Full-time Summoner

Chapter 419 Re-entering Congcheng Hot Spring

Ji Shaoan usually goes home sometimes, because there is only his mother left in the family. Ji Shaoan is a single-parent family, and he did not leave the demon capital to study in the ancient capital because of this consideration.

And Zhaohua is more outrageous. Ever since he turned himself into a ghost and god, when the persistent effect of the dark pupils was still there, he found out that his father Zhaolang's body was abnormal, and after discovering that his mother was a four-line super-level mage, Zhaolang and Zhang Ning went to see each other. Confess with him.

Stop pretending, we are super mages, it's time for a showdown.

When Zhaohua entered Sun Yat-Sen Academy, he had already noticed that his father had stayed at Sun Yat-Sen Academy, and I heard later that he went to the National Team. Students who could go to the National Team, after the National Competition, all They are all high-level mages.

It is unreasonable that my father only has an intermediate level.

However, Zhaolang didn't tell Zhaohua that he knew, he just said that he was also a super-level mage at the beginning, but because of some reasons, there were only two middle-level lines left.

After telling Zhaohua the truth, Zhaohua found that her parents saw less and less people. She used to not know that she was going to school, but now she found out that the two of them always disappeared when she was going to school, and they even used business trips as an excuse.

But now there is no need to hide it, just say 'let's go hunting monsters', 'go to the mission', and leave.

Tiantianding is the highest peak in Nankun Mountain's monster area. It is like a sharp spear piercing the sky, soaring into the clouds that you can't see the top at all.

The kingdom of insects is in the top of heaven.

It is rumored that although the Tiantianding looks slender, but when you get close, you will find that the Tiantangding is extremely huge, especially there is a cave above the clouds.

Like other demon empires, the top of heaven is also a black forbidden area, but you can only see a black dot on the map, which is in stark contrast to the large black area of ​​other black forbidden areas.

As for the reason, there is no need to elaborate, after all, people are upward.

The mountains around the top of the heaven turned into a purple zone and then gradually became lighter, from black to purple, blood red, blue, orange, all the way to the safe area of ​​Congcheng.

The forest park that Zhaohua and the others went to investigate was in Nankun Mountain. This time, they entered from the entrance of Congcheng Hot Spring just like last time. Take the mountain road.

Early the next morning, Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan drove to the entrance of Congcheng Hot Spring by themselves, which was also one of the entrances where hunters and mages teamed up to enter the demon area of ​​Nankun Mountain.

It's just that there are many entrances to Nankun Mountain, and this is just one of them.

"Hey, little brother, here and here."

A man who looked like an old man with a goatee and a beard who was only over 1.5 meters tall yelled at Zhaohua and the others.

In addition to the small old man, there are three men and two women, one is a big man with rough and muscular appearance, a middle-aged Mediterranean man with bald hair, a fair-looking young man, two other girls, and a fat man. Aunt, a woman with freckles.

This is a team of six mage hunters.

Neither Zhaohua nor Ji Shaohan was born as a hunter. Although his father, Zhaolang, was the strongest hunter mage in Congcheng as he said when he was a beginner and middle-level. Hunter's experience and survival in the wild Quite a lot of experience.

However, that is what Zhaolang can't do. Zhaojia Village is very poor, and the village chief can't even provide him with education, let alone cultivation resources, so Zhaolang can only rely on himself, and being a hunter is the best way to make money.

Wild monster hunters are more profitable than urban monster hunters, and if you are lucky, you can make a lot of money. However, anything can happen in the monster area, and one can imagine how many times Zhaolang experienced life-and-death crises back then.

But Zhaohua is completely different. Although Zhaolang has two middle-level cultivation bases left, Zhang Ning is still a super-level mage and has a family business. There is no need to go to the demon area to be a hunter.

So Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan decided to hire a team of hunters to enter Nankun Mountain. The two of them really didn't know much about hunters.

"Hi, I'm Zhaohua." Zhaohua reached out to shake hands with the short old man.

"Hello, hello, let me introduce you first. I am the captain of our hunter team, you can call me little old man."

The little old man pointed to the big man next to him and said, "You can call him a big man."

Then they continued to introduce in order: "The hairless one is called Ah Di, the little man next to him, fat mom, and little freckles."

After introducing them one by one, the little old man said to Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan: "Your cultivation base is relatively weak. It's not that we look down on you scholars. But we hunters also understand during the summer vacation, and we all want to qualify for the inner court next semester. Work harder, so come to the demon area to find opportunities."

"But you must obey the command and don't come indiscriminately, otherwise, in this vicious monster environment, it will be difficult for us to save your lives."

When Zhaohua hired the hunter team, the information stated that he had just broken through the middle level, majored in wind, and had just awakened in the second level and had no summoned beasts in the summoning system. And Ji Shaoan is a beginner necromancer.

The purpose is to write: through the secret scroll, I know that there is an ancient tomb in a place in Nankun Mountain, and the ancient corpse in the ancient tomb needs to improve the cultivation level of the undead system.

Although Zhaohua has no hunter experience, Zhaolang told him some things. For example, when you need to temporarily form a team in the wild, you should pay attention to hiding your strength and not telling others all your strength to prevent others from plotting against you. .

Moreover, when forming a temporary team, you must never find a team that is much stronger than yourself, and you can't put your life in the hands of others. In the wild, people are more terrifying than monsters.

Therefore, Zhaohua deliberately concealed half of his strength, and did not completely conceal the half-truth, otherwise it would look too weird, so he wrote that he had just broken through the middle level, while Ji Shaoan got it from the knowledge scroll because he needed to break through the middle level. Information about the ancient tomb, I want to get the ancient corpse in the ancient tomb to increase the breakthrough of cultivation.

This looks like a couple of students from the academy, they went to the demon area to find opportunities for the inner court exam next semester, the man had to help the woman find opportunities, and then they both entered the inner court.

This is a normal thing, and the second half of the year is indeed the beginning of the inner court assessment, and the goal of the two of them is indeed the ancient tomb, but the goal is not the ancient corpse but the coffin.

The secret scroll is that after the hunter mage returned from the wild, he wrote down some valuable information like a diary, and then threw it to the hunter alliance for sale. As for what you can get from what you have seen and heard, whether it is true or false, it depends on luck.

It's a bit like Mark Six.

Lin Mo's Yan Ji information is also sold in the hunter's alliance in Shanghai as a secret scroll like this, but his information is expensive, and it's just speculation. People believe it or not, it's true or not, just wait and see The one who bought it.

The goods are out of the house and will not be returned.

Ji Shao didn't speak, and acted like a cold goddess the whole time. He also didn't communicate with Zhaohua in a small picture book, unless necessary, otherwise Zhaohua would not reveal the information that Ji Shaoan was dumb, this is Ji Shaoan's weakness.

Zhaohua conceals it by portraying a high-cold image.

If they really want to communicate, Ji Shaoan will write on Zhaohua's palm to communicate, but Ji Shaoan will not participate in the battle, because she only has an elementary level of cultivation and belongs to the protected side.

Book friends who have recommended votes, please vote for a few, pity this writer who has no food to eat. 〒▽〒

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