Full-time Summoner

Chapter 420 Half Fish Beast

Although when he first entered Congcheng Hot Spring, he walked underground, and the underground passage had nine twists and eighteen bends, going round and round, but Zhaohua's passive skill as a learning god was still activated.

It may not be completely correct, but Zhaohua still drew a sketch from memory, and then compared the map made by the Hunter Alliance to explore the monster area in Nankun Mountain, and locked an area.

They are not searching blindly, they are purposeful.

It's just that they walked underground for a long time before reaching the underground hall of Congcheng Hot Spring, so the destination is relatively deep.

The map of the place where the hot springs are located in the city is already a bit darker blue.

The color of the map is divided into five levels from weak to strong, which is the same as the color of the realm when the city is invaded by monsters. Orange, Blue, Blood, Purple, and unlimited Black.

And these colors on the map are also from light to dark to further express the degree of danger.

For example, the sub-safe zone is light orange, which means that the number of monsters is small, and the danger is not high, and there are no warrior monsters.

Going through the sub-safety zone to reach the periphery of the monster area depends on what kind of monster area it is. Some monster areas do not have orange and blue, and the whole picture is directly blood red to black.

Dark orange means that there are warlords and monsters, but the possibility is relatively low, mainly servants. Orange means that slaves and demons are the main ones.

The same is true for blue, there are more warlord monsters, there are monster lairs, and there are relatively more groups of monsters, while dark blue is already haunted by commander-level monsters.

Blood red, with more than ten commander-level monsters, and it is the location of the monster group, it is extremely dangerous, and high-level mages have a great chance of falling.

Purple and black are best understood.

Purple, the territory of the demon tribe, full of demons, unless it is the peak of the human magician, the ordinary pseudo-forbidden magician is at risk of death.

Black, no upper limit, all kinds of monsters and ghosts, bizarre things may happen, it's great to go in and come out.

However, the range given by Zhaohua is still acceptable. The map is light blue, barely stained with dark blue. This kind of place is also a place that many hunter mage teams like to go to.

Although there are many warlords and monsters, there are also monster lairs, but there are more resources, and the chance of encountering commander monsters is very low. As long as it is a team of middle-level mages, it is no problem to be stable.

And the little old man's team of six is ​​a hunter team that specializes in hunting in the demon area of ​​Nankun Mountain, and often goes in and out of the blue zone. The team has had zero deaths since its establishment, and no team members have died. It is a very good middle-level hunter team. .

According to the information given by the Hunter Alliance, the captain of this hunter team, the little old man, has a dual-element middle-level mastery, majoring in fire and second-level light is the highest, and everyone else is also dual-element intermediate, but the data The above did not specify what department it is, but only stated the cultivation level, it is only the major department that is full of cultivation, and the minors are all at the intermediate level.

This allows employers to choose and judge whether to hire this hunter team.

"Be careful, there is a deep river ahead, and there is a half-fish beast in it that is difficult to deal with, and there are two demon lairs in the upper and lower reaches of the river that have been fighting for water for a long time, we can't use too strong magic, otherwise it will cause the upper and lower reaches of the river Attention to the demon lair."

"If they all come out...the consequences will be disastrous."

The little old man must have said this to Zhaohua and Zhaohua, they have already crossed the river for countless times.

Zhaohua nodded, showing that sunny smile and said, "We understand."

The fat mother bumped the little freckle aside, and said to Zhaohua: "Oh, my brother is so handsome, do you mind having another girlfriend?"

The little freckle immediately lowered his head shyly, while Zhaohua was speechless, how many more of these things can there be? He didn't awaken the water system to become the king of the sea.

On the other hand, Ji Shaohan had an indifferent expression on his face, as if everything in the world had nothing to do with her sister, but she was already a little flustered in her heart, how many more could there be? ? ? It is said that the national policy is monogamy.

The eight Zhaohua people hid aside. The river was in front of them. The water in the river was very fast. Unless a water mage controlled it, it would be impossible to swim across it.

"That's a half-fish beast?"

Zhaohua saw a few green creatures basking in the sun on the other side of the river. It has four limbs, webbed-like membranes on its hands and feet, five fingers, sharp claws, spikes on its back, and sharp teeth.

This is an amphibious slave monster, it can run and hunt like a beast on land, and it can swim fast like a fish in the river, launching fast and violent attacks.

Although it is only a servant class, this kind of river monster is a gregarious monster. Although there are other demon lairs upstream and downstream, this river is probably the largest demon lair here.

It would be dangerous if hundreds or thousands of them accidentally popped out. This time, there was no military mage to help them attract the attention of the general and leader monsters.

Back then, Ji Shaohan and Zhaohua dared to face thousands of monsters, the main reason was that they only had to deal with slave-level ones, and the generals and monsters were dealt with by military mages. But now it is different, there must be a warrior river monster in the river, and a warrior monster is stronger than a hundred or even hundreds of slave monsters.

And more difficult to deal with, easy to die.

"Little freckles, Ah Di." The little old man nodded to the freckled girl and the middle-aged Mediterranean man.

The two also understood each other.

The Mediterranean man is majoring in the earth system, and he can't read the star track, but the speed of using the star track is already relatively fast. Zhaohua could see that he was planning to use ground waves to attract the attention of the half-fish and beasts on the bank, so as to distract them so that they could cross the river.

Although the little freckles haven't used magic yet, Zhaohua has already deduced that the little freckles are most likely to be a water mage. He first lures away the half-fish and beasts on the bank, and then uses the water system to pass through the rushing river.

The method is not afraid of old-fashioned, as long as it can be done.

Sure enough, Adi used ground waves to make the ground fluctuate like ocean waves, and then shook the stones on the shore to go in another direction.

The few half-fish beasts on the shore noticed it immediately. It can be seen that these half-fish beasts still have a little perception ability, but the little old man and the others used the half-fish beast's keen perception ability to lure them away.

The speed of those half-fish beasts is extremely fast. The ground wave is the displacement magic second only to wind track and shadow escape in the elementary level, but the speed of half-fish beasts is even faster, that is to say, if only relying on the ground wave, It is impossible to escape the pursuit of the half fish and beast.

But Adi is also an old hunter. They have to deal with half fish beasts two or three times a month. Naturally, they are very aware of how terrifying the speed of half fish beasts is, and half fish beasts are even faster in water.

The ground wave suddenly disappeared, and several half-fish beasts rushed into the air, and then on the other side, a second ground wave was magically generated, and then attracted the attention of the half-fish beast until it exceeded the control range of the ground wave.

Zhaohua sighed in his heart. Although the method of attracting ground waves seems silly, the sudden disappearance of ground waves is very important. If half fishes and beasts find out that it is ground waves instead of creatures, they will be alerted. Time can only go back home.

Just now it looked like there were sand worms wriggling through the ground, and half fish beasts like to eat fat sand worms the most. Adi deliberately imitated sand worms to lure half fish beasts away.

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