Full-time Summoner

Chapter 509 Big news

In the south of the ancient capital, because the demons are all in the south, the closest to Zhaohua and others is the south wall of the ancient capital.

"There are military mages from the northern military region in the south to support them, but the military mages can only delay the undead's attack and have no way to counterattack, and this is the case when the other six undead monarchs have not made a move."

Jiang Tiansheng talked a lot about the ancient capital along the way, and even said a lot about the history of the ancient king. Because Jiang Tiansheng and the others didn't have any plan to stop the dead in the ancient capital.

Jiang Tiansheng and the others had no choice but to bring Zhaohua to the ancient capital, because Zhaohua was the only one who had contact with the ancient king.

However, Zhaohua also had no choice. The origin directory is not a mobile phone, how could it be possible to contact whoever it wants to contact? The last time Zhaohua made a mistake and used the game it had decided to contact.

Zhaohua did not conduct any summoning ceremony at that time, but directly followed the deal of the dark plane and proposed a deal to the ancient king.

But now that Zhaohua has no game contract, he naturally has no way to contact the ancient king. Even Zhaohua doesn't even have black magic, and he can't even contact the dark plane.

And the so-called guillotine bluffing plan went smoothly, and actually locked Sa Lang in a dozen or so people. This information even made Jiang Tiansheng and the mysterious gray-and-white man on the plane think for a while that they would really kill Sa Lang by doing nothing.

But in the end, considering the millions of civilians in the ancient capital, Jiang Tiansheng and the mysterious gray and white man finally decided that they could not catch Sa Lang, but they wanted to use the news of Sa Lang's execution to lure out Sa Lang's number one subordinate, the great deacon Hujin.

I don't know if Zhaohua can be lured, because now they have just arrived in the ancient capital and just got off the plane.

The wind of death rushed to the winning side, which was a storm phenomenon caused by the gathering of a large number of undead, which cut off the communication of the ancient capital.

Zhaohua and the others stopped at a place quite far from the ancient capital, which was a hill. For the time being, it is safe, because the undead are busy rushing to the ancient capital, so there is no time to climb the mountain.

Zhaohua, Ji Shaohan and the others looked down from the hill, and the various undead were like streams flowing through both sides of the hill.

If he fell, he might be directly dismembered by the undead.

"That's too much," Zhao Hua couldn't help complaining.

The destination of these undead is actually not the ancient capital, but Shayuan, thirty to forty kilometers north of the ancient capital. Zhaohua can clearly see from the farthest south, that there is an unknown thing emitting majestic negative energy in the north.

It was like a magnet, madly attracting the undead to the north.

After going to Shayuan, the undead will gather into a huge wave of undead, and follow the corpse of the mountain to attack the ancient capital from the north.

The outer city walls on the southeast, west and east sides of the ancient capital have not been broken, but it is impossible for ordinary people to pass through the stream-like undead. As long as a creature appears, it will become a dead thing in the next second.

The northern military region led by Ai Jianghai was unable to break through these dense undead, and could only launch an attack from a more peripheral place to attract the attention of a part of the undead, and wiped out a little bit.

Zhaohua can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, enter the spiritual world, first communicate with the origin directory, but just as Zhaohua thought, even if he came to the ancient capital, the origin directory did not respond at all.

After all, there is no contract between Zhaohua and the Dark Plane, and the origin directory must have a contract.

Zhaohua felt that the second contract summoned the beast ghost doll, but unfortunately the ghost doll didn't respond either, it was sealed by the page of the origin catalog and was sleeping.

Zhaohua opened his eyes and shook his head, meaning there was nothing he could do here.

Ji Shaohan walked over and wrote in the small drawing book: [Then let's go to Endless Ghost City. 】

Originally, Ji Shaoan and Zhao Hua knew about the relationship between Endless Ghost City and Sha Yuan. When Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan came to the ancient capital, they understood more clearly that there are only a few ways to save the ancient capital.

Kill all the undead, once it's done, and don't do anything. But when Zhaohua saw the densely packed undead, he thought it was a good idea, but it didn't work.

Let the sun do its job again. For the undead, the sun is the fire mage who is attacking all the time. It has no magic power limit, and you can't support it no matter how many you have.

And this needs to stop the rain first, and then find a way to relieve the Nine Nether Dew that has been absorbed by the undead's body. It has been raining for a day and a night and it hasn't stopped. This is definitely not natural rain, it was deliberately made by a water mage. Water mages are already looking for people from the Judgment Council. As for the water from the Kunjing well, news has just come out not long ago that the last copy of the water from the Kunjing well has been used, and it will be difficult to find new ones for a while.

So this method is also lost.

And now the only way is to close Shayuan.

As long as there is no Shayuan and the Shayuan is closed, the undead in the land of the dead will not be attracted by the negative energy emitted by the Shayuan, and the undead in the Shayuan will not come out, and even the dead kings from all directions can be expelled.

As long as the continuous source of undead can be cut off, even if there are a lot of undead now, it can last for a long time until the arrival of military mages from other military regions.

Our country not only has the northern military region, but also the three military regions in the southeast and west, but they are too far away, and there is no way to quickly transport a large number of mages.

It can only rely on rushing over from land to support.

Both Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan knew that the Endless Ghost City was originally used to house the Shayuan, and the Shayuan should have been in the deepest part of the Endless Ghost City, serving as the entrance to the imperial mausoleum. And Endless Ghost City is equivalent to a huge temple, used to pay homage to the ancient king.

It's just that Sha Yuan escaped from the Endless Ghost City and became a dissociated state.

But there must be something left in the endless ghost city that can enter the evil abyss. The endless ghost city even has a chance to enter the imperial tomb, and even has a mechanism to close the evil abyss and summon the evil abyss back.

If this is the case, if the Shayuan is temporarily sealed, and the undead lose the Shayuan and become a mess of loose sand, they can kill a way to save millions of people.

As for Gu Suoyu, neither Zhaohua nor Ji Shaoan summoned it, because it would be cruel for Gu Suoyu to ask it to help.

If Zhaohua guessed correctly, this time the Undead Empire and the Black Vatican joined forces. The purpose of the Undead Empire is to summon back the ancient king in the dark plane, or to open a road to the ancient king to meet him.

So no matter what the purpose was, Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan didn't summon Gu Suoyu.

However, the two of them did not take the initiative to summon, but Gu Suoyu ran out of the undead space by himself. It used to be the undead of the great monarch. Although it only has the power of sub-command now, it is not a problem to come out of the undead space.

Zhaolang and the others immediately felt that Gu Suoyu was a vampire, and his strength was not weak. However, the strange thing is that it ran out of the undead space by itself by virtue of its understanding of space.

Gu Suoyu's expression was indifferent, and he said in a calm voice: "There is a passage in the deepest part of the endless ghost city. It is prepared for the dead kings who are isolated from the palace of bones and unable to enter the abyss in case of emergencies. Yes, that passage can go directly to the tomb of the ancient king."

Big news! ! ! ! !

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