Full-time Summoner

Chapter 507: A Drill

Jiang Tiansheng and the mysterious gray-and-white man looked at each other, and they could see each other's surprise from their eyes.

This kid is too treacherous!

Zhaohua used it when he met people from the Black Vatican before. He knew a truth, that is, the Black Vatican is just a street mouse. They always make some big moves. The whole society is afraid of them.

Let the people feel that they are very powerful and invincible. Only by making people afraid of them can they survive better and make the people forget their weaknesses.

The Black Vatican kills like hell, there are cursed beasts and dark beasts, which can turn people into dark beasts, so that some mediocre mages can speed up their cultivation.

However, in reality, the strength of the Black Vatican is pitifully weak. The entire Black Vatican may not have half the power of the mages in the ancient capital. They only dare to play tricks to lure demons to attack the city. In fact, it is because they are weak !

We are strong, we are powerful.

When Jiang Tiansheng saw the information just now and knew that it was the rain that caused the undead to haunt during the day, and that it was a deliberate scheme of the Black Vatican, Jiang Tiansheng himself did not realize that the shadow of "the Black Vatican is invincible" had already been planted in his heart.

Because of the existence of this shadow, when Jiang Tiansheng thought of a solution, he only thought of avoiding its edge. Sarang couldn't find it, and there were many undead in the ancient capital, and Sarang could also control the undead. How could such a human being who was like a god be beaten.

However, Zhaohua did not think so. Because he has always known that the Black Vatican is a terrorist organization, if it is really confrontational, it will be broken at the first touch, and it dares to be like a mouse crossing the street, stealing something in the dead of night.

Rats are also very annoying. They have strong reproductive ability and carry viruses. Their teeth and claws are sharp, and they bleed when scratched. I don't even want to touch it. But in fact, even if all the mice in the world appeared together, and the number was increased by ten times, they would not be able to beat humans.

The same is true for the Black Vatican. If you give you ten salams and seventy cardinals, the strength of the Black Vatican is not even as good as the Parthenon's Knights' Hall.

Jiang Tiansheng nodded, meaning that the plan would work. The mysterious gray-white man also nodded, and then took out a sound transmission magic tool, and told someone who didn't know the plan that Zhaohua said.

On the other side, on the bell tower in the inner city of the ancient capital, Han Ji, the president of the Ancient Capital Magic Association, and Zhu Meng, a councilor, looked at the outer city. Half of the outer city was already occupied by undead, and a large number of undead were looking for the breath of creatures.

It is precisely because the undead have the habit of gnawing and killing creatures, and they will look for creatures everywhere, so they slowed down, otherwise they would have reached the inner city by now. ,

Although the inner city is guarded by the Jinyao enchantment, the enchantment also needs energy to support it. Can the hundreds of millions of undead, the corpses of the mountain, and the three bone dragons staring at the inner city be able to withstand the barrier?

There are also undead monarchs and undead tribes in all directions. Although they are only blocking and not attacking, it feels like a knife hanging above their heads, which makes even super mages feel collapsed.

"Mr. Zhu Meng, your deduction is correct. There is indeed a problem with the rain. Our pharmacist has detected something called the Nine Nether Dew hidden in the rain. If the undead will appear during the day, it will It must be a very strong dead air to ensure their normal swallowing and breathing, but the heavy rain poured down, and the Nine Nether Dew gave them vitality..." A pharmacist in a white coat hurried up and said.

At this time, Jiang Tiansheng and the others had just received the undercover information from the Judgment Council, and combined with Rainwater's analysis, they knew that it was the work of the Black Vatican.

It was Mo Fan's suggestion to analyze the rainwater, and Zhu Meng's voice sank and said, "It's really like what Mo Fan said, it's the Black Vatican who did the trick."

And Mo Fan is now hiding in a remote house on a street, lying on his vampire chick's lap and sleeping soundly. After all, Mo Fan has been playing since last night. Not only did he run out of mana several times, but his mental and physical strength was already exhausted. He had to stop and rest.

At this moment, a mysterious gray-white man who was also wrapped in a bandage gave Mo Fan some blood potions and medicines, but he didn't say anything.

Go back to the clock tower in the inner city.

Han Ji and others can only wait, because they have nothing to do. The monarch can hold back, but those tides are like the undead that come out of the evil abyss and wild, no one can stand it!

Why is it called a country? The people are the most powerful.

And just when everyone was feeling desperate, a mysterious gray-white man wrapped in bandages appeared in the bell tower, and continued Zhu Meng's words in a hoarse voice: "Because Bo City is a drill, for the catastrophe of the ancient capital this time, we must do our best." practise."

! ! ! ?

A strange voice suddenly appeared, and all the mages on the clock tower turned around, only to find that the mysterious gray-white man was looking at everyone with a pair of piercing eyes. Those eyes were full of wisdom, as if they had already seen through them.

"Who are you?"

Naturally, the mysterious gray and white man would not introduce himself, even if it was introduced, it would be useless.

"Wait! You just said, practice? Rehearsal?!"

Seeing the gray and white man nodding slightly, all the super mages couldn't help feeling cold to the bone marrow!

Let a small city fall into the random slaughter and slaughter of monsters, and all this is just for a preview, for this bigger conspiracy rolled up in the ancient capital! ! Is the Black Vatican crazy? !

No, it wouldn't be the Black Holy See if it wasn't crazy, and it wouldn't be Sa Long either.

A super-level female mage named Ling Xi frowned and said, "If the time in Bo City was just a rehearsal, what is the purpose of the Black Holy See this time? It's not just to kill people."

"For the ancient king, the supreme necromancer who created the undead empire. To bring it back. At least this is the purpose of the undead empire. We don't know the purpose of the black church."

"You mean, Sa Long cooperates with the undead empire? How is this possible? How is it possible for the undead to cooperate with humans." Ling Xi said incredulously.

"The Black Vatican can use the dew of the Nine Serenity to lure the wild undead in the land of the dead, which can prevent the undead from being burned by the sun, but Sa Long has no ability to control the dead kings of the eight directions, let alone the ability to control the evil abyss. Therefore, the appearance of the dead kings of the eight directions , the appearance of Shayuan must be their own will."

"And the Dew of the Nine Nethernesses is a thing created by the ancient king to strengthen its undead system. But the ancient king also realized that the Dew of the Nine Nethernesses might make the undead uncontrollable, so it simultaneously Created another thing that can remove the effect of Nine Serenity Dew, which is the source of Kunjing, which Nomura, the ancient capital, relied on for survival."

"That's why the Black Holy See wiped out all the wild villages in the ancient capital ahead of time, whether it was the Nomura that guarded the source of Kunjing, or even other places, as long as it was possible, it was wiped out, including Bo City."

When talking about Nomura and Bo City, one of the military commanders thought that a few days ago, Mo Fan seemed to have saved a village by accident, and he seemed to have mentioned something about guarding the spring water! ! !

The mysterious gray-white man also nodded and said: "That's right, there should be a spring in the hands of a villager named Fang Gu. Although there is only a small amount of spring water, it can be diluted into mist. It should be able to temporarily suppress the undead and give the ancient capital half a day to evacuate the people." .”

When Han Ji heard this, his eyes were red! Have the opportunity! ! ! Here's your chance! ! The city is optional, but the people! All must be saved! !

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