Full-time Summoner

Chapter 648 Emergency Rescue

Zhaohua said that he took on the task himself, but in fact he was a "spring commander" commanding from a distance.

However, at the beginning of collecting information, the Tribunal still needs the help of some private hunting houses. After all, this place is a typical dark place under the lights. Songming Island, which is under the jurisdiction of the Magical Tribunal, one of the four major Tribunals, was deliberately chosen as a hiding place.

The Black Vatican must have already collected the information of the high-level and above judges in the magic city. Once the judges enter Songming Island, they will definitely be discovered.

And it's useless for the middle-level judges to go, and they may even kill them directly. And Mo Fan happened to be a high-level mage, and Mu Ningxue didn't even reach a high-level one. This kind of face is indeed suitable.

Just raise the bounty to the highest level. As for whether Mo Fan takes the bait or not, it’s none of your business. If Mo Fan doesn’t go, there will always be other hunters going for the bounty.

After it's confirmed, let the Judgment Council surround it and collect the net. This time it's a catch.

"It's not easy to earn money from the Tribunal." Zhaohua sighed.

The reward is as high as it is high, but Zhaohua knows it well, the money from the Trial Council is definitely not easy to earn, and if it happens, it will be dead.

The national team's next itinerary has also been decided, from South Korea to the south, flying across the Philippine Sea to the Philippine National Pavilion, then to Indonesia, Malaysia, then west to Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, and finally to India, the farthest point in Asia , Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey.

There is a tendency to sweep across Asia!

National medals only need a certain number. In fact, there is no need to go to the national pavilions of so many countries, but our country is different. This is a kind of expression of prestige.

Since it is the number one in Asia, it naturally needs to sweep the top-ranked national pavilions in Asia, otherwise it would be very annoying to have clowns like South Korea jumping around.

It may be because the World War I in South Korea made the national team famous all over the world. Whether it is the Philippine National Pavilion, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, or even Vietnam, which is relatively unfriendly to our country, they have not heard some strange things. sound.

The national team came to challenge the National Pavilion. Everyone behaved well and the challenge was very friendly. The 5v5 arena battle, the 5v5 team battle, the 2v2 combo battle, and the 1v1 single challenge were basically chosen from these four.

There was no such thing as a bad move like South Korea. Naturally, with the strength of the national team against the national pavilion, it would be an easy victory. In less than three days, the national team swept half of the scheduled national pavilions.

"It's so relaxing, I don't think it's challenging." Li Kaifeng couldn't help but say with a little complacency.

Mu Tingying raised her head proudly, and said like a proud rooster: "Their national pavilion team is not even fully trained at the intermediate level, and the main team is probably not very good."

"That's true. Whether these countries can go to the final in Venice depends on luck." Zhou Xu said.

"By the way, is this ship a bit worn out?" Zhao Manyan complained.

After more than a dozen members of the national pavilion team finished visiting the Vietnamese national pavilion, they took a boat to go to the Thai national pavilion, and Vietnam went to Thailand by boat, and of course there is no luxury cruise ship on this canal river, only iron boats.

Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar are all connected by the Mekong River. It can be said that this river feeds these four countries.

Because this river is a rare resource-rich river, water spirit species, some water system resources and a large number of water system magic stone minerals are often born. There are many natural and earth treasure planting bases around this river, and the number of monsters is not too much. Too dense, it is a treasure river.

However, the origin of the Mekong River is the northeast slope of the Tanggula Mountains in our country, and the river section after it flows into the Indochina Peninsula is called the Mekong River. The Mekong River is the most important transnational water resource river in Asia, the seventh longest river in the world, the third longest river in Asia and the first in Southeast Asia.

Because the Mekong River flows through our country, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, the ownership of the resources of the Mekong River belongs to the six countries, and the people of these six countries have the right to exploit resources on the river.

It is also for this reason that the famous three-way zone - the Golden Triangle, is in this area.

Jiang Yu glanced at the map and said, "We are about to enter the Golden Triangle Basin."

Hearing what Jiang Yu said, everyone showed solemn expressions.

The so-called Golden Triangle is a triangular area surrounded by the three countries of Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand, because it was once occupied by a monarch-level demon tribe, and then the three countries joined forces to exterminate this monarch tribe.

However, due to various reasons, this place eventually became jointly managed by three countries.

As the saying goes: one monk carries water to eat, two monks carry water to eat, and three monks have no water to eat.

The joint management of the three countries is tantamount to no one's management. In addition, the resources and minerals here are quite rich, and a large number of small villages have appeared in the Golden Triangle. With no one in charge and a lot of resources, it naturally became the most famous lawless zone in the world.

And here is also the place of worship of the Black Vatican. The local people believe in the Black Vatican, but they are not the Black Vatican because they do not have the Black Beast.

Most of the people here worship the idea of ​​the Black Vatican, with killing and pleasure as their core principles. Moreover, there are also some illegal forbidden techniques deliberately taught by the Black Holy See.

For example, forbidden techniques such as awakening without using the awakening stone, advanced awakening, etc., are all forbidden techniques at the cost of damage to the spirit and body. At the slightest, he becomes an idiot with mental insufficiency, and at the worst, his head explodes directly.

So everyone in the national team understands that the most dangerous thing here is not the monsters in the river, but the people in those villages. If the naval battlefield in Japan is a test of the national team's experience in dealing with monsters, here in the Golden Triangle is a test of the national team's experience in dealing with humans.

In a sense, this is harder to deal with than a demon.

Nan Jue suddenly said in a deep voice: "We are being targeted."

Hoo hoo! ! As soon as Nan Jue finished speaking, two fire seeds flew from the dense forest on the river bank. Although it was only a rudimentary magic, the opponent's target was an iron boat. Huozi can easily blow through this kind of iron boat.

"Hmph! Water Control!" After Zhao Manyan reached a high level, he became more proficient in using the water system.

Zhao Manyan hooked his finger, and the river water rushed towards the two Huozi like two small water snakes. Zizizi! ! A large amount of white gas burst out after the collision of fire and water canceled each other out.

"Be careful! There are many more!" Nan Jue's sound system sensed that there were many people around, and they all used magic.

Although Lei Yin, Shui Yu, Huo Zi, and Ice Creep are all elementary magics, the targets of these people are aimed at the iron boat, and they want to sink the iron boat first.

"Hey! Wait until I wipe out all these guys!" Lu Yilin began to construct constellations, intending to wipe out all those who attacked him.

"Don't act rashly. This is the Golden Triangle. If we offend the local warlords, we will be in trouble. Those people are unreasonable." Nan Jue stopped Lu Yilin in time. After all, once high-level magic is released, it is not negotiable. hurt.

"Damn, that's not to let them attack us like this."

"Be patient, it's just some rudimentary magic. It won't pose any threat to us. We will be safe when we go to Thailand. This is also the test of our instructors."

At this moment, Ai Jiangtu's phone rang. It was the phone number specially used by the tutor to contact Ai Jiangtu.

After Ai Jiangtu answered, the expression on his face gradually became serious.

"Nan Jue, Zhao Manyan, use storm waves to speed up. The instructor just called. Two merchant ships from our country in the Golden Triangle of the Mekong River sent out emergency distress signals. They were blocked. The instructor asked us to rescue people."

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