Full-time Summoner

Chapter 508: Everyone in the Judgment Will Know How to Act

Compared to Han Ji, the other mages present frowned, showing distrust. But now it seems that there are no other clues or methods, it seems that they can't help but not believe it.

But it is precisely because of this uniqueness, this forced feeling, that they feel very suspicious. Is this a bit too deliberate.

"Why should we believe what you said? Although what you said is very reasonable, we are willing to believe what you said, but we don't even know who you are, and you even cover up your appearance. Show your true face?" Ling Xi questioned.

The mysterious gray-white man with bandages shook his head, and said in a hoarse and blunt tone: "I'm sorry, I can't reveal my face, because there may be stalkers from the Black Holy See here, and maybe someone here is Sa Long!"

In addition to the guard mages and military mages of the ancient capital who are fighting against, blocking and blocking the demons, the high-level and super-level mages of the Hunter Alliance, Trial Council, and Magic Family Alliance are all here.

"Damn, you actually doubt us. Since you don't trust us, why should we trust you? Just rely on your words? What if you are from the Black Vatican, and deliberately lure us away!" A superstar named Li Yujian The super mage said angrily.

And other high-level people also think it makes sense. Although what the mysterious gray and white man said is very reasonable, even very close to the truth, but everyone is an old fritter, an old mage, how could they believe you just because of you. What if it is a conspiracy by the Black Vatican, and the Black Vatican is planning something?

But Han Ji, the president of the Magic Association, said solemnly: "We have no choice, I believe in you. I will immediately notify the researchers of the Magic Association to stand by, and I will send members of the Tribunal to find Fang Gu."

In fact, although Han Ji didn't show any expression on his face from the beginning, when Han Ji saw the mysterious gray-white man and saw him gesturing with his fingers for the highest-level task of the Judgment, "Bee", his body was full of emotions. Han Ji, who is the president of the Ancient Capital Magic Association, knows that this is one of his own, and it is 100% credible.

Han Ji applied for support from the National Supreme Court, but what Han Ji didn't expect was that in the end it was related to the Black Vatican, and it was also related to the mission of Feng.

Now, Han Ji must cooperate with this gray-white man to get rid of all these mysteries, find the key to this huge conspiracy, and crush it in one fell swoop.

The mysterious gray-and-white man was taken aback suddenly, and pressed his right ear to his right ear. It should be some kind of sound transmission magic tool.

Although the mysterious gray and white man smiled and said: "Good news, my people have found Fanggu, I'll go over and get the source now, everyone should stop the demon first, at least don't let the insider find it until the antidote mist is researched. The city is broken!"

"Okay! There is no unparalleled road, so let's get the water from Kunjing first, even if I die, I won't let these disgusting undead step into the inner city of the ancient capital!" Zhu Meng said rudely . Even after fighting for a day and a night, this super-rank member is still full of fighting spirit.

"Well, I'm going to meet my people now, and you make arrangements yourself." The mysterious gray-white man said.

After everyone nodded, the mysterious gray and white man disappeared using shadow magic. The moment the mysterious gray-white man disappeared, a human hand hidden among the crowd moved its fingers slightly, as if to convey something.

The heavy rain kept falling, slapping the city, the sound of the rain beating everyone's hearts, the biting cold wind whizzed past, blowing through this helpless ancient city, the cold wind passed through the reinforced concrete and penetrated into the bones of people , icy cold.

"I found a corpse in the back alley to the south of the clock tower. It seems to be the mysterious gray-white man just now." A guard mage flew down from a high place, and said to everyone on the watchtower with a wet face.

"What!!" Everyone turned pale with shock and went to the back alley one after another.

It didn't take long for all the high-level executives to arrive at the back alley. Sure enough, there was a tightly wrapped person in gray and white lying there. His body was shrouded in a vague ghostly aura, and the inside was already an empty shell.

Zhu Meng was furious: "The people of the Black Vatican actually committed crimes under our noses, these beasts are so rampant!"

And Ling Xi said suspiciously: "No, how did the Black Vatican know the whereabouts of this person?"

Everyone was taken aback, yes! How long has passed, they are still discussing how to hold back the undead's footsteps, only ten minutes have passed, no one should know Fang Gu's whereabouts.

They thought of a possibility.

There is a ghost!

Suddenly, a hoarse voice came from the back alley.

"Although it is very sad, we have to believe in this sad fact. As I told you just now, there is the Black Vatican in this room, or in other words, Cardinal Sarang is among them!"

This person made a voice behind everyone, and the voice was actually the same as the mysterious gray and white man just now.

Zhu Meng was also stunned when he saw the mysterious gray-white man, turned his head to look at the corpse on the ground, and then glanced at the mysterious gray-white man standing behind everyone.

"You're not dead?" Ling Xi was stunned for a moment, but soon came to his senses and said, "Are you plotting against us?"

What even Zhaohua didn't expect was that, in order to perform the scene well, and to make Sa Lang and the Black Vatican really fall for it, the members of the Judgment even sacrificed their lives to perform it.

Use a member of the Judgment Council to play the role of the mysterious gray and white man, use his life to let the Black Vatican show his feet, and then start the "Guillotine Project".

"If nothing else happens, one of us is Cardinal Sa Lang. I'm not sure. I won't let my subordinates sacrifice like this. President Han Ji, imprison everyone."

The mysterious gray-white man said to Han Ji.

Even Han Ji didn't know about this plan. Han Ji just knew that the mysterious gray-white man was one of the bees of the Trial Council, and what he didn't expect was that Sa Lang was really lured out, and he was only one step away from arresting him. Sarang.

As for why Han Ji didn't know, because of the mysterious gray-white man, even Han Ji doubted it.

Han Ji called the guard mage, and after imprisoning all the high-level magic cultivation bases, the mysterious gray-white man also imprisoned Han Ji's magic cultivation bases, and Han Ji did not have the slightest surprise. If he wanted to catch Sa Lang, he could not let go. anyone, including yourself.

The mysterious gray-white man said: "Everyone, offended!"

Ling Xi, the elder of the Hunter Alliance, took a deep breath, looked at the president Han Ji firmly, and said, "President, I hope you won't make any bigger mistakes by doing this. It can be dealt with."

Han Ji didn't say a word. To save millions of people in the ancient capital, he, the president, had no choice but to trust the members of the country's highest court. As long as he could save the ancient capital, let alone imprison him temporarily, he would be fine.

In the small room about four kilometers away from the inner city, Mo Fan finally woke up. When he opened his eyes, something blocked them.

Soon Mo Fan knew that his eyes were blinded by evil. And Mo Fan didn't get up either, and continued to lean on the cold knee pillow and asked, "Where is the undead army?"

The vampire chick Liu Ru replied casually: "It's seven or eight kilometers away from the inner city, so we're three or four kilometers away from the undead."

Mo Fan was stunned and jumped up like a carp. Fortunately, Liu Ru dodged quickly, otherwise he would hit him.

"Damn! Then run fast!!!"

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