Full-time Summoner

Chapter 490 The Mind of the Undead

Headmaster, Wu Ku, the name of this ascetic monk. He is one of the three fierce generals under Sa Lang, one of the main planners of the Bo City disaster, and he was responsible for detonating the entire Bo City disaster.

A super mage of the water system, good at brainwashing and preaching, many people joined the Black Vatican after listening to his words.

And he himself has a very strong natural talent, which allows him to do things like Shi Yunbuyu.

"Amitabha. I am dedicated to the people of the ancient capital, so that they can enter the kingdom of heaven and avoid the suffering of demons. The poor monk doesn't mind what others say, I just want to have a clear conscience."

Empress Jiuyou showed a sneer, what is a cat crying for a mouse, this is the fake compassion of a cat crying for a mouse.

However, Empress Jiuyou didn't say anything sarcasm, and the Undead Empire and Sa Long were just working together, so don't laugh at fifty steps.

They used to be human beings, and they were even protecting the human beings. They didn't expect to destroy this place with their own hands at the end of their lifespan.

Here's the deal.

A few years ago, before Sa Lang launched the Bo city incident, Sa Lang came to the location of the undead empire alone. Sa Lang was also a bold person. When I arrived at the White Palace, I found the dead king of all directions.

Sa Long only proposed a deal, let her become the god of death in this world, harvest the power of fear in the world, and become the emperor of death. Then she will help Jiuyou and them find the ancient king, use the power of the emperor to open the passage to the underworld, and guide the ancient king back from the dark plane.

The old king is not dead.

This is felt by the dead kings of all directions. It's just that the ancient king is missing, and they can't find it. Although they have made some speculations, they have no way to do it.

The ancient king is not dead but not in this plane, so the most likely ancient king is in the dark plane.

There are four magic systems known to the ancient king, the undead system, the space system, the chaos system, and the earth system. Each of them is an extremely powerful magic system. The undead system of an undead empire.

As for the fifth department, it has always been a secret.

The dark plane, if you want to say where the ancient king is, it must be the dark plane with the greatest possibility, because the mission of the ancient king before disappearing is to let his successor, the owner of the holy relic, become the dead emperor, come to the dark plane. The dark plane became the king of the dark plane.

But the dead kings are always just dead kings, even if they have the ability to control the movement of the evil abyss and control hundreds of millions of undead souls, but the monarchs are monarchs, not emperors, they have no ability to open the plane channel, they need the dead emperor to open the dark plane aisle.

Wish power, Sarang has a lot to do with the Parthenon Temple, she herself comes from the Parthenon Temple, and most of the magic comes from the Parthenon Temple, and wish power is naturally her best field.

Worshiping hope and light is a wish, and so is worshiping darkness and death.

Feng Zhoulong once mentioned to Zhaohua that the technology of the Black Vatican's Dark Beast has not been cracked so far, probably because of the wrong direction. It is possible that the Dark Beast is not just a pure dark creature, but may be mixed with other things, so it cannot be solved. be cracked.

Among the dead kings of the eight directions, except for the strongest and the corpse of the mountain peak without much wisdom, the other dead kings are actually dying. Undead also have a lifespan and cannot exist forever.

Empress Jiuyou can roughly feel that her lifespan is less than a hundred years, and when the time comes, she, as an undead, will be wiped out and her soul will be scattered.

And the dark plane is not the so-called underworld. When a creature dies, if it has no contact with dark magic and has nothing to do with the dark plane, it will die when it dies, and it will automatically disappear and return to heaven and earth.

Only those mages who have made deals and contracts with the dark plane, after death, their souls will become undead like ghosts and unjust souls, and they will be enslaved by dark creatures in the dark plane.

The Nine Nether Empress is dying, not only the Nine Nether Empress, but also the guardian creatures in some other places that survived from the ancient king era are actually coming to an end.

In other places, there are still things left by the ancient kings when they fought, and there are still powerful dead kings guarding them.

This is something like chance, but the past is too long, nearly ten thousand years, and those creatures that guard the chance of the ancient king, even the longest-lived undead, can't stand it.

So in the end, Nine Nether Empress and the dead king of the undead empire agreed to Sa Lang's deal, and also announced to the world at the last moment of his life that the ancient king has always been there, and the ancient is the king's territory.

When you want to go back to the ancient capital, you must not refuse!

The first time was half a year ago, when Sha Yuan appeared at the end of Shawang River, which was west of the ancient capital, six to seven hundred kilometers away. The second time, the King of the Dead controlled Shayuan to appear in Xianchi, a dangerous village where he devoured a team of military mages who came to investigate the increase in the number of undead. At that time, it was a hundred kilometers away from the ancient capital!

And the next time will be the third time. The place of appearance has been scheduled to be 30 kilometers away from the northern outer city of the ancient capital, only 30 kilometers away from the inner city of the ancient capital!

These three times were practice, Sha Yuan belonged to the ancient king. Even if they are the most loyal subordinates of the Nine Nether Empress, they can control the appearance of Sha Yuan, but they can't do whatever they want. After all, it is a space magic that belongs to the field of forbidden spells.

Being able to open a huge space entrance in different places at will is definitely a forbidden curse method, and only the emperor level can control it, so they need to practice after Jiuyou, so that they can better borrow the space power left by the ancient king.

After the third time is completed, the last time will directly summon the space passage in the inner city of the ancient capital, and put hundreds of millions of undead directly into the barrier, turning the ancient capital into a ghost city.

The task of teaching Wu Ku is to make the undead stronger, more brutal, and more invincible.

The undead have many weaknesses, among which the sun is a big problem, but the ancient king solved this problem early in his life, so the ancient king was able to capture so many demon kingdoms.

The majesty and grand strategy of the ancient king are not just words.

Although the ancient king is gone now, the ancient king has left some magical things in this world. And Wu Ku is the one who can use these magical things.

Humans are no longer the weak humans they were thousands of years ago. The Empire of the Undead and the King of the Dead may sound invincible, but Empress Jiuyou knows that if it weren't for other emperors and monsters, they would restrain many powerful mages. , to pin down the Forbidden Curse Mage to death.

They can't even capture the ancient capital. The undead empire is just an empire without an emperor. How can it compete with this ancient mysterious country that has stood firm for thousands of years.

A man in black clothes with a hood covering his face came and threw a space magic stone to Wu Ku. This space magic stone is filled with water.

Moreover, the holding capacity of this space magic stone is much larger than that of Zhaohua's space magic stone, so one can imagine how much water is inside.

"The potion has been adjusted. This time it is better than the one in Bo City, and some things have been added to make the undead stronger."

"As expected of an ancient king, this spring water is really great. Not only can it increase cultivation, but for the undead, it is simply divine water, like fairy water."

Shayuan appeared very early, and the rage potion only made the undead less afraid of the sun and violence. In fact, before the rain, the undead had been besieging the city. Before the rain, the monarch appeared and was killed by Han Ji and the others.

The rain was only a signal and a fuse. In fact, the undead wanted to attack the ancient capital early in the morning, not because of the black church's violent potion.

The berserk potion strengthens the undead, unlike Bo City, the potion induces demonic wolves to attack Bo City.

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