Full-time Summoner

Chapter 521 Invincible Father Wolf

"Silver Blade - Wind Disk - Tornado!"

Xixi! ! The little wind silkworm flew in the air, and threw out two tornadoes with silver blades with both hands, because these bronze ghost soldiers could defend effectively no matter whether it was burning flames or using wind blade combat skills.

Only if you can crush them with your own powerful strength like Xiong Da and Sanwei and the Destroyer Dragon, otherwise the armor will be very good at defending against magic attacks.

Back then, the million-strong army led by the ancient king relied on such magical armor to defeat countless demon tribes and disintegrated the six demon empires in the country that kept humans in captivity.

The silver wind blades shot out by Zhaohua and Xiaofengcan's three tornadoes had little effect, and they made a clanging sound when they hit the bronze armor, leaving only white marks that could not be broken through.

And what shocked Zhaohua the most was that these bronze ghost soldiers actually formed a formation. Each square had twenty bronze shield soldiers, twenty warriors with spears in their hands, and archers hiding at the end.

The bronze shields of these bronze shield ghost soldiers are equivalent to an ordinary magic shield, which can only resist elementary magic, and the middle-level ones who face the power of the three spiritual species are logically unable to resist.

But they are like a well-trained army, the shields are layered on top of each other, and the bronze shields are pieced together like a puzzle, turning into a huge bronze barrier.

The three tornadoes formed by Zhaohua and Xiaofengcan were difficult to break through.

With a bang, a cold arrow shot from the side, the white Xingzi of Star Guardian that Lan Xinghu cast on Zhaohua's body locked on the bow and arrow, and shot down the attack with a bang.

The archers of the other phalanx all aimed at Zhaohua. Although the combination of three tornadoes kept hitting the bronze shield barrier of the first ghost soldier phalanx, the other phalanx had no time to take care of it.

There were still nine arrows coming, Zhaohua had no choice but to use the wind track to dodge the attack, and opened a certain distance.

The power of these bronze arrows is already equivalent to the thunder strike of the elementary level of the thunder system. The human mage's body will be shot through a big hole. Even with magic armor, it is difficult to resist nine consecutive arrows.

Ji Shaoan saw that Zhaohua was in danger, and was about to go to help, Zhang Ning held her back and said, "Let him do it by himself, or he will go to the national competition in a few months to practice. It would be dangerous."

Boom! Just as Zhaohua dodged the bow and arrow shots, Wujin Guijiang stomped on the ground fiercely, rushing forward with the black Qinglongyanyue knife in his hand.

With Sanwei and Xiongda at the beginning, Zhaohua was naturally not afraid, but now Sanwei and Xiongda were dealing with another phalanx, which made Zhaohua truly feel the strength and speed of the corpse general.

Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo, Wujin ghost will raise the huge Yanyue knife, spin it around a few times quickly, and then slash at Zhaohua.

"Stone Dragon Shield!"

Boom! A shield carved with this brown rock dragon appeared in front of Zhaohua, blocking the fatal blow for him.

At this moment, the domain was activated, and the domain of wind blew away the power of darkness around it.

"Spirit Ring!"

The moment the Rock Dragon Shield disappeared, the Wind Domain turned into a dark green ring to help Ujin Ghost General, Zhaohua retreated quickly, and then drew a star map, a third-level magic of the middle-level wind system.

"Silver Blade - Wind Disk - Tear!!"

The little wind silkworm also uses tearing, as long as the little wind silkworm is summoned, and it is not afraid of consuming mana, the little wind silkworm can imitate Zhaohua's wind magic, so that the wind magic can be doubled directly, even like a The power of the super wind disk is relatively weak, and it can be tripled.

Two silver-white tearing wind marks rushed towards Ghost General Wujin like a cross. Even Ghost General Wujin's Ujin armor is quite powerful, but facing the middle-level third-level wind magic with the power to tear space, Ghost General Wujin Cut into four pieces by a cross tear.

On the other side, the wolf father, Zhaolang, also used magic equipment. His magic walking equipment is a wind-type magic walking equipment, which can speed up his movement. After all, he is about to use a big killer, and he needs to gather the undead together. Sex spike.

"Hee hee, almost."

Red, red light appeared. Zhaolang's initial awakening is the fire element, so theoretically Zhaolang's strongest is not the thunder element, but the fire element.

But to the surprise of Ji Shaohan and others, the star map drawn by Zhaolang is quite slow. Although it is still very fast, with Zhaolang's cultivation base and spiritual power, middle-level and third-level magic should not be so slow.

Zhaolang's fist gathers flames, and the red flame of the fire fist sparkles with a little golden starlight. The golden yellow color should be Zhaolang's fire-type spiritual seed.

"Xuan Huangyan - Fierce Fist - Yanlong!!!!!!"

Roar! ! ! At the moment Zhaolang blasted this punch, a dragon chant sounded.

The temperature around Zhaolang is already unbelievably high, because when viewed from the side, the space around Zhaolang is distorted by the high temperature, making it look crooked.

The moment father wolf punched out, he taught Zhaohua a lesson, what does it mean when your father is reborn and returned.

Originally, the third-level magic of Fierce Fist belonged to Jiugong, but now it is a perfect fusion and strengthening of the power of Jiugong, and it has become a fire dragon, and there is a little gold in the fire dragon, this is a black gold dragon!

The mysterious golden dragon is extremely huge. The head of this golden dragon is as large as ten meters with its mouth open. Even the largest destructive evil dragon is just the same as its dragon head.

And that sound of the dragon's chant actually made the Destruction Evil Dragon's heart skip a beat. Is this the real dragon's chant? !

The flaming body of the mysterious golden dragon faced the large group of undead attracted by Zhaolang, the golden dragon devoured demons!

Ji Shaohan was intimidated again, and she quickly wrote in the small drawing book: [This is the blessing of the seal of God plus the fierce fist of level four? ! ! ! 】

Zhang Ning nodded with a smile. She didn't tell Ji Shaohan that a normal person can only have one blessing from the seal of praise in a lifetime, but Zhaolang has two. Once he got it when his cultivation was still there. At that time, what he chose to strengthen was the fire element he majored in, but that time, even with the blessing of Zhaolang's natural talent, it was only twice as much.

As for the Lightning type, after he experienced the battle of the dark plane, he found that he could have another blessing of God's Seal Praise when he was rebuilding, so he found the Parthenon goddess Izhisha and got it. God's Seal of Praise and Blessing.

And that Xuanhuangyan is even more that Zhaolang's former fire-type sky-seed has fallen from the power of the sky-seed to the current spirit-seed. It should have been called Xuanjinlongyan, and it was the sky-seed obtained from the bone of a pure-blooded golden dragon.

Let Zhaolang's fire magic evolve into the dragon's breath flame, one of the strongest flames in the world.

Boom! ! ! Zhaolang's punch not only wiped out most of the undead directly, but also knocked down the gate of the palace.

Other people's mid-level magic is half as high as the high-level magic. With Zhaolang's various enhancements, his fourth-level Fierce Fist surpassed the high-level fire magic by more than half.

Jiang Tiansheng shook his head speechlessly from the sidelines. From being an ignorant mage to now, everything about this man is a miracle beyond ordinary people.

If you have to say it, the current Zhaolang is a bit like the feeling in the novels of the Invincible Style, where the strongest magic god comes back to live again after death. Although his two magic systems are only intermediate, but after more than 20 years of reconstruction , Zhaolang has surpassed the so-called middle-level mage.

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