Full-time Summoner

Chapter 489 In fact, he is not that strong

"Aren't you angry?" Nuan Yang wrote on WeChat.

It is true that Zhaohua and Nuanyang only played one game, but Nuanyang and Zhaohua added WeChat after the game.

Nuan Yang gave Zhaohua the screenshots of the posts on the Zhongshan Academy forum. The titles on the above were all written [He is not that powerful], [No lethality is his weakness], [Can only play support, output depends on others. 】

The game can be watched, especially in the first two games, Zhaohua had zero kills, and none of the opponent's mages was defeated by Zhaohua. Apart from using the wind system to move his position and occasionally put a wind plate, It really doesn't contribute much output.

Although many people have heard of Zhaohua's strength or even seen it, Zhaohua still has a lot of moves that he hasn't released, but there are always some self-proclaimed experts who jump out to analyze.

‘Mages who major in summoning and second wind are destined to be less destructive than other destruction mages. '

'In group battles, it is a fact that the summoning system is difficult to play. As long as the summoned beasts are killed by focusing fire, then he will lose his arm forever. No matter how many beasts he tamed, he can't hold on, so he dare not release those tamed beasts. '

"Hehehe, if I meet him, I don't care if I win or lose. If I can kill one of his summoned beasts, I can beat him next time."

Some people are even playing tricks, after all, it is not illegal to brag on the Internet.

Zhaohua replied on WeChat: "They didn't say anything wrong, why bother to get angry."

Nuanyang people are very nice, a proper sunny boy, but the circle of friends is a bit weird, and they often post some strange articles.

For example, it’s okay, I’ll hang up first, and then I’ll add a picture of a gun pointed at my head below.

Or a long paragraph of poisonous chicken soup: the wine glass is too shallow to respect the future, the alley is too short to walk with gray hair, two catties of peach blossoms make wine, ten thousand cups are not as gentle as you.

Zhaohua reckoned that this person had a bit of a secondary illness.

After the two matches on the second day, there were more rumors about Zhaohua, and even rumors spread that the summoning department was afraid of concentrating on team battles, and the magic department was the weakest in team battles.

But what made Zhaohua a little speechless was that Nuan Yang was drawn to be on the same team as him in the next afternoon's game. However, there were no strong opponents in the first two games.

Even in the next morning's competition, Du Long'er, who ranked first in the water category, was actually his teammate. The result was that the opponent was so suppressed that even Du Long'er's water defense could not be broken.

Zhaohua felt that Du Long'er's water defense was a bit scary, not as simple as ordinary water defense, and probably another natural talent.

Although Zhaohua had heard it early on, the top ten in each department basically have natural talents, especially the top three, those natural talents are particularly awesome.

In the first four games, Zhaohua won every game, but the problem was that he didn't get any kills, and almost all of them were blasted off by his teammates' destruction magic.

On the third day of the ballot battle team battle, shocking news came from Lin Mo.

"Last night, there was a piece of news on the hunter intelligence network that I don't know whether it is true or not. This news was blocked by the ancient capital officials for three months. It was only yesterday that the ancient capital airport was closed and it was revealed."

Zhaohua frowned when he heard the word Gudu, Gu Suoyu came from the ancient capital, especially after the last battle with Empress Jiuyou, Zhaohua vaguely felt that Empress Jiuyou was going to do something big, so he hurried Run to deal with Gu Suoyu.

Now that he suddenly heard the word ancient capital, Zhaohua felt a little strange.

"What happened to the ancient capital?" Zhaohua asked.

Lin Mo took a sip of water and said excitedly: "Three months ago, Sha Yuan appeared in the ancient capital of Xianchi. Didn't you inquire about Sha Yuan last time, so I paid attention to this keyword, but I didn't expect , Last night, someone actually posted on the website that, in fact, three months ago, the evil abyss appeared in the ancient capital, and even killed a team of military mages."

Zhaohua asked: "If a team of soldiers died, there should be nothing to block it. Isn't it normal for mages to die in wild areas?"

Lin Mo continued: "That's not the point. The point is that earlier, half a year ago, wasn't it about Yan Ji? At that time, Sha Yuan also appeared once in the north corner of Dunhuang."

"The person who posted the post said that if the place where Shayuan appeared twice is divided into two points and one line, the ancient capital is on this line!"

! ! ! ?

Shayuan is also known as the hell boiler that has been covered with mud. Standing on Shayuan, you can clearly see the scene of hell. Moving objects, including themselves, the demons stretched out their claws and waited for the watering of blood.

If Shayuan really appeared in the city, it would mean that hell opened its mouth and wanted to eat everyone.

And Zhaohua still remembers that Gu Suoyu said that Shayuan is actually the real entrance to the Undead Empire, the space system of the ancient king, and the Undead Empire is actually in Shayuan, and you can go to the real Undead Empire through Shayuan center.

The hundreds of millions of undead are also there, that is where the real undead empire is, if you enter, you can't get out.

The information brought by Lin Mo reminded Zhaohua of the dream he had in Mr. Sun's dream tree. That dream seemed to mention that there was a catastrophe in the ancient capital.

But in the end, the ancient capital was wiped out by the undead, and surrounded by hundreds of millions of undead empires. Overnight, the city with millions of people turned into a ghost city, and all the people turned into dead bodies, infected by corpse gas, and became undead.

The ancient capital once again became the territory of the ancient king.

"There's no reason. The undead have so many weaknesses. Among them, the wild undead are particularly afraid of the sun. Under the sunlight, the servant level will even be wiped out, and the warrior level will be severely restricted. How can the ancient capital be destroyed?"

Lin Mo heard Zhaohua talking to himself, thinking that Zhaohua was worried that the ancient capital would be wiped out by the undead, and said: "No way, the ancient capital has been attacked by the undead countless times for thousands of years, and the most serious one was eight dead kings. They attacked the ancient capital together, and they were all held up until dawn by the ancient capital. Then the undead will be destroyed by themselves, and it is impossible to be wiped out, but it is true that many people will die."

On the other side, in a mountain forest outside the ancient capital city, an ascetic monk wearing a dilapidated cassock and holding Buddhist beads was standing on the mountain.

On the road, facing the ancient capital, chanting scriptures.

"If all living beings in the future, whether in dreams or sleep, see ghosts and gods and all forms, they may mourn or cry, or mourn or sigh, or be afraid or terrified.

Parents, men and women, sisters, husband and wife, and relatives in the past ten lives, one hundred lives, one thousand lives, are in the evil realm, have not escaped, and have nowhere to hope for blessings

Rescue, you should tell the flesh and blood of the previous life, make it convenient, and wish to leave the evil way. "

A woman's voice came: "Heh, you Black Vatican actually want to chant scriptures for the ancient capital? A cat crying for a mouse?"

If Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan were here, they would definitely recognize that this woman in white is the Empress of Nine Serenity. but now

She is not a clone, but a body.

From what Empress Jiuyou said, it is known that the Black Vatican is actually related to the Undead Empire! !

Thanks for the monthly pass of [DarKebula Wuhan] [Little Bass] [Old Monk Comes to Pretend] [Crazy Song] [Watt] * 2 [Fire Burning Song] * 2 [Word Prison] * 6. Thank you for your monthly ticket support.

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