Full-time Summoner

Chapter 620: Feathered Fox

In the dining room of the villa, a woman who looks like Yuyi Ningxin is wearing a black suspender nightdress, sitting alone at the dining table, slowly cutting with a table knife, it is only half-cooked, and still has red liquid liver.

Put them into your mouth piece by piece and chew slowly.

And at this time, it happened to be the time when Zhaohua went to the airport to pick up Ji Shaohan, and it happened to be dusk, and the setting sun shone through the floor-to-ceiling glass on the side, and a shadow appeared on the ground.

It's just that this shadow is very strange, because there are nine thick tails shaking.

The little girl hugged the bear and said excitedly: "My lord! After tonight, there are only two seals left. In two days, my sister will get back her dark power and return to the dark plane, my sister. You must become the King of Darkness!"

Feather Fox stabbed a piece of liver with a fork, and fed it to the little girl like feeding, and said with a smile: "No, we can return to Erjo City tonight."

The little girl chewed and said, "Tonight?"

"Well... tonight..."

Nijo Castle, like the Imperial Palace in the imperial capital, is a symbol of power in Tokyo, Japan. Although the five families of onmyojis live in their own shrines, the Magic Association in Tokyo, Japan is located in Nijo Castle.

At the same time, it is also the last place where the feather fox was sealed.

Slowly, the sun went down, and darkness slowly enveloped the whole of Japan. When the villa was shrouded in darkness, at some point, all kinds of monsters suddenly appeared in the villa, and these monsters were all hidden in the darkness.

When the darkness comes, they can only see from their scarlet eyes that there are these terrible ghosts and ghosts hidden in the dark corners.

Not only inside the villa, but if you stand high in the sky, you will find that the place where the villa is located is full of huge bones. When the darkness comes, these broken bones tremble and slowly flatten into one Huge skeletons.

The bone king of the mountain forest is no smaller than the mountain corpse.

Click, click, click. The sound of high heels stomping on the ground.

Yuyihu is still wearing a sexy black suspender skirt, but with an extra fur coat on the outside, which really brings out the word "vixen" to the fullest.

"To turn this world into the dark paradise we were looking forward to again, one after another... Wonderful paradise"

Under the moonlight, demons dance. Endless monsters flew out of this villa, emerging from the darkness. Not only the demon tribes in the Japanese demon area, but even the dark plane has a large number of dark creatures summoned.

Without exception, they all obey the king of the dark world.

At this time, Ji Shaoan and Zhaohua had already left the Yuyi Shrine, because the third seal was not in the Yuyi Shrine, they had to at least get closer to watch the battle to see what was going on.

In the Yuyi Shrine, Yuyi Ningxin held a golden bong in his hand all the time, took a puff and looked towards the dark sky.

Because of Yuyihu's strength, Yuyi Ningxin didn't look like a middle-aged woman in her 40s or 50s at all. Standing with Yuyi Ningmeng, she even looked like twins, very young.

But she is more mature and charming than Yuyi Ningmeng.

"Huh~~~ I didn't expect it to be so early... I thought I could see Mengmeng get married and have a baby, but unfortunately little brother Zhaohua has a girlfriend, I don't know if he would mind having one more." Yuyi Ningxin suddenly smiled Talk to yourself.

"Forget it, that woman is a bit scary..."


"Actually... I don't think there is any need to change clothes." Zhaohua said, looking at the white kimono on her body.

【No, it’s rare to come to Japan, so I have to wear it no matter what! 】Ji Shaohan held up a small drawing book and protested seriously.

Ji Shaohan also wore a cute kimono, the pink and tender one, and specially tied up her hair, added a ribbon and tied it with a bow.

Ji Shaoan put the small drawing book into the satchel, took Zhaohua's arm and started shopping.

The location where the two of them are now is Erjo City, which is also the last sealing point. In order to prevent the Yuyi Fox from breaking the seal, the Yuyi Clan distributed the seals in five places, and there were regular divisions in the five places, so the seals could only be broken one by one.

Zhaohua will definitely not go directly to the front line from the beginning, and Zhaohua will not run forward until the end. Zhaohua intends to see the strength of the Japanese Onmyoji and who the feather fox is before making any plans. .

In case he can't beat him, then Zhaohua will drag Ji Shaohan and run away quickly.

Zhaohua had also participated in the catastrophe of the ancient capital, and had seen big scenes, but he really didn't know the strength of the Japanese mages.

But it's obvious that Ji Shaohan, a weakling like Ji Shaohan, doesn't think about these things. She only cares about food and play now.

In the invisible shadow, neither Zhaohua nor Ji Shaohan noticed that they were already being targeted by someone.

"Good boy, it's fine to skip training during the training period of the national team, and bring your girlfriend along, tsk tsk tsk, it's really enviable and jealous."

The bearded man turned his head and looked to the other side, where the third seal was located, Kiyomizu Temple in Japan. From the bearded man's eyes, it can be seen that the sky there has been shrouded in darkness. It's just that it's dark now so I can't see clearly.

"It seems that there will be a lot of things tonight."


"Is that the Dark Emperor—Yuyi Fox... almost exactly the same as Patriarch Yuyi."

On the tower of Qingshui Temple, many mages stood together. Because of the particularity of Japan, unlike our country, there are mountains, forests, lands, and countless demon tribes. In the island country of Japan, there are actually only those five empires.

Therefore, Qingshui Temple is located in a remote place, not in the bustling city.

The main problem facing Japan is the Kraken problem.

boom! ! The Skeleton King of the Mountain Forest launched an attack on the Jinyao enchantment that protected the entire temple. He said it was a temple, but it was actually an ancient city left over from ancient times. Although it was not as big as the ancient capital, it could be seen that this temple was specially built to fight against demons. defensive fortress.

There are several mages standing on each floor of the high towers above, just like a fort, and the high towers are made of special defensive buildings, which can resist the attacks of monsters, so that the mages inside can cast spells with peace of mind.

Although the overall magical power of the Japanese is not insignificant, they are quite intelligent. They deliberately divided the seal into five parts to let the demon empire of Yuyi Fox attack in order.

Defenses can be arranged in advance to increase strength. The same is true for the naval battlefield. There are similar battlefield buildings for mages to settle down.

Facing the mages that filled the city, Yuyihu plucked his black hair and said, "Who is interested in giving me a show?"

Roar! ! ! ! ! !

The imperial monsters of Yuyihu can be said to be all kinds of strange things, and they have everything. Because Yuyihu is different from the ancient king, Yuyihu does not have its own exclusive race. Although she is called a fox, she is not a fox demon. It is a creature of the dark plane, and there is only one Yuyihu in the entire dark plane.

It has the power to make demons surrender, just as the Japanese mythology says, it is the master of ghosts and ghosts, the master of all demons and ghosts, and orders the demons to submit.

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