Full-time Summoner

Chapter 6 The Significance of the Mage

"You don't seem to be in good spirits, didn't you sleep well last night?"

On the first day of school, because it is close to Zhaohua's home, Lin Mo usually goes to school with Zhaohua. Zhaohua has dark circles under his eyes today, and looks a little insomnia.

"It's nothing, I was obsessed with studying something last night, and I just didn't sleep all night."

In fact, Zhaohua went back to the room early last night to rest, but because he was too excited, he watched the ceiling until dawn.

"Morning, Lin Mo, Zhaohua, would you like some pancakes?"

The road near the school gate is filled with various street stalls, all kinds of breakfast are available, there are all kinds of porridge in cups and sucked with straws, fragrant fried noodles and fried noodles, and It is to stop the pancake stand of Zhaohua and his wife.

"Okay, I haven't eaten finger pancakes for more than two months, and I really miss your craftsmanship, uncle. Here's one with bacon and eggs. Zhaohua, what do you want?"


"Okay, two mages, please wait a moment."

This uncle who makes finger cakes has been setting up a stall here for more than ten years. Naturally, he knows that those who go to school on September 1st are those who want to be awakened. Make your business more popular.

"Hey, uncle, what did you say? We haven't awakened yet." Lin Mo's expression was about to go to heaven, and this sentence of Master Mage was very useful to him.

"Hey, won't you wake up right away? What does it matter if you call an hour or two earlier and an hour or two later?"

Don't look at the uncle bragging with Lin Mo, but the kung fu of his hands is not slow at all. He spread his palms, and after a while, a ball of fire appeared in his palms. He beat the egg to his palm with one hand. It will be cooked.

But whether it is Zhaohua who is about to awaken or not, they all know that this is not magic. The main reference is that the power is too small.

Many people are indeed unable to awaken to become a mage, but there will still be magic energy in the human body. For example, this uncle has fire attribute magic energy in his body. If he had awakened back then, it would most likely be a fire element Mage, but now that he is too old to miss it, he can only do so that the converging magic can emit a ray of flame on his palm, and use it to fry fried eggs.

A real mage will stimulate the potential in the body when awakening, and a sliver of stardust will appear in the spiritual world, and awakening is the awakening of this ray of stardust, and the mage's life will be around this ray of stardust afterwards.

The first thing a mage needs to do after awakening the stardust is to dig out seven stars in his own stardust through meditation. After digging out seven stars, he is a mage. Even if there is only one star, the magic power They will be several times stronger than ordinary people.

After arranging the stars into a star track, injecting magic energy to link the star track, and a corresponding phenomenon occurs, which is called magic.

For example, the fire used by this uncle, the seven fire-element stars are arranged in a trajectory, and the fire-element mana is obtained from the stardust to link the star-tracks and release the phenomenon of burning. It's called Huozi.

When he was about to enter the school gate, Zhaohua said to Lin Mo, "You go in first."

"Okay, don't be late, you are the first today."

Zhaohua saw Ji Shaohan who came to school by another road. During the summer vacation, Ji Shaoan used his vacation time to work in a cafe, which happened to be the cafe that Zhaohua often went to. The two became familiar with each other after going back and forth. In the dream, Zhao Hua and Ji Shaoan were familiar with each other, but it was a dream after all.

【Good morning】

From a distance, I saw Ji Shaohan with a smile on his face, holding his drawing book high with both hands, with the words "good morning" written on it. I was afraid that Zhaohua would not see it, so I shook it a few times.

"Good morning, I heard that we are the first to wake up."

Awakening is in order, with the class as the unit, ranked according to the entrance score, the first one in the class is the first to awaken, but Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan are special, they need to set an example for the freshmen of the whole grade.

After the principal finished speaking, the two of them would use the Awakening Stone to awaken in full view on the playground. Zhaohua, who was supposed to be number one, was enough alone, but then the principal dragged Ji Shaolan in again.

[I don't know what department will be awakened. 】

Ji Shaoan can use sign language, but she almost doesn't use it, because others can't understand it, and she doesn't think Zhaohua can sign language. But Zhaohua does know sign language, and it only took one night, and it will be done in a dream.

"You, it may be the healing system of white magic, or the spiritual system."

Ji Shaodu just rolled his eyes, he didn't even need to write, the words 'You're kidding me' were written all over his face.

"What department do you want to awaken?" Zhaohua asked back.

Ji Shao thought for a while, and wrote in the drawing book: [phonology]


The playground was densely packed with people. There were 12 classes in total, and each class had 50 students. There were 600 people in total. There could be neither more nor less.

The reason is because of the Awakening Stone, a national standard Awakening Stone is only enough for fifty people to awaken, and there are no more. The number of Awakening Stones allocated by the country to Congcheng No. 1 Middle School every year is twelve, so there are only twelve classes. There are fewer from the six schools in the city, only eight.

Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan are not in the same class, Zhaohua is in the first class and Ji Shaoan is in the second class.

"Hey, why are there three Awakening Stones?"

"That's right, besides Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan, there is a third one? Who is it?"

"Could it be that Li Shijie from No. 6 Middle School? Didn't he come to our school before the exam and clamor that he will definitely win the first place in the city? In the end, let alone Zhaohua, even Ji Shaohan has never won, and he won the third place in the city. , could it be him?"

"No, no, it's not him. The principal of No. 6 Middle School gave him a scholarship. He stayed in No. 6 Middle School and didn't come to our No. 1 Middle School."

"Who is that?"

The Awakening Stone is in the shape of a stone, the size of a human head, Zhaohua stands at the front of the first class, side by side with Ji Shaohan.

"I'm going! I know who it is!" Standing behind Zhaohua, Lin Mo suddenly yelled with a mobile phone in his hand.

"Who and who."

"Deng Le!"

"How is it possible? Although their Deng family has a reputation in Congcheng, isn't his grades just in the middle?"

Lin Mo took out his mobile phone, opened a news article, pointed to it and said, "Deng Le's father took out an Awakening Stone and donated it to the school! No wonder I said why there are thirteen classes. I guess there is an Awakening Stone on it. They donated it from the Deng family, so that’s how it is.”

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's nice to have money."

Quack quack quack quack, the sound starts to test.

"Students, welcome, and congratulations on your promotion. From today onwards, you are honored mages. I believe that many of you have been dedicated to this moment for nine years."

Principal Qiu's voice covered the entire playground, and many people outside the school stood outside the wall and listened. Some even used binoculars to look into the playground inside, just to watch every moment of their children.

"I believe that everyone here already knows what the meaning of a mage is when they are studying."

"The meaning of a mage is to guard, to protect, to defend, to defend. To protect the homeland, to protect close relatives, to defend the motherland, to defend sovereignty. We need mages, because there are too many demons outside the city staring at us, we need mages, Because we humans have always been vulnerable, we need the power of magic and the protection of mages."

Principal Qiu's voice was loud, and the four words ran through the meaning of Master's life, which also shocked the minds of six hundred students.

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