Full-time Summoner

Chapter 484 Draw lots

Zhaohua suddenly asked in a low voice: "What about the Fu family? Any news?"

It has been a month since the battle between Zhaohua and Fu Yingjun. When the news of Fu Yingjun's dropout spread, it caused quite a stir. The most sensational thing was the rumor that Fu Yingjun was ruined by Zhaohua by unknown means. Contract this news.

At that time, Zhaohua went to the trial meeting three or four times. Originally, one time would be enough, but Fu Yingjun's mother used political means and continued to oppress him. In the end, what even Zhaohua didn't expect was that Fu Yingjun's mother didn't care about her face. , He even used his identity as a female sage of the Parthenon Temple to say that his son was killed by sorcery.

For a time, overwhelming media pressure was turbulent, and Fu Yingjun was portrayed as a poor victim, and Zhaohua was described as a heinous villain.

The coat of the Parthenon is still very glamorous, and it is easy for some ordinary people to believe it.

Guiding public opinion caused Zhaohua to receive anonymous insulting letters and various threatening packages every day at that time. If it weren't for the strict hotel and dormitory of Sun Yat-sen University, where no student ID card is allowed to enter, the door would probably be splashed with red oil.

Moreover, Zhaohua's strength is indeed there, and no student from Sun Yat-Sen University dares to actually do anything to him.

But in the end, this incident subsided within a few days. The Tribunal ignored the disgusting rhetoric of the so-called sacred brilliance of the Parthenon, and Li Weize directly released the trial results, announcing that Zhaohua did not use magic, and even the members of the Holy Inquisition Court They all pushed back, and warned all the maliciously slandering media to rectify and apologize.

It's not that only Fu Yingjun has a mother.

This incident was so big that it was impossible to hide it even if you wanted to, especially when the Holy Inquisition sent someone to ask Zhaohua to go to the United States for investigation, the international news had shadows of Zhaohua's incident.

Zhaohua didn't know what her parents did, so it was settled anyway.

Things subside, but resentment doesn't go away. With Fu Yingjun's strength, it's only a matter of time before he breaks through to a high level. He may even become a super mage, and then join the Parthenon's Knights Hall as a high-ranking knight commander.

But now that part of the soul has been crippled, whether it can be advanced or not is a problem.

But Fu Yingjun, the bitter master, never showed up.

After hearing Zhaohua's words, Lin Mo said: "There is no news. Fu Yingjun has disappeared since that time, and no one has any information about him. Fu Yingjun's parents, his father, have sold all their properties, and went with them. Greece, there is no way to check after that.”

Zhaohua frowned. No news would be a bad thing. On the other hand, if his dimensional contract was gone, his parents would probably kill the Parthenon to seek revenge.

Compassionately, Fu Yingjun's parents couldn't give up the so-called revenge so easily, and even sold their property. It doesn't seem like they want to leave the sad place, but they want to put all their eggs in one basket.

If Zhaohua's guess is correct, Guofu's experience will definitely go to Greece, so why wait for this move? !

"Forget it, let the soldiers come and cover it up. Sigh, I'm so low-key, and I didn't kill or hurt anyone. This is all his own crime. How can this cause trouble?"

Zhaohua is the kind of person who doesn't even say trash talk or annoying words before the game. He neither provokes others nor cares about others' provocations. He didn't expect that this would cause trouble.

Lin Mo was about to hang up the phone, but suddenly thought of saying: "Oh, by the way, there is one more thing. You know that there are a total of 60 votes in the whole country. So theoretically, four votes can be collected. It can be up to fifteen people."

"Because of this reason, the top ten people who get four votes the fastest will be the official members of the national team. If you are late, you will not be allowed to go to the national pavilion, but you can only follow the national team as a substitute, so you should hurry up .”

"Except for you, that person named Mo Fan has already got three college votes, and you have two. For the time being, he is ranked third and you are fourth. But when the competition for college votes is over, I am afraid that a large number of votes will arrive. in the hands of others."

Theoretically, there should be 15 people in the school competition, because there are many games to be played, and if the mana cannot come back, there must be a substitute, and the challenge match of the national pavilion may also be a five-on-five format. The team also needs at least five people.

So 60 votes is considered good. The country calculated it early in the morning. At least 15 people must be selected. In the final of the National Competition, the number of substitutes is also at most 15 people.

As a superpower, among other things, you have to be full of people. This can prove that our country is full of talents, and the substitutes are better than you!

However, it is impossible to have only 15 people in the past years. Many national pavilion teams stay in the national pavilion with one vote, hoping to have the opportunity to replace the official players.

The team battle for the ballot contest at Sun Yat-Sen University will take about two rounds of competition before finalizing the votes for the team battle.

The rules of the school ballot contest are very simple, that is, the top 20 people from each department will be called together, and then they will draw lots to form a team, and then have a five-on-five battle. Draw lots and form a team.

It has been played eight times, and it has been played in four days. In the rounds of battles, the students are randomly formed into teams to test the on-the-spot reactions of different opponents.

Because the teammates of the school competition are not sure, the opponents are even more uncertain, and even the game method is not sure, so a temporary team has to be formed to compete.

This is not a knockout match, you won't be eliminated if you lose, and this is only the first round. After the first round, the school will finally select ten contestants for the final match. Randomly draw five against five, and choose one of these ten contestants The best performers get votes.

After that is the vote for the heads-up king.

Qualifying is a one-on-one mode, but the battle for votes is a team battle. Unlike qualifying competitions, which compete in cultivation, magic tools, and magic system restraints, team battles are almost available in more than half of the magic systems, and it is hard to say that they are completely restrained to death.

Team battles require too much skill, just like Fu Yingjun. If he is fired by five people at the beginning of the game, the magic tools may not be able to withstand it. He must help his teammates.

For example, to deal with a mage like Fu Yingjun who has no displacement magic and no defensive magic, it is best to focus the fire first and kill it in seconds. Teammates can block one round of attacks, but they may not be able to block the second and third rounds.

Moreover, in the face of wind and shadow attacks, it would be difficult for him to bear without the summoned beast by his side, but if the summoned beast was by his side, his strength would be halved.

The mages who major in summoning are the same, they are not very good in team battles, the summoned beasts are easy to be killed by focusing fire, and the attack power is insufficient if they don't leave.

After eating at noon, the lottery officially began in public at two o'clock in the great hall. The first round was for each other to see who their opponents were, so it was not randomly arranged by the teachers of the school.

The subsequent competitions were randomly arranged by the school.

Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan came to the great hall, where the opening ceremony, graduation ceremony and other activities are held. There is a big stage here, and a magic-sealed lottery box is placed on it.

The order of the lottery is to start with the elements, wind, thunder, fire, water, earth, light, ice, and then white magic, black magic, and dimensional magic.

The first one to draw was the first place in the wind department, a man named Jia Gushuo, who majored in the wind department and minored in the shadow department. He draws a small red ball with B written on it.

This means that he is the red team in Group B. The black ball B is the opponent, and the same red ball B is the teammate.

Ten magic departments, the top twenty, a total of two hundred people, ten people a game, divided into twenty games, four days, eight games.

"Red B, red B, red B, as long as the first place is on my team."

A man behind Zhaohua was chattering silently.

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