Full-time Summoner

Chapter 522 Inside the Palace of the King

With a loud bang and the impact of the golden dragon, the main entrance of the palace was blasted open.

No one has ever entered the palace of the king, not because they cannot enter, but because no one wants to enter.

Anyone who has been a hunter mage who has been to the palace of the endless ghost city knows that if he wants to enter the palace, he must fight thousands of bronze ghost soldiers. To destroy the gate.

There is only one consequence of doing this.

All ghost soldiers in Endless Ghost City will be activated.

Quack quack quack! ! ! !

The first to be attracted were the ghost soldiers from the other three sides of the palace. The palace has four sides, and each side is guarded by ghost soldiers. They are all composed of bronze ghost soldiers and Wujin ghost generals, and there is a commander-level undead sitting in the town.

The other three commander-level undead are platinum swordsman, black gold knight, and ruby ​​dead. These are the general-level subordinates of the ancient king before his death. to the leadership level.

Only those who were extremely powerful during their lifetime, such as Nine Nether Empress, Red Skull Demon Lord, and Gu Suoyu, have the chance to become the dead king.

And not only these ghost soldiers, there are also various side halls, large and small, and countless huts around the palace, all of which are filled with ghost soldiers from the endless ghost city.

In addition to the bronze ghost soldiers, there is also a servant-level ghost soldier, the red copper ghost soldier.

This kind of ghost soldier itself is the same as the bronze ghost soldier, except that the copper armor on their body will turn red, which is caused by killing people and being stained with the blood of the mage.

This is the design of the ancient king. Whether he was alive or after his death, he has always implemented a reward system for killing enemies. As long as he kills the enemy, he can become stronger.

It is this little blood that can stimulate the bloodiness of the undead, making these servant-level undead more powerful and ferocious, and even have the opportunity to advance to become a blood-red warrior.

This is a warrior-level undead. Although it is not as powerful as Ujin Ghost General, it is advanced from a servant-level. Those huts are one of the rules set by the ancient king, as long as they can advance, there will be hut rewards.

The huts and side halls have a stronger undead atmosphere, which is more suitable for undead cultivation and survival.

There was a rattling sound, and besides the footsteps of the ghost soldiers, there was also the sound of the door opening of the side hall. All the doors of dozens of side halls around were opened, and densely packed bronze ghost soldiers and red copper ghost soldiers poured out.

That's why no one dared to force their way into the king's palace. Once in, they couldn't get out!

Even a super-level mage can't do it, because there are more than 100 commander-level undead in Endless Ghost City, more than 10,000 warrior-level undead, and millions of slave-level undead. If you add a few dead kings, this scale can already destroy the ancient capital again.

So no super mage would go in foolishly.

Zhaohua saw the side halls opened around him and the undead pouring out of them, so he didn't care about so many, so he quickly took back the three tails, Xiong Da and the evil dragon who were still fighting.

Only the Destroying Evil Dragon killed Ghost General Ujin, and Sanwei and Xiong Da couldn't kill Ghost General Ujin in a short time.

Jiang Tiansheng said loudly: "Quick! Enter the king's palace, as long as we can stop the evil abyss and let the undead fade away, there will be magicians in the ancient capital to rescue us!"

Zhang Ning hugged Ji Shaoan's waist, and behind him appeared wings transformed by the power of darkness. His body was as light as a swallow, and he flew over all the undead with Ji Shaoan, and entered the king's palace first. Only Ji Shaoan's dark summoned beast knew the king's palace Case.

Ji Shao silently looked at Zhang Ning's profile, and shouted in his heart: Mom is so handsome! ! !

Zhaohua used the wind rails and wind silk to pull his short-legged mage Daddy and Jiang Tiansheng to the palace, and the mysterious gray-white man pushed the glass ghost and witch away with the wings of the wind, and then entered the palace himself.

After Ji Shaohan safely entered the king's palace, Gu Suoyu came out from the undead space, walked to a stone pillar in the main hall with ease, and pressed the dragon head carved on the stone pillar, a defensive barrier was activated.

boom! The moment the barrier was activated, a lightning ball dropped from the sky, and it hit the barrier with a bang, causing a vibration, but it was blocked by the barrier.

"Go inside and go to a place where Mercury is the river of hundreds of rivers. Under the Mercury River, you can use a copper lock to open the space passage to the evil abyss." Gu Suoyu said flatly.

Legend has it that there are various treasures in the tombs of ancient kings.

Historical records: Mercury is used as the source of hundreds of rivers and rivers, instilled with the machine, with astronomy on the top and geography on the bottom, and mermaid ointment as a candle, which will last for a long time.

It is conceivable that the ancient king, as a generation of emperors who unified the entire country at that time and had the power to disintegrate many demon kingdoms, naturally had whatever he wanted during his lifetime.

Even this royal palace is extremely luxurious, and the gold pillars are already invaluable, and if you take any one away, you will be prosperous.

Of course, you are ordered to leave from the siege of a million ghost soldiers before talking about this.

After entering the king's palace, everyone discovered that this palace is not simple.

The interior of this palace actually has the technology of the space system. The inside is much larger than the outside, and every brick and tile inside is emitting light. It is obviously night, but here it is like day.

Zhaohua looked around, and the surrounding area was golden, like the sun, but it was strange that people could feel a faint chill coming from all directions here.

Jiang Tiansheng explained: "This place will continue to absorb the power of darkness from outside, and all of it will flow inward. I am afraid that it is used as energy to maintain the operation of the palace."

As soon as Zhaohua came in, and just entered the second hall of the king's palace, there was a shock on the ground. Although these earthquakes could not affect him as a middle-level mage, of course when he turned his head and looked around, he found that the people behind him The golden dragon on the golden pillar climbed down from it.

But these golden dragons are not dragons at all, more like golden reptiles.

"This is the golden dragon formation, and the defense mechanism of the Palace of Kings has been activated."

Although Gu Suoyu was a little surprised, he quickly said flatly: "It seems that the real bodies of the Empress Jiuyou and the Red Skull Demon Lord are guarding the passage into the evil abyss in the mercury map, and this place has been controlled by them. "

In addition to protection, the defensive barrier it had just activated also turned off all the formation organs, but it has been closed and the defense formation is activated, which means that someone is manually controlling it in the innermost part of the palace.

In the deepest underground chamber of the palace, there flows a silver-white river, all of which is silver-white magic mercury.

The value of magic mercury is very high, because it can be used as a connection medium for formations, and it is highly poisonous, so it is one of the beloved resources of poison mages.

The entire space of the hall here is surrounded by magic mercury. There is a Milky Way on the ground and a silver galaxy in the sky. The whole bedroom is beautiful and indescribably elegant.

"There aren't many people who know about that institution." A red skeleton wearing a long red coat said hoarsely.

Zhaohua and the others were reflected in the mercury on the ground, and after Gu Suoyu finished speaking, he looked to the side, just in time to meet Empress Jiuyou.

Jiuyouhou said with a smile: "The old friend is back, you have to greet him well."

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