Full-time Summoner

Chapter 492 No, do you really believe that I am weak?

The thunder system is so unreasonable, the lightning magic is more intuitive than other magic. If your magic equipment and defensive magic are not as destructive as my lightning system, and can't withstand my penetration, then I don't need to use the second move.

The fighting time between the mages of the thunder system is very short, because they just use the same magic together, and then a thundercloud appears above everyone's head.

Other mages fight for speed, but the thunder system doesn't look at the casting speed. Unless you can read the star map, speed is meaningless in the competition between middle-level thunder mages.

As long as you can't release magic twice as fast as me, then the thunder mages are looking at power and magic tools.

One move, chop down, whoever's magic tool blocks it, and whose magic tool doesn't block it, then the winner will be decided, and there is no need for a second move.

Of course, this is generally the case for majoring in Thunder. If the magic department of the secondary major is not weaker than the major, it will be considered separately.

That's why Zhaohua's teammates are so desperate. They don't have any mages majoring in light and earth. The special effect is to make the ground wave of the earth system move faster, and the bonus is not high.

It is impossible to block Deng Bo's thunder system, which is twice as powerful as other spirit-seed lightning magic.

That is to say, as long as Deng Bo uses the middle-level lightning magic, even if it is the first-level Thunderbolt, they will probably reduce their staff. And the opponent is not stupid, Deng Bo will definitely open the way first, reduce the defense first, and let Deng Bo kill him with one blow to finish.

"If only I were on the opposite side."

The student also realized that he had said the wrong thing, so he quickly covered his mouth with his hand and glanced at Zhaohua. Doesn't the meaning of saying this mean that other people's number one can lead Li to win, but Zhaohua can't win.

This is something to offend people.

After Zhaohua heard this, he just smiled and didn't say anything.

No, wouldn't someone really feel that they are weak? No, no, no.

Before the battle was fought, the teammates were downcast and had no morale.

Originally, Zhaohua was never afraid, the Magic Concentration Equipment is indeed very powerful against Lan Xinghu, that's right, and with five Magic Concentration Equipment, Lan Xinghu can only attack four times a day at most, and the opponent is almost useless with five Magic Concentration Equipment Blue Star Fox's mental attack.

Zhaohua said in a flat tone: "Leave Deng Bo to me, and you just do your own thing."

"But...they will definitely focus on your tamer..." one of the girls said weakly.

In one-on-one, the teammates actually think that Zhaohua can beat Deng Bo, but if it is a team battle, it is not necessarily the case. The summoned beast will die. In the first four games of Zhaohua, except for the blue star fox, all the beasts were killed. Not called.

There are only two types of defensive magic: earth and light. If five attacking magic bombards come, they will not be able to defend against it, and magic tools cannot be given to summoned beasts.

Zhaohua was the first to step onto the dueling ring, and didn't say anything to refute, just waved his hands. Originally, he still wanted to arrange the formation and tactics, and win steadily like the previous four games.

But this match seems to be impossible. The morale of teammates is afraid that even the release of magic will be a little slower, and it may even break if they are not careful.

So Zhaohua decided to fight harder this time.

This time the formation was quite strange, the four teammates stood at the back, while Zhaohua stood at the front within the allowable range, as if he was going to play the whole field by himself.

The three referees were also taken aback, this. . What is this? Why are you standing in formation like this?

And Deng Bo's five people, as Zhaohua expected, four guarantees and one. Four people stood at the front, protecting Deng Bo at the back. Although Deng Bo studied the plant system for the first time, I heard that Deng Bo's plant system is used to attack, not restrain the opponent.

"What is he doing?"

"I don't know, I've never heard of a summoner standing in front of me."

"I know!! He wants to summon the evil dragon! He even summons all the summoned beasts."

"Oh? Then if he wants to play like this, he should be able to win, but he doesn't know how many summoned beasts he can survive."

The disadvantage of the summoner is that you can play this way if you are not afraid of the death or serious injury of the summoned beast, but this kind of risk is very high, and the opponent will never let your summoned beast show mercy.

Team battles are not one-on-one. Of course, one-on-one is to defeat the summoner himself. After all, it is difficult for one person to defeat a powerful summoned beast. But team battles are different. You can kill summoned beasts in seconds by focusing on fire, and you don't even need to focus on fire. A powerful mage can kill the warrior monster with two intermediate spells.

Even the golden pig that Liang Rizhu was defending was seriously injured by the terrible double attack of thunder magic and fire magic yesterday. He will not be able to play in the next four games and needs to recuperate.

And Zhaohua attracts more hatred than Liang Ri. Everyone has a hatred of the rich and wants to drag Zhaohua, the number one, into the water.

"Little Fengcan, fight with me."

Zhaohua summoned Xiao Fengcan, and Xiao Fengcan yelled a few times, first expressing his dissatisfaction, and then very excitedly stating that he would fight ten!

I don't know I learned it from that movie again, and I often clamor that I want to play ten.

The summoned beast on the opposite side is a giant red eagle, hovering in the air and watching. Fly to the limit altitude, and prevent the magic from attacking in the first place.

Seeing that the summoned beasts from both sides called out, the referee didn't talk nonsense: "The fifth match, let's start!"

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Zhaohua used magic armor in seconds at the beginning. Everyone froze for a moment, why, the magic hasn't been used yet, what do you mean by magic armor?

What surprised everyone was that before the wind scale armor was fully attached to his body, Zhaohua started half-squatting, striding forward, his eyes showing the ultimate fighting spirit, and a smile with deep meaning and contempt.

Many people in Zhaohua's Wind Spirit Academy know about Silver Blade.

Silver Blade is a very common wind spirit species, and its bonus is not very high. It is a spirit species that increases the power of the wind disk, not an accelerating wind spirit species that increases the moving speed of the wind track.

Therefore, everyone agrees that Zhaohua is a traditional wind mage, who uses wind disks to attack behind summoned beasts, and uses wind rails to avoid and escape when encountering attacks.

Unlike the current mainstream wind mages, Spirit Seed is looking for one that can increase the acceleration of the wind track several times. The power bonus is added to the wind thrust, not the speed of the wind disk.

This kind of wind mage runs extremely fast, whether it is harassing the mage to cast spells in front of him, or attracting monsters, or being an assassin mage with a magic slaying tool in his hand, it is all right. This kind of wind mage is also called modern wind mage. Being a mage is the mainstream method of training a wind mage.

However, Zhaohua let them see it today.

Arming the whole body, not relying on magic equipment, relying on summoned beasts, relying on elemental monsters to increase strength, how about a wind mage with melee physical skills!

"Wind track - flash step!"

Xi~~~~ (Vatican windbreaker—accelerate.)

Thinking of Xinggui, Zhaohua made a move the moment the referee called, he wanted to grab a buzzer, to grab the first move, and to be caught off guard.

When people face sudden shocking changes, their brains cannot react immediately. Because everyone has an 'original plan', if this plan is followed, it will get twice the result with half the effort, and if there is a change, it is likely that people will not react in time.

There are very few people who can adapt to changes and not be surprised. Zhaohua didn't believe it anymore. These five mages, mages who rely on fighting, can still adapt to changes and not be surprised?

Stereotypes hurt them.

In fact, wind mages use the flexibility of the wind track to harass them, which is almost the practice of the top 20 majors in the wind system. close combat.

In the first four games, they would definitely encounter such a wind mage theoretically.

And they all know that Zhaohua's second cultivation is the wind element, but no one thinks that Zhaohua will do this, because his spiritual seed is not an accelerated spiritual seed.

It's just that they ignored the little windworm. Acceleration doesn't have to rely on spiritual seeds.

With a bang, the floor cracked, and the wind track started in a flash. With the support of the wind track, the speed was already very fast. However, the double acceleration of the fan windbreaker combined with the wind track was so fast that even the body of a middle-level mage could not support it. Only the protection of wind scale armor can make the mage's weak body withstand such super acceleration.

Such a shock, such a shock, not to mention a group of students in their twenties, even the brains of the three referees went down for a while.

Depend on! How is this person so fast! ! !

It was agreed to rely on summoned beasts! ! It's weak! ! ! ! ! ! Liar!

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