant and mages are rare, the incident in Nomura is not very serious, and the one-on-one protection of Zhaohua, the judge, is already the maximum manpower that can be mobilized. The other judges couldn't tell the difference at all.

Zhaohua was put together.

Zhaohua took out his mobile phone and left a voice message to Ji Shaohan on WeChat: "We were fooled, Wenshuidan should still be in the examination room just now. Now check the surveillance, is there anyone pushing Wenshuidan out of the examination room?"

Zhaohua was very angry. He was taught a lesson by people from the Black Vatican the first time he did the mission of the Judgment. He used to play tricks on others. When did he try to be played by others.

Weng~~~ The moonlight star map emerged, and the blue star fox came from the summoning star map and stood aside.

In addition to the clues from Ji Shaoan, the evolved cursed beast in front of him must not be let go. Regardless of whether the clues can be found, this cursed beast is very important. I am afraid that the reason why the Black Vatican slaughtered Nomura was to let the cursed beast evolve. , get stronger power.

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