Full-time Summoner

Chapter 493 How Much Unknown He Still Has

This time the speed is real, it is Zhaohua's fastest time.

He has also used the combination of the windbreaker and the wind track before to achieve extreme speed, but this time, it is not only the windbreaker and the wind track.

Because since Zhaohua learned about Nebula series and can use the magic power of the second summoning system, Zhaohua is not afraid of having no magic power, and can call Xiaofengcan to fight.

The Vatican windbreaker was imposed by Xiaofengcan, not to mention better than Zhaohua himself, and Xiaofengcan added an extra thrust of the wind track to Zhaohua in such a short period of time.

Let Zhaohua get an unprecedented triple acceleration.

Zhaohua actually has a fourth level of acceleration. If he also uses magic shoes, his strides will be more powerful and faster. In theory, he has four times the speed of ordinary wind track flash steps.

Without the influence of Spirit Seeds and other special magical equipment, Wind Track Flash Step is the fastest magic at the middle level, and Shadow Escape is a life-saving magic, but its movement speed is not as fast as Wind Track, especially Earth Wave.

And the teleportation of the space system needs to be advanced.

That is to say, Zhaohua's current speed of three times the wind track flash step is already invincible in middle-level magic.

Zhaohua didn't know if Jiagushuo, who was the first in the wind department, could be faster than himself, who majored in the wind department and seconded the shadow department, but Zhaohua now knew that his opponent's brain was quite slow.

From the beginning to Zhaohua activating the Windscale Armor and using One Thought Star Path, Xiaofengcan assisted in accelerating, all the magic took effect and completed, only a second later, and the distance between Zhaohua and Deng Bo was about 100 meters.

The car made by humans, the fastest sports car, takes 2.3 seconds to accelerate from zero to 100 kilometers per hour. Converting 100 kilometers per hour is 27 meters per second, and the fastest car is close to 100 meters from 0 to 100 meters. seconds.

Of course, this is a sports car, normal middle-level mages will accelerate faster, and the acceleration of the wind track will not change due to cultivation. The first-level wind track is to make the wind mage run faster. The speed is increased by three times, and the flash step is increased by five times, but it can only go straight and cannot turn.

This multiple will not change, so it is very important for a wind mage to choose a mid-level spirit seed. The most common way to speed up the wind track is the spirit seed. After all, no matter how hard a mage's body is exercised, it cannot exceed the limit of human beings.

That's why Zhaohua's speed made everyone unresponsive, because Zhaohua's current speed is three times faster than ordinary flash steps, fully fifteen times the speed of ordinary people running, and is close to 150 meters per second. extremely fast.

The speed of sound is only 314 meters per second. If Zhaohua uses magic shoes, the speed will be close to half the speed of sound. This is the absolute ceiling level among middle-level mages, and the best wind spirit species must be added. Only top-quality magic shoes can do it.

The four people in front of him were indeed standing in a row to protect Deng Bo, but what they were resisting was magic. Who would have thought that they would rush over alone, and the four of them didn't hold hands in a row, so naturally there was a gap.

Zhaohua went straight through, raised his leg, put his left foot on the ground, and kicked Deng Bo's chest with his right foot.

If there is slow motion, you will find that Deng Bo frowned first, and then when he saw Zhaohua's magic light flashing, he knew it was Fenggui, and he quickly realized that Zhaohua was about to rush over.

After feeling Zhaohua's fighting eyes and aura, Deng Bo's eyes changed from frowning in doubt to slowly widening, and his expression changed from doubt to surprise, then to surprise, and finally to horror.

Fortunately, he used the magic armor in the last half a second, covering his body with a thick layer of armor, but Zhaohua's speed was too fast, the force of this kick was enough to knock ten Deng Bo Kicked away, Deng Bo's magic armor is not the kind of castle, it's just worn on the body, and it's not very heavy.

Can't wear it, but it can fly.

Huh, boom! Everyone didn't react, they were pulled back to reality by a loud noise. Their eyes were still on the moment when Zhaohua activated the magic armor, the green light flickered, and then squatted down.

Then, then the person disappeared, and then I heard a loud bang. Looking over, I don't know when Zhaohua stood in the opposite back row where Deng Bo was originally, and Deng Bo, the person disappeared! !

"He he he he he, what did he do???"

"Where's Deng Bo? How did the two of them change shape!!"

"Just now, I seem to see that after Zhaohua rushed over with a wind track, he kicked Deng Bo away."

"That's not right... he he he he, isn't his spiritual seed a silver blade, how can the wind track be so fast?"

"Silver blade? How did I hear it was the Foehn of flames?"

In fact, the speed was too fast, so they didn't react. It took at least three or four seconds for the normal wind track flash step to reach Deng Bo's position, and three or four seconds was enough for someone to throw two or three fire bursts and thunder strikes. .

Flash step can only walk in a straight line, if you dare to rush over, you will definitely be blown through by elementary magic. Even without magic armor, in three or four seconds, others had already left with magic shoes or ground waves.

Dealing with extremely fast wind mages is the same as dealing with mind-type and curse-type mages. You must prepare in advance, think of countermeasures, and take corresponding measures to restrain extremely fast when he uses wind track.

This time, Zhaohua was able to kick Deng Bo away so easily, all because the opponent was slack, he didn't expect it, and he didn't react. And he was too arrogant, to actually dare to exchange the magic tool for the concentration tool.

It is estimated that no one in the Dimensional Magic Department told them what happened to the last mage who replaced the magic tool with the concentration magic tool.


Zhaohua turned around and looked, the space magic stone watch in his hand was shining, Sanwei and Xiong Da were summoned by Zhaohua, the two monsters were almost close to the four of them, the breath from Xiong Da's nostrils was sprayed Face went.

"Do you still fight?" Zhaohua asked with a smile.

But that smile was as terrifying as it could be.

They are all stupid, set fire to instantly kill the summoned beast? ? ? You set fire to see. Others summoned you face to face, and you were slapped to death by the summoned beast without using your magic.

The fucking one who said to set fire, come out to me, you can perform a show first!

"You...why is your wind track so fast!"

Deng Bo was protected by the magic armor, but his chest was still tight, and his five internal organs were shaken by that kick, and he was displaced.

He was kicked off the court, this time it was a big shame, he was kicked away without even casting a spell.

Deng Bo gritted his teeth and said: "Impossible, your speed is already close to that of Jia Gushuo. He is a wind spirit who can accelerate, and the ability of the shadow system is to improve his own strength and darken part of his body, so that he can be faster than ordinary wind spirits." orbit three to four times faster."

"You didn't even use the power of the spirit seed, and you didn't use magic shoes. It's impossible to rely on the wind track only!!"

Deng Bo's mentality exploded. He originally fantasized that he would be like those waste family children who were expelled by the family, go back and give back a hundred times. He also thought that when he got the college votes, he would be able to severely humiliate those ugly elders who expelled his father back then.

By the way, you can be number one in the world or something, and take the road of counterattack, you can slap your face severely.

However, the script suddenly went wrong. I was instantly killed when I didn't use any magic tricks. Are his efforts and opportunities so worthless?

Zhaohua didn't hide anything. Anyway, they can guess later that this kind of sneak attack can be used once. Next time, the other party must be on guard.

Zhaohua pointed to Xiao Fengcan who was standing on his shoulder and said, "Let me introduce, my niece is good at manipulating wind power. She occasionally works part-time as an electric fan and hair dryer, but her main job is as a propeller."

Xiao Fengcan stood up quite proudly, with her hips crossed, looking old-fashioned.

He even has a hole card! ! !

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