Full-time Summoner

Chapter 589 Is there a ghost?

Xue Qun's bones were only shattered and fractured by the impact. He has no hearing problems and no brain problems.

But he couldn't understand what Zhaohua wanted to express.

This is a flying monster, and it is still at the commanding level. Wind mages are most afraid of encountering flying monsters.

The defense and vitality of flying monsters are not as good as land monsters, and their skills and toxicity are not as good as sea monsters, but they can fly! Moreover, even the most common commander-level flying monsters are much faster than high-level wind mages.

And this thunderbird is as swift and fierce as thunder and lightning, and its speed is one of the best among monsters. Even with the speed of the six wings, it is difficult to escape its pursuit.

Moreover, the character of the Thunderbird is still vindictive. It has just bombarded its cave with a thunderbolt, and the Thunderbird will definitely come out.

Whoosh, the wind came.

Xue Qun is the deputy presiding judge of Asuka City, so he naturally has a good understanding of the monsters around him, and the reason why this place is called Asuka City doesn't explain the problem.

Zhaohua raised his head, and a giant red bird with a body length of five meters and a wingspan of more than ten meters appeared above Zhaohua's head. Needless to say, everyone knew that this must be the Thunderbird that Xue Qun was talking about.

"Sure enough, it's a thunderbird. It contains the power of thunder in its body. It can fly as high as above the clouds. It specializes in absorbing the power of thunder and lightning in the sky during thunderstorms. It usually hides in caves. It is a flying monster."

As a top student, Zhaohua knew the appearance and the name, and quickly remembered the characteristics of monsters.

However, he didn't panic at all.

After thinking about the star trail, the primary summoning magic was activated, and Xiao Fengcan couldn't wait to jump out of the summoning space.

Xixi! Xi~~

He jumped out and stood on Zhaohua's shoulders, stretched after taking a breath, it looked like he had just woken up.

Zhaohua felt Xiaofengcan's current strength.

"It seems that the advancement of the strength of the commander level has indeed slowed down a lot. The strength of the general when he broke through last time was the strength of the general, but now he just barely reached the level of the small commander..."

The appearance of the little wind silkworm has not changed, it is better to say that its body is not like this at all, the little wind silkworm and the little flame faire are different, the body of the little wind silkworm is actually a ball of fire, the appearance is based on the fire witch and the old flame princess shape change.

The same goes for the little wind silkworm. It actually looks a bit like a wind spirit, but in fact its body is a small emerald green silkworm.

However, after the commanding level, it is not completely unchanged. The wings on the back of the little wind silkworm have changed from thin cicada wings to pointed sword wings, and they branched out, which is the wind wings that Zhaohua just appeared on the back.

Xiaofengcan is more domineering than before.

Zhaohua heard from Xiaofengcan that Fengling's spiritual weapon is a sword, but Xiaofengcan's spiritual weapon is completely different, quite huge. Although it has not yet fully formed, it is impossible to have a sword like a pillar. .

Xi! ! Xiaofengcan pointed to Thunderbird, with some excitement in her eyes.

"Yes, for you to practice, use all new moves, this time I will assist you."

Zhaohua didn't plan to make a move this time, to be a real summoner, to be a pure bastard like Jiang Yu, and to apply summoning magic and buffs to Xiaofengcan later.

The most important thing is that Zhaohua wants to see if Xiao Fengcan has learned any new magic and skills.

Little Wind Silkworm has an advantage over Little Flame Fairy in inheritance. After all, the old Flame Fairy and the Fire Witch are gone, and the little Flame Fairy is all on her own with Mo Fan. And the little wind silkworm has inheritance.

Xi! !

Xiao Fengcan turned her arm, looking like a female hooligan about to fight. After yelling, he rushed towards the Thunderbird, whose size was unknown how many times bigger than himself. The wind and thunder intertwined, the lightning flashed and thundered, and the strong wind rolled up. The surrounding trees were struck by lightning and uprooted by the wind. It was a picture of the end of the world. .

In the end, Xiaofengcan and Thunderbird fought inextricably. After all, Thunderbird has the strength of a real small commander and broke through very early, while Xiaofengcan barely reached the small commander. Although Xiaofengcan has a field to help, Lei The bird is not a mage, nor is it a demon of the wind system. It has a large amount of thunder power stored in its body, and the influence of the domain becomes very small.

In the end Thunderbird knew that it would be fruitless if it went on like this. After being interrupted by Xiaofengcan, it took the initiative to fly away, and Zhaohua also felt a large number of monsters approaching, so he had no choice but to go back.

Together with Xue Qun who was too shocked to speak.

This is the disadvantages and advantages of a summoner. It can compete with monsters of the same level, and its strength can easily increase explosively. But the disadvantage is that unless the strength exceeds a lot, you can't kill the monster, or even keep the monster.

Compared with high-level mages who possess soul-seeds, magic tools, and a variety of spells, monsters' attack methods are a bit single, that is, they cannot kill or severely injure monsters with a set of combos.

Of course, this is also the reason why Zhaohua didn't make a move, otherwise, if he used the Destruction Evil Dragon and Fire Element, he would have a chance to keep the Thunderbird.

Moze waited for more than an hour at the agreed place, and finally it was Zhaohua.

"I almost thought you rolled over!"

Zhaohua said apologetically, "I'm sorry, my hands were itchy and I practiced a few times."

Zhaohua directly threw Xue Qun, who had passed out, to Mo Ze. Zhaohua had already told Mo Ze about the number of dead babies he had investigated from the national team and the speculation about the dead babies, and he was caught. Zhaohua's mission It's over for now.

Before the Supreme Court has new instructions or he has new clues, Zhaohua has nothing else to do, and the rest is what the Supreme Court can find out from this person.

Mo Ze nodded seriously and said, "Don't worry, I will hand over this person to Mr. Tian."

"Okay, let me know if there is any news."

After Zhaohua and Mo Ze parted ways, they returned to the villa, and seeing that it would be three hours before dawn, they entered into daily meditation and control.

Regardless of the fact that he can use two high-level magics, both of the summoning system and the wind system, Zhaohua also needs to learn two high-level magics. Now the high-level magic of the summoning system has not yet been released, and he has to start again. Learn wind.

"Fortunately, there is little wind silkworm to help improve the control. Otherwise, there are so many high-level magic to learn, people will be crazy. I don't know if Mo Fan will go crazy if he has to learn five or six high-level magic."

Early the next morning, everyone was eating breakfast delivered by Lin Junxian.

Jiang Yu saw Zhaohua who came down from the upstairs and asked: "Zhaohua, why are you awake, you are a thief?"

"Yeah, I sneaked into the municipal building to steal things last night." Zhaohua said in a casual tone, as if joking.

Zhaohua picked up a white flour steamed bun and poured himself a glass of milk. Now let's see how the discussion between Ai Jiangtu and Lin Junxian goes, and see if there is any way to send them to Japan.

If you can find the Crimson Splitting Demon, you can solve it, if you can't find it, just ignore it, and leave it to the military in Asuka City.

Just when Zhaohua took a bite of the white bread, suddenly the phone Ai Jiangtu just bought yesterday rang, and it showed that Lin Junxian was calling.

Ai Jiangtu frowned, and turned on the speakerphone directly. Ai Jiangtu hadn't spoken yet, but Lin Junxian came from the phone in a flustered and crying tone: "I...my cousin's child is missing.. The sea monster has taken it away... Please help me save him."

Zhaohua showed doubts, why did he disappear? Isn't Xue Qun the mastermind behind the arrest of the baby?

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