Full-time Summoner

Chapter 5 Magic Awakening

"Hi, first time meeting, my name is Zhaohua."


Ji Shao was taken aback. She probably didn't expect Zhaohua to greet her, she looked a little flustered, she reached out and didn't touch the satchel she usually carried, and hurried to the sofa to take out the drawing books and pens in the satchel. Write a few words on the picture book.

【Hi, my name is Ji Shaoan】

Pfft, Zhaohua couldn't hold back when he saw the words on the picture book: "Are you called Ji Shaoan or Ji Shaoan?"

Ji Shao looked at the drawing book. It turned out that he was too nervous, so he wrote 'dumb' too much, his face turned red like a red apple, and even the roots of his ears turned red. After crossing out, write again and use the drawing book to cover himself Only the picture book and the self-introduction on it were exposed.

"It's good to be young." Principal Qiu watched this interesting scene, and a smile appeared on his wrinkled face.

"Hi principal." Zhao Hua said with a smile on his face.

"Well, I called you this time to confirm with you. I heard that you don't plan to go to Yaodu No. 1 Experimental High School. Do you want to stay?"

Zhaohua nodded, and he also thought that Principal Qiu asked him because he didn't want to go to No. 1 High School.

"I plan to stay in No. 1 Middle School."

Principal Qiu frowned slightly. It is of course best for him that a student like Zhaohua can stay in the school, but a teacher must consider the students.

"I'm very happy that you can stay in school, but you have to think clearly, high school requires the awakening of magic, and you really start to get in touch with magic. It's no longer as simple as studying. Going to a better school means having more advanced mages as teachers. Better resources, better outdoor courses and better protection, which we can't give from Chengyi."

Principal Qiu talked about all the disadvantages earnestly.

"I know all this, but I still hope to stay in No. 1 Middle School." Zhaohua said with a smile on his lips, but his eyes were very firm.

"Well, since it's your own choice, I won't interfere too much. In fact, there is a second matter. Originally, our No. 1 Middle School would give a scholarship to the best students in junior high school. As a reward, it is also a retention policy. According to the school's In the original plan, although you were the first place, you did not enter high school, so we gave the scholarship to Ji Shaohan, who was the second place."

Zhaohua looked at Ji Shao who was standing behind her, she just couldn't make a sound, her hearing was fine, she covered her face with a drawing book, only showing a pair of pure eyes to watch.

Zhaohua understood why she was here, and it turned out that it was because of this scholarship.

Normally, the scholarship is given to the first place, but Zhaohua is too exaggerated, not only crushing the second place result, but even the No. In No. 1 Middle School, that's why this embarrassment happened.

"Principal, the scholarship should be given to those who need it more, instead of following the rules."

In fact, Principal Qiu himself thought the same way. If the two people's own conditions were similar, then whoever got the higher score would naturally go to the other. Zhaohua had never decided to go to No. 1 Experimental High School.

What annoyed Principal Qiu was that the two were not equal. Zhaohua's family was well off, and his father, Zhaolang Qiu, also knew him. He was an intermediate mage and one of the most powerful people in the city. On the other hand, Ji Shaohan is completely opposite. In a single-parent family, he is suffering from a serious illness. The tuition fees for the three years of junior high school are all paid by the diligent study award, so there is no need to think about who needs it more.

Hush, zhaohua and principal Qiu heard the sound of writing, and waited quietly for Ji Shaoan to finish writing.

Ji Shaohan wrote in the drawing book: 【Your score is higher than mine, the reward should be yours. 】

Looking at these words and the nervous expression on Ji Shao'an's face, Zhaohua couldn't help thinking: "No matter which world, the personality remains the same."

The three of them all knew that if they really awakened and became mages, the expenses would be beyond the reach of an ordinary family, let alone a single-parent family who couldn't afford the tuition fees.

Without the scholarship, Ji Shaohan needs to spend more time working to earn money. She also knows that without the scholarship, the burden on her family will be even greater. She is also struggling in her heart, and she does not want to put more pressure on her already hard-working mother. .

Zhaohua's voice could not help becoming gentle, and said: "The scholarship does not belong to anyone, it is the principal who decides it. I believe the principal will have better arrangements."

Everyone else has talked about this, and Principal Qiu himself can't think of any reason not to give Ji Shaoan a scholarship. He said on the spot: "Student Zhaohua is right. Scholarships should be given to those who need them. The scholarship is given to Ji Shaohan, and I hope she can become an outstanding mage in the future."

Ji Shao'an's eyes were slightly red, and he was about to bow to Zhaohua to thank Zhaohua while holding the painting, but Zhaohua held his index finger to his forehead, preventing her from bending over and bowing.

"You don't have to thank me. You should thank Principal Qiu. The decision he made has nothing to do with me. Principal, since I have nothing else to do, I will go back."

After finishing speaking, Zhaohua turned around, walked towards the door without any hesitation, and left the room.

Ji Shaoan hurriedly wrote two words on the drawing book and ran out of the room, holding the drawing book with both hands.

Although Zhaohua's back was facing him, he didn't need to look to know that the word 'thank you' must be written on it. He waved his hand twice and said, "Where is the pig wolf hunted by the principal in the playground? It was roasted well. If you can’t finish eating, you can take it back home and give the family a taste of the monster.”

Zhaohua didn't go back to the playground. His purpose of coming to this party was just to see what his other only friend was like in the scientific world in his dream. Now that he had already seen him, there was no need to go back.

The high school entrance examination is a little earlier than the general examination. After the examination, there will be more than two months of summer vacation. Naturally, it is crazy to play, and Zhaohua also rarely travels to another ten cities with his parents.

As for the dream, he just thought that he had a strange dream, and now he doesn't remember many things, he can only roughly remember that he once had a dream about her.

The Demon Planting Garden in Huacheng, the Pearl River Estuary in Nancheng, the Demon Garden in Xiucheng, and the most famous Demon City Magic Association in the Demon Capital—the Demon Tower, also known as the Little Man Demon.

Zhaohua also participated in a real wild summer camp. Led by a team of hunters, he experienced the killing of monsters and mages as well as life in the wild at close range.

Even Zhaohua felt uncomfortable, and he was the only one who persisted until the end without leaving. After the end, he himself was not acclimatized for a few days.

"School starts tomorrow, how are you preparing?" Zhaolang asked.

At the dinner table, the three members of Zhaohua's family were happily eating. Tomorrow is September 1st, the day when Zhaohua starts school, and the day when his magic awakens. Zhaolang deliberately asked for a day off to be with his son, and even tomorrow he wanted to see his son's magic awakening, but Zhaohua severely refused on the grounds that he was too ashamed.

"I don't need to buy you a magic tool for self-defense? You can still afford one or two magic tools at home."

When he arrived in the CBD of Yaodu during the summer vacation, Zhaolang planned to buy one or two elementary magic tools for his son, but Zhaohua didn't want it.

"The first year of high school is mainly to practice star trails and improve cultivation, as long as you can release magic. The second year of high school is to be familiar with using and using it. The exam is a one-on-one battle. No one else has magic tools. The third year is to practice in the field , let’s talk about it then.”

Zhang Ning, Zhaohua's mother, looked at Zhaohua and said with a smile, "Xiaohua, you seem to be very happy today."

"I understand this, I understand this, the day before my dad woke up, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep at all, I can understand." Zhao Lang nodded, with the expression of a father who understands his son.

"Huh? Am I happy?"


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