Full-time Summoner

Chapter 60 Thunderbolt Furious Strike

The brown scorpion pincers of the dead wood scorpion directly crushed the slightly weakened light, and the whole body also came out of the space channel.

The body is more than two meters long, seventy centimeters high, and the whole body is wood brown. The pair of terrifying and powerful scorpion claws sway from side to side and the tail needle with cold light hangs in the air, blocking Zhaohua like a king's guardian holy beast.

After the dead wood scorpion appeared, the audience and the students of No. 1 Middle School were all dumbfounded. Didn't they say that the dimensional summoned beast was a green silkworm! ? How does this huge scorpion look like a silkworm? Anyway, they are all scholars, so they seem to be cheating a little bit.

"Intermediate...intermediate mage?!"

"I heard that the middle-level magic of the summoning system is called contract summoning, and you can make a contract with a monster to become a contract summoned beast."

"Ha!!! You said that Zhaohua is intermediate?!!"

"Otherwise, it must be true that his dimensional summoned beast is a green silkworm. Back then, he summoned it to show everyone in class 1 that it was indeed a green silkworm. This is the second one."

At the judges' table, Zhaolang's tone was tinged with pride, and he couldn't get too excited, so he said coldly: "Oh, having a son of a genius animal trainer is a headache, and it always scares some children. Really, go back and talk about him."

He said it was a lesson, but the pride in his tone couldn't be suppressed.

"He's still an animal trainer?! That's his animal trainer?" Ying Kangcheng was very surprised, because he didn't see such a dead wood scorpion during the exam. Could it be that he could get it from the hands of the Black Vatican? Escaped because of this dead wood scorpion?

Zhao Lang seemed to see through Ying Kangcheng, and replied: "This dead wood scorpion was born not long ago, and it didn't exist at that time."

! ! !

"Impossible. Although the dead wood scorpion is a slave demon and grows faster than a husky, it's only been a dozen days since the Black Vatican incident. How could it grow so big?" Ying Kangcheng didn't quite believe it.

Withered wood scorpions are not common monsters in Fengyun Ridge. Because he is a military mage on Fengyun Ridge, he has only seen them a few times. Apart from the fact that withered wood scorpions are hard to find, the number of withered wood scorpions is not many.

However, Ying Kangcheng still knew some information about the dead wood scorpions. They were strong and aggressive slave monsters, and they didn't know magic skills. As long as they could find the hidden dead wood scorpions, mages could easily kill them with a long-distance attack.

Zhaolang said: "The dead wood scorpion was only born three days ago. After some treatments when it was hatched, it was more than one meter long when it was born. Later, it became so big after feeding some demon essence and summoning magic power."

What Zhaolang said was not very detailed, but he already understood. It is true that there are some natural treasures that can speed up growth.

Deng Jian'an said displeasedly: "Hmph, it's not that any monster can be used to fight, but I don't know if this dead wood scorpion has been registered."

Since you are not a contracted creature of the Summoning Department, according to the regulations of the Magic Association, your monsters must meet the registration requirements for beast taming. Zhaohua belongs to the Summoning Department, so the Deadwood Scorpion only needs to have a four-star beast taming level to participate in the mage class. The battle between them, but registration is still required, and the evaluation level of animal taming is a few stars.

Zhaolang took out a document, which recorded the level of animal taming of the dead wood scorpion, and it was because of this that Zhaohua was late this morning.

The dead wood scorpion just hatched three days ago. It was already night at that time, the animal taming registration office was closed, and the next day was Saturday and Sunday, so they could only wait until today's Monday to rush to register and evaluate.

"I'm going! Six stars!!!!!!"

Even Deng Jian'an was shocked. There were six yellow stars clearly drawn on it. How did this happen? A dead wood scorpion born with a two-star beast taming level has reached six stars in such a short period of time! ! !

These people even wondered if Zhaolang deliberately said this in order to conceal that Zhaohua was already a middle-level mage. Otherwise, how could the two-star become a six-star under the premise that the middle-level contract summoning was not used?

Zhaolang was proud, and he said: "That's why I said my son is a genius animal trainer, and he turned two stars into six stars in three days."

In fact, even Zhaolang didn't know what was going on, he was just responsible for taking Zhaohua to the registration office, how to tame animals was his business, he was frightened when he knew it, if he could train every monster To six stars, this is a very terrifying thing, enough to defy the sky.

"No matter what you go back, you have to ask him how he did it. Is this why the Black Vatican is following him?" Zhaolang thought silently in his heart.

Back on the battlefield, the dead wood scorpion was like a demon lord descending from the sky. A scorpion divided the battlefield on both sides. Because the light slash was of the light attribute, the two undead were purified and could not be revived.

Zhaohua smiled and said to Withered Wood Scorpion, who was fighting for the first time since the beast was born: "Come on, be careful not to kill people, just pinch off the limbs."

The four of Deng Le felt chills when they heard this, they just pinched off their hands and feet, since we are all classmates, it's not easy to handle!

The Deadwood Scorpion seemed to understand. Its hanging scorpion tail dangled like a husky's, and it was a little excited now. After all, monsters are born to like to fight, and it was not enough to have fun just now. Crush some bones, or use tail needles to make a skewer.

Tread Tread! ! ! Although the body is huge, its six legs allow it to have impressive speed. And this withered wood scorpion is not an ordinary dead wood scorpion. Zhaohua discovered that it contained wind magic energy in its body when it was born.

It's a mutated deadwood scorpion.

Zhaohua suspected that it was because the Deadwood Scorpion had absorbed Zhaohua's summoning magic energy when it was still in the egg state. Although this mutation was small, it was not enough for the Deadwood Scorpion to mutate into a powerful wind attribute monster skill, but it made it It is more sensitive and faster than ordinary dead wood scorpions.

"Perhaps we can train it a little bit. When advancing to the level of a warrior, you can consider advancing in the direction of the wind element." Zhaohua still has feelings for his first animal tame, and he plans to advance it to the level of a warrior. Already thinking about the advanced direction.

It only takes a few seconds for the dead wood scorpion to cross the arena. The speed is so fast that it scared Deng Le and the others, because it was so sudden that Deng Le and the others didn't think of a countermeasure.

"Rainbow strike!"

The thunder seal in Deng Le's hand was shot. In addition to Deng Le's magical cutting equipment, Lei Yin's furious strike was Deng Le's strongest attack method, and Yan Ran's light chop just now was crushed by others, so he could only Try Thunderbolt Rage.

There was a rumbling sound of thunder, and the purple light gathered in the palm of his hand. It could be seen that Deng Le's cultivation of the thunder element was very high, and his talent was also very strong. Gathering the thunder together could condense a more violent blow.

A beam of purple thunder gathered together shot out from the palm of his hand.

Thunder has been a representative of gods since ancient times, a manifestation of the power of gods, because it is strong, incomparably powerful. If there is any magic in elementary magic that can instantly kill a servant monster with one blow, it must be thunder magic, and the strongest single-target magic is not just talk.

Deng Le smiled. His cultivation base was even higher than what the outside world said. He had already fully cultivated the elementary level of the thunder system. Now he only needs to accumulate to a certain level to use the cosmic dust to break through the intermediate level in one fell swoop.

He was pretending just now, he was actually very confident that he could instantly kill this dead wood scorpion.

"Hahahaha, die! My thunder will penetrate your beast!"

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