Hearing what Lin Junxian said, everyone was shocked. Because when chatting at the dinner party yesterday, Lin Junxian was very happy to tell everyone that he finally no longer needs to be endangered by the sea monster.

Because her younger sister once had a child who was taken away by the sea monster, and not long ago, she was pregnant with her second child and was in confinement. Without the sea monster, she finally gave her sister an explanation.

It's just that he never expected that bad news fell from the sky just one night later.

After Zhaohua heard it, he realized that he had made a mistake, and there was a point that he didn't notice.

That is how the sea monkey monster, the weakest and most spineless monster among the slave sea monsters, dared to cross the coast and run to the human living area to catch babies.

Demons coming to the human living area are just like humans coming to the demon area. How dare you, a sea monkey? This is like a low-level light mage who has just awakened. He ran to the demon area to catch the demon cubs before he knew magic, and he succeeded, and the number continued to increase every year.

"Someone deliberately created a tunnel or something to lure the Sea Monkey to arrest people!?"

At this moment, Zhaohua realized that not all of those baby corpses had baby hearts, about one-fifth of them did. Zhaohua thought it was strange at the time, but thinking about it now, it was to confuse the public, to attract the sea monkey monster, and pin the blame on the sea monkey monster.

To attract sea monkeys, there must be passages and means.

After Jiang Yu heard the news, he quickly picked up his mobile phone and said, "Please call the police immediately and notify the city's monster hunting team."

Lin Jun listened casually, thinking that Jiang Yu was unwilling to save people, and wanted to put it aside, and said a little angrily: "You are mages...how can you ignore it, you are so much better than the urban monster hunting team."

Jiang Yu interrupted: "No. We will do our best to rescue them, but now we suspect that someone intentionally prevents the missing babies from being reported to the court. We must catch this person and return those babies to their innocence."

Jiang Yu has a way, as long as there is a disappearance case, he can follow up and investigate to see who is obstructing it. But this method is like fishing, a baby needs to be missing, and Jiang Yu can't do it with a baby as bait, so he didn't say it last night.

Lin Junxian knew that he had misunderstood and said: "I...I understand. Please save my sister's child. I, Lin Junxian, will definitely thank you for your kindness."

It was time for Jiang Yu's performance, and he took out a laptop from his room, which he hurriedly asked Lin Junxian for yesterday. Zhaohua stood behind him. What was surprising was that Jiang Yu had an account password to enter the urban magic equipment monitoring system in Asuka City. He called the monitoring of the villa where Lin Junxian's sister lived, and soon found the monster.

Sure enough, a monkey-like monster sneaked into the villa and stole the baby. Fortunately, the baby was still alive.

"No, the sea monkey went out to sea five minutes ago, and I can't find it."

Just when everyone was helpless, Zhaohua's phone vibrated, Zhaohua quietly took two steps back, and took out his phone to take a look when no one else was paying attention.

[People from the Judgment Council came to pick up Xue Qun. When they came, they found that the Scarlet Splitting Demon was on an island in the northeast. 】

This is Moze sending a message to explain things to Zhaohua.

Zhaohua couldn't help smiling when he saw the news, it's true that Skynet is so meticulous.

"The Scarlet Splitting Demon is on an island in the northeast." Zhao Hua said to Jiang Yu.

Guan Yu snorted coldly, and said mockingly: "What time is it now, and you still think about the Scarlet Splitting Demon, don't you care about that baby?"

Zhaohua ignored the fish directly. Mo Fan would handle this stupid fish himself.

Jiang Yu and the others didn't understand what this meant at first, but Mo Fan's keen intuition as a master hunter appeared, and he said in a deep voice: "The sea monkey monster is the subordinate of the red crack monster, and those babies were eaten by the red monster." If you drop it, then the Scarlet Splitting Demon might also like to eat it."

What Mo Fan said, everyone realized that the sea monkey monster would not dare to eat the baby by itself, and the red monster has been wiped out. The baby is most likely dedicated to the red split monster, after all it Now that he is seriously injured, it is inconvenient to go out to sea to hunt for food.

Zhao Manyan also stiffened at the right time, and said to Mo Fan: "I have magic wings, and I can take one person with me. I can't beat so many sea monsters alone."

Mo Fan smiled, patted Zhao Manyan on the shoulder and said, "That's enough, let's go, let's go save the baby and kill the Scarlet Splitting Demon."

Zhao Manyan didn't talk nonsense, and directly unfolded the magic wing equipment. It was a pair of golden light-attribute magic wing equipment. The magic equipment was composed of pieces of golden light scales, which made Zhao Manyan quite powerful.

Zhao Manyan directly grabbed Mo Fan's back clothes and flew to the northeast. After all, this is an unknown island in the sea, and it is impossible to determine the exact location. Whether it can be found or rescued, everyone can only do their best.

Zhao Hua watched Zhao Manyan fly away with Mo Fan, thought for a while, even if Mo Fan couldn't beat the Scarlet Splitting Demon with Mo Fan's strength, he should be able to wait until Ai Jiangtu and the others arrived.

Ai Jiangtu and other wind mages are also preparing to rush there together. They can't fly anymore, but using the acceleration of the wind track, they can barely walk on the sea, or ice mages can walk while freezing a piece of ice .

In addition to Jiang Yu, who wanted to follow up and investigate, and Nanrong Ni, a mage of the healing department, who was in charge of contacting, Zhaohua also stayed.

Jiang Yu looked at Zhaohua. He knew that Zhaohua was a wind mage, and his sister also had a flying dragon. He asked curiously, "Why don't you go?"

Zhaohua spread his hands and said, "I'm just a weak substitute. It's okay to catch ordinary villains, but I can't do it with commander-level monsters."

Jiang Yu thought: This man is full of lies, whoever marries him will suffer.

It's not that Zhaohua doesn't want to go, but Zhaohua's mission is to stay here. If another badass high-level mage runs out, it's really hard to say.

Sitting next to Jiang Yu, Zhao Hua said: "I'm going to follow the urban demon hunting team in Asuka City, you give me instructions, and I'll catch them after I'm sure."

Jiang Yu nodded.

Zhaohua didn't know if there were any fish that slipped through the net, but it stands to reason that his investigation last night should have directly caught the mastermind behind the Asuka City, and the rest are probably some small fish.

Sure enough, according to Jiang Yu's prompt, Zhaohua has been using everything from the police who came to the door after calling the police, contacting the urban monster hunting team after confirming that it was a demon, to immediately investigating, peeking at the investigation records, monitoring and listening, etc.

In the end, no matter what the clues were, they all pointed to the deputy chief of the municipal building that Zhaohua sneaked into last night, but Zhaohua knew that these were actually the methods of Xue Qun, the deputy presiding judge.

In the end, Zhaohua locked down a few hunters and found several underground tunnels by the sea. These tunnels all lead to the city's underground waterways. Sea monkey monsters entered the living area through the underground waterways to steal babies.

But Zhaohua knew that Xue Qun might even be just cannon fodder in this matter, and the real mastermind behind the scenes might be even more terrifying.

"Mo Ze, you contact Chief Tianqingbai and ask him to intercept the investigation of several mentors and Teacher Jiang Yu. This matter should not be too publicized. Just hand over the real behind-the-scenes to the Supreme Court. I am even afraid that they will have Life is in danger."

The Supreme Tribunal must be cautious about opponents. One thing to say, several super mentors are really not opponents, and the five of them are going to go abroad with them now. If they are in a foreign country, the Emperor Shangao is far away.

In the end, whether it was Zhaohua or the Supreme Court, almost nothing was found after a thorough investigation.

Because the Supreme Tribunal could not find any clues about Xue Qun, but only knew that Xue Qun obtained an ancient scroll from the demon lair a few years ago in order to improve his strength, and learned of an unknown ancient method. Heart can quickly improve his cultivation, so he is now a high-level second-level wind mage.

And the sea monkey is what he used to cover up his crime.

But when the Supreme Judge went to the place where he stored the baby hearts according to Xue Qun's answer, all the baby hearts had disappeared. According to the spiritual magic, Xue Qun had no idea why the baby hearts disappeared.

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