Full-time Summoner

Chapter 61 Fake

If it was only just now that the third-level Thunder Seal could be released, it would be impossible for the Thunder Seal to be so powerful. Deng Le's lightning was like a purple spear, aiming at the head of the dead wood scorpion. He pretended to be flustered and helpless. Forced to use is pretending.

He knew that Zhaohua had a tame beast early in the morning, and at the beginning, he held the third-level thunder seal and attacked furiously to kill Zhaohua's tame beast while Zhaohua was not paying attention.

He is really afraid of Zhaohua, not only his strong mind and calculation, but also a dimensional summoned beast, and now he has such a powerful tame beast, then Deng Le will be suppressed forever, and he will never be able to stand up.

He can't, he can't accept the result. So what about geniuses! Break your arm today! !

Boom! ! ! ! ! ! The dazzling light of thunder and lightning exploded, and the arc of lightning scattered, and some purple lightning could be seen beating on the entire ground of the arena, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

The steel rock wall shield, Lei Yin's angry strike bombarded the steel rock wall shield, so the thunder and lightning scattered.

If it is said that the light system restrains the undead, then the earth system is completely inferior to the thunder system. Zhaohua's magic shield is an earth attribute shield, and lightning cannot penetrate rock and soil.

Zhaohua has been staring at Deng Le all the time, he is not proud and complacent, he does not think that the dead wood scorpion can crush the light and cut it, and he is invincible in the world, his plan is extremely simple and direct, the steel rock wall shield is used to block your thunder seal, I don't block anything else, three chances, block your three thunder strikes, it's that simple.

A junior mage used three levels of third-level magic and basically lost his magic power, so Zhaohua's magic shield must completely block Deng Le's thunder strike.

Deng Le was a little disappointed, it really wasn't that simple.

Zhaohua saw that the dead wood scorpion was safe and sound, and said to Ji Shao: "While the dead wood scorpion attracts the opponent's attention, use the third-level undead magic to summon all the undead in the undead space, and win this game at once."

Ji Shaohan nodded vigorously, her current cultivation base is a little stronger, and there are a few more undead in the undead space.

Ji Shaoan was describing the magic of the undead, and the first dark green star appeared under his feet. When the dark green star was arranged in a 7-shape, it was the time when the army of the undead came.

The most difficult thing about third-level magic is to control the angle of the third star, and to arrange it accurately, which requires extreme concentration of mental power, which is also the reason for the slow casting speed.

"Interrupt her!" Seeing Ji Shaohan's release time this time, Deng Le knew that she was going to use the third-level undead magic Undead Space.

What is the effect of the undead space? Wu Zhe has already told him that fifteen undead popped out all of a sudden, ten skeletons and five rotting corpses. With such an array and quantity, the four of them would not know what to do if they stood here. How long will it take to fight, not to mention there is still a big scorpion staring at the front.

Hexi has already used the last piece of magic shield, using his wind element advantage to attract the dead wood scorpion, now he can only rely on Wu Zhe or Yan Ran.

Wu Zhe was the first to attack.

"Earth wave moves!"

Ground wave is a good skill, it can be shaken continuously, if it is used well, it can achieve the blindness of the third level of the light system, interrupting the opponent's interpretation, but the good thing about not being blind is that it will also be offset by the ground wave.

"Don't think about it, ground wave!" Lin Mo is not useless. Although he casts spells slower than the opponent, it will take time for your ground wave to come from the ground. Lin Mo just needs to defend himself.

Boom! The two ground waves cancel each other out, and Ji Shaoan is not affected at all.

"I'm here, the fire is burning." Yan Ran quickly completed the first level of fire, just interrupting the casting, and there is no need to use the third level of fire.

call! But before Yan Ran could throw out the fire, a thick wood-brown tail was drawn towards his face, and he hurriedly bent over to avoid it.

The Deadwood Scorpion seemed to be showing a smug smile and looked at Yan Ran who had interrupted the spell interpretation by himself. He really thought that a wind element relying on a shield could drag it, so it was not so stupid. When you use magic, the Deadwood Scorpion immediately gave up. Hexi, walked over and twitched his tail, then pulled away and continued beating Hexi.

The Deadwood Scorpion can be said to be playing around with the word 'returning'.

Yan Ran was interrupted by the dead wood scorpion, and Deng Le, like Ji Shaoan, activated the elementary third-level magic at the same time.

Generally speaking, this is correct, because the attack speed of the lightning system is the fastest. Although it is not as exaggerated as the speed of light, it is also close to the speed of baseball pitching. Therefore, if the two magics are at the same time, the lightning system will attack the opponent first. .

And even if Zhaohua had a magic shield to resist, it would be difficult to judge, because the Thunder Seal Rage Strike could attack the Witherwood Scorpion as well as Ji Shaohan. But there is a premise here, that is, your casting speed must keep up with the opponent.

When Deng Lecai had the fifth thunder star, Ji Shaoan had already completed the sixth star, and was about to reach the seventh star. Deng Lele lost to Ji Shaoan in terms of speed when he was fully cultivated in the elementary level of the thunder system.

"Deng Le's Thunder Seal seems to be slower."

"Well, Ji Shao'an is too strong. He deserves to be number one in No. 1 middle school. His speed is unstoppable."

"Why doesn't Deng Le use a level 1 or level 2 lightning system? It will cast spells faster."

"I don't know either, but I guess the first and second level lightning marks may be blocked by that big scorpion, and only the third level thunder mark can cause fatal damage to it, and have a chance to hit Ji Shaohan."

Naturally, Deng Le also saw that the star track under Ji Shaoan's feet was about to be completed, and he clenched his fists tightly. One Zhaohua is not enough, another Ji Shaoan is needed, how many people will ride on him.

Deng Le gritted his teeth, his eyes showed a fierce light.

Weng! ! ! ! ! An incomparably dazzling golden light suddenly bloomed on the ring. Even if you close your eyes, the golden light is hard to resist. The audience in the audience turned their heads subconsciously.

"What the hell is this!"

"This is the light blindness of the third level of light magic. It should be Xiang Luo who used blindness to interrupt Deng Le's Thunderbolt."

Boom! There was a burst of thunder on the field, and the blindness did not interrupt the thunder strike.

The effect of blinding blindness lasts for a short time, and the scene will recover after two seconds, but if you don't close your eyes in time, your eyes may be burned.

Zizizi~~~ The ground is still full of lightning arcs, the field is the same as before, the thunder seal hit Zhaohua's steel rock wall shield, but this time the difference is that the dead wood scorpion returned to the midfield The location of the shield did not go deep into the positions of Deng Le and the others, and this time the steel rock wall shield was placed very cleverly, just standing between Deng Le, Deadwood Scorpion, Zhaohua, and the three points and one line.

But Zhaohua, Ji Shaohan and Lin Mo didn't look in Deng Le's direction, but looked at Xiang Luo on the left. The blindness just now interrupted Ji Shaohan's undead magic.

Guangyao Blind was not thrown between Deng Le's team, but exploded directly in Xiang Luo's hands.

Because Xiang Luo and Lin Mo were both standing in front, the glare of blindness shone on the faces of Zhao Hua and Ji Shaoan at almost zero distance. Coupled with the restraint relationship between the light system and the undead system, the dead energy accumulated by Ji Shaoan was also suppressed. If it is broken up, even the first-level undead will need to be brewed before it can be released.

This blindness is almost equivalent to sealing Ji Shaohan for a while.

Lin Mo asked painfully, "Why did you do this?"

Xiang Luo didn't answer Lin Mo's question, but turned his head and remained silent. The timing of the blindness this time was quite perfect. Ji Shaohan released it when he was close to completing the magic, and Deng Le's thunder strike was released during the time when the blindness was effective, aiming at Zhaohua instead of Ji Shaoan as originally thought.

This is a series of tricks. If Xiang Luo made a mistake, then Deng Le's actions can't be explained at all. The only possibility is that Xiang Luo and Deng Le discussed it from the beginning. Blindness broke Ji Shao's third-level undead magic, and Deng Le took the opportunity Unleash Lei Yin Fury Strike to knock Zhaohua off the field, thus winning the game.

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