Full-time Summoner

Chapter 588 I am from the Summoning Department

There was an inexplicable meaning in Xue Qun's eyes.

Seeing the change in the expression of this high-ranking wind mage, Zhaohua suddenly smiled and said, "To be honest, this is not a trap."

! ! ! ?

A trace of panic flashed in Xue Qun's eyes, and this trace of panic was noticed by Zhaohua.

"I don't understand what you're talking about. You stole important state documents. As the deputy presiding judge, I want to arrest you." Xue Qun said righteously.

Zhaohua spread his hands and said noncommittally: "If you have a next time, remember. Don't come too fast."

There was a murderous intent in Xue Qun's eyes, he knew that Zhaohua already knew the truth of the matter.

The deputy prefect's dignitary didn't know anything about it, he was just a little greedy.

Just as Zhaohua thought, these data are very important. There are so many babies born in Asuka City, not only the number of days, but also the time of birth and the concentration of magic energy at birth. He can't remember such a large number of data.

But no matter where these materials are placed, they may be discovered at home, office, mobile phone, computer or even carry them with you. So he thought of a way.

Since it is possible to be discovered by others, it is better to put it in someone else's place and let others be the one who takes the blame.

The magic tool in the safe was indeed notified to the Tribunal, but it was also notified to him. If something really happened, he could use this as an excuse to fly over to see the situation. If it is a super mage, then I am the deputy presiding judge of the trial meeting to see what happened.

If it is someone like Zhaohua who is not strong, then he can be caught in the name of theft for a long time, and then he can be disposed of without anyone noticing.

So even if Zhaohua revealed his identity, it was useless, Xue Qun would take them back as the deputy presiding judge to seal the magic energy and kill them. Then throw the blame on the man who took the blame.

It's just that he didn't expect that Zhaohua actually had the domain of wind, and this domain could break his wings of wind.

Zhaohua discovered that something was wrong with Xue Qun at that time, mainly because he came too fast. In less than ten seconds, he flew directly from the trial meeting.

In other words, he rushed over almost as soon as he received the notification.

The mentality is not stable enough.

But even if Zhaohua doubted it, it was useless, after all, he had no way to keep him just now, just because he can win does not mean that he can catch him. A mage with wings of wind wants to escape, but unless you can also fly, you won't be able to catch up at all.

Even Zhaohua didn't expect that because Mo Fan used Yan Ji's Jie Yan today, Xiao Fengcan would wake up earlier, and he just woke up at such a coincident time.

It can only be said that if you do many unrighteous actions, you will die yourself.

A pair of Wind Wings slowly appeared behind Zhaohua. Unlike Xue Qun's Wind Wings, Zhaohua's Wind Wings did not look like the scimitar wings of a bird, but rather like sharp swords When put together, there are sharp protrusions and many gaps, which are very layered.

And it's not the green of the wind system, but a lighter green.

And some strange lines can be seen on the Wing of Wind, which are very similar to the lines carved on the ancient magic gate that was finally summoned in the endless ghost city.

After all, this is not the Wing of Wind built by Zhaohua, it is made by Xiaofengcan controlling Xingzi and Mana. In a sense it is assimilation.

Zhaohua didn't know how fast the pair of Wind Wings was, but with the interference of the domain, he was confident that he could be faster than Xue Qun. It's the same even if he is the second level of the wind system.

"As the deputy presiding judge, you should know that the trial committee never needs to talk about evidence when arresting people. Just reasonable doubt is enough."

If you want proof of shit, there is torture of mind-type magic, if you arrest people and ask them, you will know.

Originally, Zhaohua planned to flee back and express his doubts to the Supreme Court. He couldn't catch people by himself, so he could only rely on others, but now it's different. A mere high-ranking wind mage can teach him every minute. He is human.

Catching a living person is considered a great achievement this time. It seems that the ghost witch flower is almost here.

Sure enough, Xue Qun didn't want to fight with you at all, and quickly opened up the distance with the magic walking equipment. After leaving the scope of the domain, he immediately used the wings of the wind to escape.

As the name suggests, the domain is developed in one place. If you move your location, the domain will not follow. As a high-level mage, Xue Qun does not have a domain, but he knows a little bit.

"Sure enough, he is a person who does bad things. Others can be weak, but the ability to escape is really amazing." Zhaohua saw the flashing magic walking equipment, which was probably the fastest magic walking equipment he had ever seen.

"Wings of the Wind—Two Wings Flying in the Sky."

call! ! ! The wind was howling, Zhaohua just flapped his wings slightly, and his body was about to be crushed by the strong wind pressure.

"Wind...wind scale armor, fan windbreaker!"

Zhaohua was taken aback by the extreme speed, it was too fast! It is almost as fast as the top speed of Zhaohua's five-fold super-acceleration with flash step plus magic equipment and fan windbreaker. No wonder the body couldn't bear it. Without the protection of magic armor at this speed, he died first.

Zhaohua didn't dare to flap his wings to accelerate again, but opened the wings of the wind to glide first, he had to get used to the extreme speed of the wings of the wind first.

"Is this what it feels like to fly..."

Zhaohua glides with the help of the wind, followed Xue Qun, and glanced at the downtown area of ​​Asuka City below him. It was already late at night, and there were only some faint lights left.

Because of the protection of the Vatican windbreaker, Zhaohua could not feel the cold. He looked up at the stars and the bright moon in the sky, as if they were a little closer and became within easy reach.

"Let's experience the fun of flying later, and get the things in front of us right now."

Zhaohua stared at Xue Qun who was getting farther and farther in front of him, and the green light in his eyes flashed away.

boom! ! ! There was a sound explosion, Zhaohua consumed the magic energy fiercely, Xiaofengcan injected a large amount of magic energy into the Wing of the Wind, and the Wing of the Wind emitted a faint light, and then burst out an extremely fast sonic boom that pierced the sound barrier With a voice, the distance with Xue Qun was shortened in an instant.

"This guy is going to enter the monster area...you have to hurry up before that."

Hurrah! ! ! Although Zhaohua's control of the Wing of Wind is poor, in this sky, he doesn't need to beat around the bush, just fly straight.

Xue Qun turned his head and saw that Zhaohua was faster than himself with two pairs of wind wings. He gritted his teeth and looked at a cave in front: "You forced me to do this. Thunderbolt!"

With a bang, a thunderbolt slammed into the cave.

"Hahaha, you have escaped now..."

Before Xue Qun finished speaking, Zhaohua's voice came from above him: "Why should I run away?"

Feeling Zhaohua's terrifying speed, Xue Qun couldn't even speak out. I can't imagine why a pair of Wind Wings can be faster than his two pairs!

Zhaohua has completely caught up with Xue Qun, and is right above him. I saw Zhaohua's right hand resting on the position of Xue Qunfeng's wings, and a dark green fairy ring appeared, materializing the power of the domain.

"Elf ring——seal."

Seeing Xue Qun's Wind Wings disappear, Zhao Hua grabbed his back and said, "I hope your magic armor can withstand the impact."

"no no!!!!!!"

Zhaohua made a ninety-degree right angle, from flying to a vertical dive, grabbing Xue Qun's back with his right hand, and falling extremely fast.

Bong! ! ! The ground kicked up dirt and smoke, and a pit appeared. Zhaohua looked at Xue Qun lying on the ground. The magic armor on his body was completely broken. Fortunately, he is a high-level mage after all, and his physical ability is still good. Apart from the bones being broken into pieces, there are also gas.

Zhaohua looked up at the cave not far away, where a pair of animal eyes looked at him.

"Hey...that's a commander-level thunderbird...you...you can't escape..."

Xue Qun still has the strength to speak, it seems that his magic armor is quite good.

Zhaohua said flatly: "Why should I run away? I'm not a wind mage, I'm a summoner."

Thanks for [Qiyou] [20170710152945419] [1025 Long 1025] [Hong Xiaochun] [20200408133718362] [Salted Fish is Coming] [Difficult Temperature] [bcxbc] * 2 monthly pass~~~

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