Full-time Summoner

Chapter 369 Cursed Beast 2.0

The blue star fox came from the sky, and the first thing he did was to put a layer of star protection on Zhaohua. Two small white star balls surrounded Zhaohua, giving Zhaohua a certain defensive ability.

"It's a quick fight."

Zhaohua is now confronting the cursed beast on the bridge. The cars on both sides of the bridge are blocked, and even the bridge has some cracks due to the trampling of the cursed beast.

There were a lot of people watching around, and some of them didn't run away the first time they got out of the car, but took out their mobile phones to take pictures there, and posted selfies on Moments. Zhaohua really wanted to blow away these foolish people with a fan.

Roar! ! ! When the corpse in his hand was taken away, the cursed beast was very angry, and directly tore off the wind silk of the little wind silkworm, the terrifying power was even greater than that of a thunder bear.

Boom, the cursed beast suddenly stepped forward, the bridge broke further, and the originally straight bridge deck began to sag.

Feeling that the bridge might break, the people began to run like crazy from both sides of the bridge.

Because of the dilapidated bridge and the surrounding citizens, Zhaohua couldn't summon the destructive Thunder Bear and Sanwei, for fear that the bridge would be knocked down.

Almost! ! ! ! Blue light appeared in Lan Xinghu's eyes, and the hexagonal water shield blocked the cursed beast. Lan Xinghu was trying to buy time for Zhaohua to use magic. The mage was most afraid of being approached, even Zhaohua.

call out. The cursed beast that was supposed to be blocked by the hexagonal water shield for a while turned into a shadow, and passed under the hexagonal water shield, just like the elementary and second-level magic of the shadow system, shadow——blur , Temporarily enter the darkness, use the shadow to avoid the attack, then quickly appear and then launch an attack, both evasion and counterattack magic.

call! The cursed beast rushed out from the shadow on the ground, its sharp claws shone coldly, aiming at Zhaohua's head, wanting to kill him with one blow.

Zhaohua drew more than half of the wind system star map and immediately canceled it, and the magic shoe was activated, which was also a shadow blur. Zhaohua quickly entered the darkness to avoid the attack and opened the distance.

Even with the Blue Star Fox's Guardian of the Stars and the protection of the Windscale Armor, Zhaohua will try his best to keep the cursed beast from attacking him, what if it doesn't block it, right?

Xi Xi Xi! ! Xiaofengcan's magic is more proficient than Zhaohua's, and there is no time to condense two small tornadoes in his hands, only one is condensed. In order to protect Zhaohua, the silver blade wind disk rises against the wind.

Roar! ! ! ! The sharp claws on both hands of the cursed beast sent out a frenzied attack like a sword dance, unexpectedly cutting all the silver blades and the entire wind disk into pieces.

After Zhaohua came out of the shadows, his eyes revealed seriousness, and his pupils stared at the cursed beast.

If Zhaohua read correctly just now, he saw the light of magic, and there were very weak magic fluctuations.

This cursed beast can use magic!

Originally, Zhaohua thought that this cursed beast was just a bit more powerful, and could have a little bit of monster skills like Shuying. There are all kinds of strange skills, and Jiang Yu's Night Raksha can escape, so it is not a strange thing.

But this is two different things from the magical shadow escape, and the principle is completely different. Just like Zhaohua's wind disk and Xiaofengcan's wind disk, the two are actually different. Xiaofengcan relies on strong control to make the attack become like a middle-level wind magic. If Xiaofengcan is willing, It can turn into a tree and attack the enemy.

But Zhaohua had clearly felt the fluctuation of magic from this cursed beast just now. Although he didn't see the appearance of Xingzi and Xinggui, the shadow must be the elementary magic of the shadow system.

With a clicking sound, Zhaohua's magic shoes had already been used once in the examination room at the very beginning, and after such a long time of use once, they have lost their magic power and can they be used again.

The cursed beast didn't give Zhaohua time to think. After cutting the tornado with its sharp claws, it stepped on the bridge again and charged towards Zhaohua's face, causing the bridge to sag again.

Zhaohua clicked his tongue, and originally thought that if there was no other way, he would use the fire element to cooperate with Xiaofengcan's elf domain to blast it into scum, but now it can't work, this cursed beast can't be let go, it has to be caught alive, Zhaohua Hua's sixth sense told it that this cursed beast had a lot to do with it.

"Little windworm, throw it into the water."

There is a river under this bridge, and there are too many people in the land battle. To protect the people while capturing the cursed beasts alive, this is to forcefully increase the difficulty, even if Zhaohua's strength is also a troublesome thing.

Xi Xi Xi! ! !

The little windworm pulled the tail of the blue star fox and took off, regardless of its grinning objection, it brought the blue star fox into the air, leaving only Zhaohua on the bridge.

"Wind track - flash step."

Zhaohua tried his best to avoid the attack of the cursed beast, but the wind track at the beginning of the wind system was a bit powerless in the face of the evolved cursed beast, and it was difficult to dodge the attack as fast as light slashing.

And now Zhaohua has to grab the body of the man in the hospital clothes with his hands, which greatly slows down Zhaohua's speed.

Zhaohua thought about throwing the corpse into the river directly, because the purpose of cursing the beast was to get the corpse back, otherwise he would have run away early. Zhaohua speculated that the order from the black priest of the Black Vatican was to let the cursed beast bring the corpse run away. If the corpse was thrown into the river, Zhaohua judged that he would not be able to snatch the warrior-level cursed beast.

Click! !

A white guardian star blocked the sharp blade, but it was also cut in half at the same time.

"Little windworm!"

Two tornadoes fell from the sky, and the huge suction force swept away several surrounding cars that had already escaped and left empty shells. If one wind disc was not enough, two came.

Two tornadoes crazily collided with the sharp blades of the cursed beast, sparking sparks, and pushed the cursed beast away from the edge of the bridge, trying to push her away, but the huge physical strength of the cursed beast was even stronger than the wind with double spiritual seeds. The plates held up.

Those feet are like rivets, firmly stuck on the bridge.

Magic fluctuations, Zhaohua once again felt the fluctuations of shadow-type magic, this time Zhaohua was standing very close, Zhaohua clearly saw a trace of magic light oozing from the body of this evolved version of the cursed beast .

The star is actually inside the body! ! !

"Don't let it use Shadow Shadow, Little Narcissus, mental attack!"

Zhaohua had already guessed that this would happen, the reason why he took Lan Xinghu away was so that he could better use his mental attack to interrupt the escape magic of the cursed beast.

The invisible mental attack knocked out the cursed beast whose body had sunk halfway into the shadow, and Xiaofengcan's double tornado took advantage of this moment to roll up the cursed beast and pushed it into the water.

Zhaohua stood on the bridge, watching the cursed beast being torn apart by the double tornado, and stared intently.

Summoners have this advantage. They always fight more and fight less. No matter how powerful you are at the general level, I will fight three times and one. You are strong and you are strong, I summon the beast.

"It really isn't enough."

The cursed beast in the water managed to break free from the strangulation of the double tornado after breaking one of its arms, and even the power of the wind disk weakened a lot after entering the water.

But Zhaohua smiled. In the water, it is difficult to use the tyrannical physical strength of the cursed beast, and Zhaohua also has the Blue Star Fox.

Zhaohua leaped resolutely for his whole life, and blasted out a fierce fist in his hand. A splash of water exploded with a bang.

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