Full-time Summoner

Chapter 483: Rules for Contesting College Votes

Zhaohua retorted Tianyan and said, "You are a different kind, but I am a real human mage, okay. I shoulder the responsibility of protecting world peace and human beings."

"Love, peace, do you understand?"

These are just small episodes, and Zhaohua just made some plans and goals for his next high-level. After all, he has already fully cultivated in the middle level, and both departments are fully cultivated.

Generally, mages who want to participate in the school competition or have the qualifications to participate must be at least a full intermediate level. As for high-level, it is not impossible, but it is very difficult to achieve.

Before the contest for votes in the School Contest ends, there are very few high-ranking mages, one is money and the other is time.

Those who can break through to high-level cultivation before the school competition starts, their cultivation talents can no longer be described as fast, and no matter how talented they are, they can only reach the point where their barriers are broken due to their mid-level full cultivation.

Zhaohua's middle-level cultivation resources were already accelerating in the later period, and coupled with the acceleration of the spirit-level magic weapon his father gave him, this resource is estimated to be more than the children of many big families.

He has only just reached full cultivation level, and the magic energy has not squeezed the barriers open yet. If this situation breaks through, it is the so-called unsolidified cultivation base and falsely high cultivation base.

There are some mages who rely on the resources at home and practice as fast as lightning. Once they reach full cultivation, they immediately use a large amount of resources to break through the barriers. Not to mention it is easy to fail, the combat experience is not enough, and the power of magic will also weaken.

Therefore, those Tianjiao will not break through so easily, but wait until they can no longer practice, and the magic can squeeze the barriers until cracks appear, and then choose to break through in one go.

Zhaohua reckoned that if he practiced for a few more months, a crack in the barrier would appear, and then he would be able to break through. Of course, whether he breaks through or not depends on Xiaofengcan or Lanxinghu.

But now it seems that the biggest possibility is that Xiaofengcan breaks through first.

After the little windworm got the red bead of the black rice worm, it absorbed the energy inside and entered the advanced stage, it just waited for an opportunity.

As for the Blue Star Fox, its combat power has stopped increasing, but it has not yet entered the advanced stage, and the Blue Star Fox is not displayed in the origin directory. The direction of the steps cannot be seen.

Time passed quickly, and the last qualifying match finally ended yesterday. The top 20 of each magic department had already come out, and the vote competition was about to begin.

Zhaohua had inquired about the rules of the school ballot contest at Sun Yat-Sen University in the previous session. There were two ballots for the heads-up contest and the team contest for the VIP contest.

Zhaohua's goal is to get both cards. Only in this way can he get four cards and enter the national team smoothly.

Three days later, in the morning, it was still Lin Mo, the intelligence agency.

"It's out. The rules for the ballot contest of Sun Yat-Sen University have been announced. As before, because Sun Yat-sen University is the top five super famous schools in the country, there are two votes, one for each individual and one for the team."

In fact, not only the top five schools get two votes, the top ten schools get two votes, the top twenty one gets one, and after twenty there are no votes.

Here are thirty votes. Then there is one vote for the top ten trials in the country, two for the Magic Family Alliance in the top five cities in the country, one vote for the five members of parliament who have contributed the most in the country, and one for the magic associations in the five most powerful cities in the country vote.

There are a total of sixty ballots, but only four are needed to determine the quota for the national team, and there are ten official members of the national team, which requires forty votes.

And the extra 20 tickets are for the second team of the national team or the reserve team, which is the number of defenders of the national team. The keeper only needs one ticket to enter, and if the keeper performs well, he can enter the national team halfway.

Even if you get four votes, you won't be guaranteed a job, you will be eliminated.

But it's not that easy, because during the training period of the National Competition, those resources were ridiculously large, and the reward for the first place in the Sun Yat-Sen Academy's qualifying competition was just a younger brother in front of the national resources.

That's why there are so many families sharpening their heads to put their children into the national team. This money can be earned back! !

This deal is a bargain!

For the two ballots from Sun Yat-Sen University, the team competition is a must, and the top 20 must participate. And after the team battle is over, those who still want the vote for the heads-up champion can sign up for a one-on-one elimination match. At the end, they will be the heads-up king. There is no need to choose the second place. All losers.

It is already late October, almost November, and it will be mid-October after the final ranking match, and the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival will be on the way, so the competition for college votes will start in November.

At this time, the weather has turned colder and colder. Of course, even the coldest months of winter, January and February, are extremely hot in Yaodu, so whether it is cold or not, hehe, it depends on the place.

In the demon city, the weather is changeable like a demon.

[It's already November, it's so hot. (@ ̄ー ̄@)】

Ji Shaohan was sitting on the sofa wearing a short-sleeved shirt, and the air conditioner in Zhaohua's presidential suite had been running continuously from June to November, so one can imagine the weather in Yaodu.

"There is no way, because Yaodu is located in the subtropical zone, and the temperature is relatively high all year round. The annual average temperature is about 15°C. In summer, the average temperature is even more than 30°C."

Zhaohua made two cups of iced milk tea, and handed one cup to Ji Shaohan.

Pay attention, the cups of these two people are for couples!

Lin Mo's voice came from the stereo: "Hey, don't you care about the ballot contest???? No response!"

"How can I react? I didn't intend to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. I am now the number one in the magic department of the dimension, one of the ten magic departments. The worry is that others are worried about how to deal with me." Zhao Hua said dumbfounded.

Yes, this guy is a bit different. Everyone else was just 20th before the school vote competition, and then he was not strong enough. He went to practice for a while, and then broke out when the competition started, killing the first place in one fell swoop and winning the votes .

And this guy, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? No, no, no, I am the number one, I am the tiger, if you can eat the tiger, then eat it, if you lose, you are not as good as others.

Lin Mo said in a speechless voice: "You are really a clean stream. Others like to pretend to be a pig, but you just like to pretend to be a tiger."

"However, I still want to remind you a few words. Many people cultivated very quickly during this period. During this period, the resources for accelerating cultivation in the market were in short supply. Moreover, some expensive magic tools were bought by some families. Especially some Magic equipment that can increase magic power and add special effects to magic. I heard that some of them were taken down by the Gao family, Deng family, and Ying family. Don’t capsize in the gutter.”

Zhaohua suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Deng family? How is Deng Le? Last time, you said that he challenged his cousin and lost, right?"

"Hey, Deng Le also wants to participate in the college competition, but the Deng family has a cousin who is a month older than him, and his strength is stronger than him. Since he lost, he has been retreating, and he has never come out."

Deng Le is now one of the most talented members of the younger generation of the Deng family. Deng Le has also entered the eyes of the family, and is now being cultivated as a future pillar.

Although South China Leihuo Academy is only one of the top 20 institutions and has only one vote, if Deng Le can get the votes of South China Leihuo Academy, then the Deng family may also buy him votes and let him enter the national team.

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