Full-time Summoner

Chapter 587 Little Wind Silkworm Awakens

Chapter 587 Little Wind Silkworm Awakens

Zhaohua and Mo Ze looked at each other, and there was only one word in their hearts: run.

Especially Zhaohua, if he is caught, he may even lose his experience in the national government. And this time the Supreme Trial will be a top-secret matter, serious enough to conceal the people of the whole country, so it is very likely that the Supreme Trial will not even restore the identities of the two of them before the mission officially ends this time , let alone save lives.

The two of them are telling the truth now: Although I am actually a secret investigator of the Supreme Court, in the eyes of others, I am just a member of the national team. Mo Ze is a judge whose identity has been frozen.

If caught by the deputy judge of Asuka City, he will go to jail directly and can only wait for someone to rescue him.

With a bang, Wing of Wind raised a hurricane and shattered the glass, and the deputy judge Xue Qun with Wing of Wind behind him stared at the two of them, his eyes locked.

"Who are you and why are you sneaking into the municipal building?"

Both Zhao Hua and Mo Ze guessed that the organ was the magic alarm tool used to notify the deputy judge. When someone steals something, it will automatically contact the deputy judge in the trial meeting to delay the time, and then the prisoner will have time to escape.

It's useless even if you reveal your identity, saying that you are from the Judgment Council, and that you came to steal something to investigate things. Guess people believe it or not.

"Spatial Rhythm - Time Lag!"

Moze immediately used the time lag to create a large-scale deceleration zone. Zhaohua is not too polite, and directly opened the magic shoe. Xiaofengcan has not yet woken up. Now, he is just a short-legged mage, without the ability to move.

Moze also activates the magic walking tool, plus the double acceleration of the wind track. The opponent is a high-level wind mage, and this is the most troublesome.

Seeing Mo Ze and Zhao Hua running away at the speed of light, Xue Qun stared, and the Wings of Wind behind him fanned, rushing straight into the time-lag deceleration zone.

He is not a sea monster. Facing the time-lag deceleration zone is like being trapped in a swamp, and his body seems to be pulled by countless tentacles, making it difficult to move an inch.

Moze is already a high-level space mage. Although he hasn't learned teleportation yet, he has reached a high level after all, and his mental power has improved to a certain extent.

"Hmph, time lag." Xue Qun said with a sneer.

Time lag slows down, then he will speed up, faster than you slow down!

The Wing of Wind behind him emitted a green light, Xue Qun was surrounded by Feng, and the speed of Wing of Wind exploded, a green light flew through the time-lag deceleration zone at extreme speed, and went straight to the two of them.

This is the explosive speed of a high-level wind mage, and the time lag cannot be trapped.

Both Zhaohua and Mo Ze have wind magic, so they naturally know how fast the Wing of Wind is, so they will die if they don't use the magic tool.

Zhaohua's magic shoes can be used to escape the shadow, and it is just dark now, almost all in the building is dark, use the escape shadow to move towards the direction of the stairs. And Moze's magic shoes and wind rails can barely run.

Both of them know the weakness of Wing of Wind, Wing of Wind is not easy to play in a narrow space, and Wing of Wind is best to exert its power in an open place.

"Hmph, can you escape, wind and tornado!"

Although there is no such thing as a star chart, a high-level wind mage has already reached a high-level wind mage, and the middle-level magic is naturally used quite quickly.

The next second after seeing the magic light, a green wind disk was formed.

The wind tornado is a bit like a time-delayed deceleration zone. The wind tornado will create an attractive force that will pull Zhaohua and Mo Ze back, even if they can't be pulled back to slow them down.

And Xue Qun took the opportunity to speed up.

"Fierce Fist—Earth Fiend!"

Zhaohua stomped on the ground, and a hot flame immediately appeared on the ground. Originally, this was the aisle in the building, which was very narrow. Disha almost occupied the entire aisle.

"Small tricks! The Wings of the Wind—Guardian with four wings."

A pair of Wind Wings grew behind Xue Qun, and then the two pairs of Wind Wings completely wrapped Xue Qun's body, turning into a green wind cocoon, directly rushing through the attack of Earth Sha.

The flames of Earth Fiend couldn't break through the protection of the Wings of Wind at all, and Xue Qun rushed forward unscathed.

"Hey, he's actually a second-level wind mage!" Mo Ze said angrily.

Asuka City is just a small coastal city, unlike Yaodu City, the deputy judge must be a high-level three-line. At the first level of the high-level department in Asuka City, you can be the deputy judge.

If Zhaohua and the others met a deputy presiding judge with Li Weize's strength, they would have been caught the moment they met.

After reaching a high level, different high level magics will have their own characteristics. Just like the space system, high-level space system magic consumes mana not according to the number of times but according to the distance. And the high-level wind magic has also become a little different.

That is, the number of Wings of Wind will also affect the power of magic.

For example, if you have two pairs of wind wings, the speed of the two-winged Tianxiang using high-level first-level magic will be much faster. If you have a six-winged queen, use the second-level protection, and your defense will be stronger.

Because the Wing of Wind is a magic that increases the status of the mage, if the Wing of Wind reaches three pairs, Tianxiang will also be three times faster.

In addition to the influence of spirit seeds and some magic equipment, the number of wind wings will also affect the power of magic. But the wings of wind will be broken, so how to keep more wings of wind in battle is a compulsory course for high-level wind mages.

"I can't run, what should I do!" Mo Ze asked.

Zhaohua also felt that the distance behind him was getting closer and closer, and the magic tool was still unable to escape high-level magic.

"What can we do, we can't be caught anyway. We'll talk about the apology later, fuck him!" Zhao Hua said to Mo Ze.

Zhaohua didn't run away, he turned around directly, the flames in his hands condensed, and when he was about to say hello to him with a fierce fist, a feeling that was a little strange but very familiar came to his heart.

"It seems that I have to thank Mo Fan when I go back. Thanks to his Flame Fairy, this little guy who likes to stay in bed finally got up."

Zhaohua raised his hand, and the completed Fierce Fist Nine Palaces disappeared, as did the flame in his hand.

Mo Ze was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand why Zhaohua canceled the Fierce Fist Nine Palaces, but you are blasting him.

Xue Qun looked at Zhaohua and the two from above, and asked, "Tell me, who are you?"

Zhaohua said to Mo Ze: "You take the materials and go first, don't lose them."

Seeing Zhaohua's serious expression, Mo Ze knew that this guy was finally going to get serious. Although it is true that the opponent is a high-level second-level mage, Zhaohua is not a vegetarian. If he can't beat him, he must be able to run.

Mo Ze nodded, but didn't say anything, after all, the missing baby is more important this time. It might be possible to notify the Supreme Court earlier or catch the escaped person.

"Can I escape!" Xue Qunfeng waved his wings, not intending to let Moze leave.

Zhaohua just smiled, looking down on himself so much.

"Wind Elf Domain..."

A green field opened instantly, and a huge green halo appeared on the ground covering the entire space. All the surrounding wind elements were decomposed in a very short period of time.


With a crash, two pieces of Xue Qun's Wing of Wind collapsed, and Xue Qun, who lost his balance, almost fell to the ground.

He looked at Zhaohua with a surprised expression and said, "Field! You know the realm!!"

Moze's eyes are protruding, oh my god! This is the domain of the wind element. And it can also invalidate high-level wind magic! Crazy! !

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