Full-time Summoner

Chapter 691 Language Arts

"Ah? I stole the Nazca Grim Reaper gem?" Zhaohua took a rest for a while, and after recovering a little mana, he flew back with the wings of the wind. Unexpectedly, he dunked a cauldron before entering the door.

Nanrong Ni nodded and said, "Well, the captain and the others are too much to suspect Brother Zhaohua."

Zhaohua showed an embarrassed yet polite smile and said, "It doesn't matter, they will find out."

Calling back brother, let Ji Shaohan know, and twist his head off for you.

Zhaohua returned to his room to start today's meditation, control, and slowly recovering mana, especially the tamed beasts, who had been fighting for two days and were already physically and mentally exhausted.

Not long after that, Zhaohua received a WeChat message from Jiang Yu and the others, saying that the matter had been resolved. It turned out that there was a descendant of an ancient Indian who, because of drug addiction, entered the forbidden area through an ancient method that was circulated, stealing The gems were sold for money, but Mo Fan and the others finally recovered the gems, and after returning them, they calmed the anger of the Nazca God of Death.

"Resources help me replace it with a fire-type spiritual seed."

After Mo Fan and the others solved the problem, Ai Jiangtu and the others discussed and combined with the opinions of the national mentor, the qualifications of the Peruvian national team were reserved for them, but the five Ai Jiangtu who had solved the problem had to be given rich resources as a reward. remuneration.

Mo Fan considered that Xiao Yan Ji needs resources to enter the next growth stage, so Mo Fan directly replaced all the rewards with fire-type spiritual seeds.

Zhao Manyan, who repaired the water system for the second time, said: "I want the resources of the water system."

"I need resources to cultivate summoned beasts," Jiang Yu said.

"The three of us need resources to cultivate our spiritual power."

Ai Jiangtu, Nan Jue, and Jiang Shaoxu had higher demands on spiritual power, so they chose spiritual power.

And Peru did spend a lot of money this time, giving each of them about 100 million resources. You must know that the big tasks of some seven-star hunter masters in the hunter alliance reward pool are only 200 to 300 million. It is indeed very sincere to give 600 million directly at one time.

After all, there are too many places where a country needs to spend money, and it is not easy for a medium-sized country like Peru to suddenly spend 600 million.

Mo Fan walked up to Zhaohua, patted Zhaohua on the shoulder and said meanly, "Oh, Zhaohua, you lost 100 million if you didn't follow this time."

Zhaohua nodded happily and said, "Well, I'm at a loss."

It's just that Mo Fan and the others don't know that the one who made the most money this time is Zhaohua, but he is the kind of person who makes a fortune silently.

The next experience began to become easier again. After all, our country is also one of the five permanent members of the Magic United Nations. The crisis of destroying cities in some small countries may be like that to them.

For example, they passed a small island with a city on it. Mo Fan, Zhao Manyan and Jiang Shaoxu swayed around and overthrew a group of robbing robbers, somehow saving the crisis of the city.

"I'm going! It's only nine million??? The three of us overthrew a robbery group, and the municipal government of this country will only give nine million? Sending beggars away!!"

The three of Mo Fan later learned that those robbers were bounty criminals, and there was a bounty. And Mo Fan has not forgotten that last time Fang Shaoli offered a reward of more than 100 million. Who knows, when he went to get the money, the total was only 9 million.

A mid-level black man in the Black Vatican can go up to nine million! This large group is only nine million! !

Zhaohua said: "Not every country is like ours. Some countries may not be able to cover their expenditures every year. They are in fiscal deficit and have to borrow money from other countries every year. They are indebted countries."

Mo Fan spent the money casually, and used up the recharge for the maintenance of magic equipment. One can imagine how much money is spent after high-level.

"No wonder no one wiped out those thieves. Those thieves also have high-level mages. For this price, no hunter mage would do it." Zhao Manyan and Jiang Shaoxu didn't share the money with Mo Fan, and several million are not enough for Jiang Shaoxu to buy once. thing.

Mo Fan looked left and right, quietly sat next to Zhaohua who was reading a book on a tablet computer, and asked in a low voice, "Zhaohua, I have a question for you."

Zhaohua looked at Mo Fan, showed a puzzled expression and said, "What's the matter?"

"Exactly... Based on your experience as a trial envoy, what would happen if I killed Lu Yilin last time?"

Zhaohua smiled and said, "Are you scared?"

Mo Fan said with a look of disdain: "Afraid? I, Mo Yifan, have never been afraid. I just want to understand and learn some laws."

Zhaohua thought for a while and replied, "It depends on what the judges of the trial committee think about you."

"If it is, Lu Yilin murdered his teammate. After you are safe, you will disregard the dissuasion of your teammates and kill the high-ranking mage Lu Yilin to vent your anger, and prevent Zu Jiming and others from rescue. Because Lu Yilin wanted to kill you first, you can be mitigated, and you will be punished for five crimes. To ten years."

Upon hearing this, Mo Fan stood up and said, "Run away while I'm still abroad."

Zhaohua couldn't help sniggering, grabbed Mo Fan and said, "Don't run away in a hurry, this kind of thing is the art of language."

Zhaohua thought about how to organize his words and said: "If things are like this, it will be different. When you, Mo Fan, went to recover the magic weapon, you found Lu Yilin's whereabouts strange. After getting closer, you found that Lu Yilin practiced the same magic as the Black Vatican. It can drive the rock creatures to come and beat the dog with the intention of killing the members of the national team."

"As a state-educated high-ranking mage, you keep in mind the mage's mission and vocation, and try to stop Lu Yilin regardless of your own safety. When Lu Yilin found out that his deeds were revealed, he hurriedly launched a sorcery to drive the rock creatures to attack."

"In order to protect the members of the national team, you delayed the siege of the rock creatures by yourself, and finally succeeded in letting everyone in the national team escape from danger. Lu Yilin did not want the members of the national team to rescue you, because he was afraid that things would be exposed."

"And after you were saved, you didn't say why Lu Yilin murdered you. At that time, I was the judge of the national team's trial committee. I once gave Lu Yilin a chance to prove himself and asked him to accept the inquiry of the trial contract, but Lu Yilin refused. You Sensing that Lu Yilin wanted to use sorcery to drive the rock creatures to kill and silence them again, he caught Lu Yilin earlier, but unfortunately his space system cultivation was not high, so he escaped."

"As for why Lu Yilin fled into the rift valley, it was because he planned to use sorcery to drive the rock creatures to kill people, but this time his magic failed, and he died at the hands of the rock creatures."

Mo Fan was dumbfounded when he heard that, no wonder people said official words twice!

Zhao Hua said with a smile: "You are the one who prevented the rock creatures from double-teaming. It is true that our national team almost died because of Lu Yilin. It is also true that Lu Yilin refused my trial contract to prove his innocence. It was you who caught Lu Yilin, but whether you pushed him into the rift valley with the power of space, or whether he broke your space power and escaped by himself, only you know, after all, space power is invisible."

Zhaohua stood up and patted Mo Fan on the shoulder, narrowing his eyes slightly, showing an intriguing smile and said: "Whether Lu Yilin's purpose is to murder you, or because of some other deeper reason, now only you know."

"I'm just saying that the judge may think so. I didn't teach you anything."

Thanks to 【Zhixi】【Fei EC】【. 】【2020087171912445】【Lao Na is here to pretend to be forceful】【Mo from.】*2【The killer who is like a dove without emotion】*2【Speechless】*2【Ding Weiyang】*2 Monthly pass.

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