Full-time Summoner

Chapter 418 Outrageous 【Recommendation】

"It's okay, I'll hang up the phone first. I have to go to the trial meeting today to see if there is any new progress. I have to improve my strength during the summer vacation. I'm afraid I will face a lot of challenges when I come back from the summer vacation."

Zhaohua is also well aware of what it means to be born in adversity and die in peace, to be prepared for danger in times of peace, and to be prepared when you think about it.

If you think that you are invincible now, you are very wrong. The students are very smart now, and I don’t know if it’s because they have read too many Qiqi novels. Everyone knows how to bear it, and they are all waiting to pretend to be pigs and tigers, like the protagonist , suddenly disappeared for two months, and rose at the last moment like being taken away.

The two months of summer vacation must be a desperate time for all capable college students. Every time the summer vacation is before the contest for college votes, the death rate of missing students in colleges will soar a lot.

It's normal for mages to die when they go to the wild to fight monsters, so the academy didn't stop them.

Zhaohua also has his own arrangements for the summer vacation, because one month after the summer vacation is the competition for college votes. Now Zhaohua's first department, the Summoning Department, has reached the third level. Zhaohua's current goal is to be in the next two to three months. Raise the second department to the third level.

Summoning mages don't care too much about their own cultivation, because the summoning system still depends on the summoned beast, but Zhaohua is special, and his summoning system affects the fire and wind systems.

After Zhaohua finished his breakfast, he regularly checked the bodies of the summoned beasts to ensure that the summoned beasts would not suffer any hidden injuries, illnesses, or poisoning.

Especially the little windworm, only it is summoning the plane to live.


Fancheng Judgment. Because whether it was Qi Xiangyou, the magic researcher, or Chi Xu, the elder of the Magic Association, they all belonged to Fancheng, and naturally the Fancheng Trial Council was in charge.

So Zhaohua had to make a trip in person.

The elder of the Magic Association disappeared, and the magic researcher Qi Xiangyou related to him died at home. This is definitely a big case, so Zhang Xingyu, the deputy judge of Fancheng, is directly in charge, that is, the deputy judge who convicted Zhaohua of four crimes.

As soon as Zhaohua entered the door, before he could say anything, he saw Zhang Xingyu throwing a folder, and said in an unhappy tone: "This is the investigation of Qi Xiangyou's death these days, and the Magic Association's report on the analysis of the cursed beast. And Chi Xu's investigation report, take it away."

Although Zhang Xingyu's tone was still so firm, anyone could see that he was helpless. It is estimated that someone from above spoke up and asked Zhaohua to take charge of this case.

Who else could make a deputy judge so aggrieved except Tian Qingbai, the head of the Yaodu Tribunal.

Zhaohua didn't deliberately say anything to anger him, he said thank you, took it and left.

"What's the origin of that kid? He actually got the chief to order him to be in charge of Chi Xu's disappearance." Zhang Xingyu was so depressed. After working so hard to investigate for so long, he took away all the investigation results with a thank you, and Even if the case is solved, there is no credit for it. What a wage earner!

Zhaohua did not return to Zhucheng, but first went to the Magic Association in Fancheng, because after reading the report, Zhaohua had a question and needed to ask the researcher of the Magic Association.

"Is the time of death wrong?"

Zhaohua has the authority to judge and this time the matter is very important. An elder from the Magic Association disappeared, so Zhaohua did not encounter any obstacles this time.

"Well, I defeated the cursed beast, but the time of death here was several days earlier." Zhaohua checked the time. When I hit the river on the bridge, I just defeated the cursed beast. It was still alive at that time, but the time shown in the report was a few days earlier than that, so Zhaohua wanted to know who the people from the Magic Association were How did you investigate.

The researcher from the Magic Association shook his head and said, "This is impossible, because the corpse of that cursed beast has been turned into a pile of water, its corpse was destroyed, and its death time was finally determined by means of a necromancer."

"That necromancer is a rare super-level necromancer in the country, so it's impossible to be wrong."

After Zhaohua heard this, he already had a general idea in his heart.

"Manipulated the corpse of the cursed beast? Not only that, the cursed beast was alive at that time. If it was remotely controlled by the Psychic system, it would be impossible not to know, and the cursed beast also has the ability to use magic. If it is a corpse Unable to use magic."

"But it turns out that the cursed beast has long since died."

"It seems that we still have to go to Congcheng Hot Spring to find out. What is the origin and purpose of the dark creatures in the doctor's mountain village?"

Before Zhaohua returned to Sun Yat-sen University, he heard the pedestrians on the road talking about it.

"Fuck, she's so handsome! I've decided, she will be my goddess from now on."

"At first I heard that more than 400 people were going to challenge Gao Tianxia, ​​who was number one in the black magic department. I couldn't believe it to death. Now I know that girls can pretend to be pigs and eat tigers. Her curse department is also too strong. Bar."

Zhaohua was still walking in the aisle, thinking of reuniting with Ji Shaoan and preparing to go to Congcheng Hot Spring tomorrow, but now it seems that the qualifying match between Ji Shaoan and Gao Tianxia caused quite a stir.

"But I heard that she majored in the Undead Department, and the Curse Department is secondary."

"Oh my god, then she must be number one in the black magic department, and the second cultivator is already this strong."

"Hehe, that's not necessarily the case. You don't know who is number one in the black magic department now. Jian Ningmeng's qualifying match was also against Gao Tianxia, ​​so Gao Tianxia became the former number one. Jian Ningmeng Meng's natural talent is terrifying, and she seems to know the domain."

"Domain!!!! Doesn't it mean that only high-level powerful mages can comprehend the invincible ability, and middle-level ones are also available?"

"Ham, don't listen to him. Jian Ningmeng relies on magic equipment. There is a person in the summoning department who also obtained the Domain of Wind through summoning beasts. Jian Ningmeng relies on magic equipment."

Zhaohua listened to how he was involved. But Zhaohua probably guessed that Ji Shaohan killed Gao Tianxia instantly, which made everyone discuss it hotly.

"Do you think Ji Shaoan will challenge Jian Ningmeng? According to the current situation, Ji Shaoan will be number two in the Department of Dark Magic, if not the number one."

"Wow! If these two fight, I'll take time off to watch."

Zhaohua looked aside, a man wearing a mask and a hat came over.

Zhaohua couldn't help laughing and said: "You are a big star, you are very popular now."

It was Ji Shaohan who came, and she did not expect such a thing to happen. When I was about to leave the qualifying venue after the game, I was surrounded by a group of people, asking for autographs and wanting to take a group photo.

It was with great difficulty that Ji Shaoan escaped.

【〒▽〒 These people are crazy! 】

Later, Zhaohua discovered that something was wrong with the slow scene, as if he was also implicated, and some people secretly picked up their mobile phones and began to secretly take pictures.

'Sad reminder! Gao Tianxia, ​​the former number one in the black magic department, was killed by two female mages in a row, and now his ranking has dropped to more than 400. ','Breaking news! Ji Shao of the black magic department is suspected of having an affair with Zhao Hua of the summoning department! ','the truth! According to insiders, the two had suspended their studies for half a year, and there were rumors that Ji Shaoyin was pregnant before she was married, and she suspended school to give birth! ! '

The rumors are getting more and more outrageous, and they have become triplets later, and they have been secretly licensed. Zhaohua and Ji Shaoyin's fan support club also officially announced their separation on Magic Weibo. Although neither of them knew where their fan club came from.

In the end, the two returned to Congcheng by car as if they were fleeing. Because they discovered that a large group of so-called campus reporters gathered around the student dormitory to 'seek the truth'.

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