Full-time Summoner

Chapter 692 Three Kingdoms in Asia

At this time, in the headquarters of the Asian Magic Association, in the Tower of the Mage in Dubai, the national tutors of the major Asian countries sat together in a conference room called the Dome of the Sky.

This place is suspended on the highest floor of the Master Tower in Dubai, including the floor, all made of a special synthetic glass, and you can directly see the ground when you look down.

The Dubai Master Tower is 828 meters high, and you can see the whole of Dubai from this height.

The national mentors sitting here are all well-known figures in the circle of mages in Asia, and their cultivation bases are all super-level starts.

In addition to our country's two great mentors, Fengli and Songhe, sitting aside, Japan, India, South Korea, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Thailand, Iran, North Korea, and other nine magical countries ranked second to ten in Asia all there.

The strength ranking of a country is generally judged according to the number of monster hunters jointly released by various magic associations and hunter alliances. Every four years, that is, every national competition will announce the latest ranking.

Of course, there is a huge gap between countries, just like the number of monster hunts this year, our country has more monster hunts than the next nine countries combined, and it is well-deserved that it is the first in Asia and the second in the world .

After listening to the speech of the vice president of the Magic Association, the Japanese national tutor slowly stood up and said: "From the results of the national competition so far, I don't think our country's national team is worse than theirs. We also defeated the national team in Japan." The defense teams of all Asian countries are the same as them."

Because when Japan challenged the national pavilion, Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue were not guarding the pavilion, so Japan succeeded in the challenge, and naturally, no other national pavilion could stop the Japanese national team. They also swept the national pavilions of all Asian countries.

Naturally, he spoke a lot harder.

When Feng Li heard it, he showed a disdainful expression and said: "It's funny. Our national team perfectly completed the experience in your Japanese naval battlefield, repelling several commander-level sea monsters, but your Japanese national team failed in the endless ghost city experience in the ancient capital. However, in the end, our ancient capital military rescued your missing members."

The instructor of the Japanese government said noncommittally: "That's because our country's naval battlefield defenses are well-arranged, and the defense against monsters is stronger, and our failure is caused by your unknown information about the land of monsters in the ancient capital. No wonder our national team members. "

Instructor Songhe with a good temper said with a smile: "But our national team has just rescued more than 3,000 absentees in Peru, solved the attack on the Nazca paintings, and was praised by the Peruvian people."

"It's just that we didn't have a chance to perform. It's nothing. It's okay if our national team goes." The Japanese national coach made the best use of Shameless World Invincible, making the two national coaches who are used to seeing big scenes all feel ashamed. Overwhelming.

Because this time, the Dubai Mage Tower Magic Association convened a discussion with qualified national tutors because of the award of a top-quality soul tool.

Essendel, recognized as the strongest shadow mage in the world, took out the dark cloak, a magical tool that became famous when he was young, and gave it to the most experienced mage in the Asian national team as a reward.

For Essendel, who has reached the peak of the shadow system, although the Dark Lord's cloak is the best among soul equipment, but for him now, the effect has been negligible, so it is donated free of charge.

But the people sitting here actually understand that this is due to the upcoming selection of the goddesses of the Parthenon Temple to create momentum.

Essendel is a supporter of one of the goddess candidates, Ander, and the purpose of sending the Dark Lord cloak is to win some support from Asian countries and build momentum for Ander.

However, this does not prevent the mentors of the national government from hoping that this top-quality soul tool will fall into the hands of their own team. After all, for high-level shadow mages, the dark lord cloak is the most suitable artifact.

Hearing what the Japanese national coach said, the Indian national coach had something to say: "Although our national team accidentally failed to win the medal of the national pavilion, the Korean national team won your national pavilion but lost to We are the Indian National Pavilion. And our country is the strongest magical country in South Asia and Southeast Asia, so the Dark Lord's cloak should naturally be given to our Indian national team."

Feng Li almost laughed out loud, because India said that South Asia and Southeast Asia are the strongest, but in fact it does not count our country, and deducts South Korea and Japan, because our country, Japan, South Korea and other countries belong to the east of Asia, that is, East Asia.

Sometimes I have to admire the thinking logic of the Indians. You really can't find anything wrong with what they say, and they are convincing.

If you are not stronger than yourself, then you are the strongest.

And India also advertises that its country is the third magic power in the world. Although they are far inferior to our country in terms of the number of hunting monsters, India's own world ranking is that the United States is first, Russia is second, and itself is third.

Because Russia is very special. Not only are they one of the five permanent members of the Magic United Nations, but they also rank third in the world in terms of the number of monster hunters, behind our country.

However, there is a problem with hunting monsters in Russia, because Russia is on the edge of the North Pole, the country is extremely cold, and it faces polar ice beasts.

Sea monsters are already two or three times stronger than ordinary monsters, and polar ice beasts are even more terrifying. They only survive in the Antarctic and North Pole, but their strength is five or six times stronger than ordinary monsters.

But Russia is still strong and has withstood the polar ice beast. Russia's population is ten times smaller than that of our country, but the number of mages is about the same, and Russia's ice mages are the most powerful in the world, known as a fighting nation.

Therefore, India advertises that it is the same as Russia. The national mages are powerful, and the monsters they face are as strong as the polar ice beasts, so they cannot be counted by the number of hunting, so they "proclaim themselves the third in the world."

And the people of India really believe it. As for where our country ranks in the hearts of Indians, it is not clear, anyway, it is not the top three.

When Feng Li saw other people like South Korea wanting to grab it shamelessly, he couldn't bear it any longer. He slapped the table and said angrily: "Okay, everyone says I'm awesome, so let's fight!"

The other national teams are still a little self-aware and don't try to grab it, but Japan and India are lying, and it is different if they really believe it. After all, the highest level of deception is to deceive yourself.

The vice-chairman of the Magic Association looked at the big tutors arguing like children, and said helplessly: "Well, let's choose a training task and give it to the national teams of three countries to complete it together. Our Asian Magic Association also thinks that the three The national team of the country is indeed the strongest in Asia..."

Feng Li looked at the white-haired vice president and asked in a deep voice, "Huh?! Do you think so too?"

Don't look at Feng Li who often hates the members of the national team, and often has a straight face, but he protects his shortcomings outside and doesn't allow others to say anything wrong.

The vice president was speechless, neither this nor that, just a fight?

At this moment, Song He, who had been looking at the phone information, pulled Feng Li away.

Feng Li said dissatisfiedly: "Songhe, don't persuade me to stop, this is for our national team."

Song He shook his head, handed the phone to Feng Li with a heavy expression and said, "Look at this."

Feng Li glanced suspiciously, his eyes showed a strong killing intent, and then said to the white-haired vice president: "It's okay to practice together, but we need to assign tasks."

The vice-chairman and several great mentors didn't understand what Feng Li, a super mage, had seen. He actually showed such a terrifying killing intent. Even the toughest Japanese national mentor couldn't help but say a little weaker: " What is your mission first?"

"Annihilate the Red Ornaments Guild in the Caribbean."

When he said the words "Red Jewelry Guild", Feng Li's tone was as cold as ice, as if he wanted to do it himself if it wasn't for his inconvenience.

The other two national mentors also knew about the Red Ornaments Guild in the Caribbean, and it happened that their country's national team had just arrived near the Caribbean Sea. It was indeed a good experience to wipe out the magic criminal group, and they all nodded in agreement.

At this time, everyone in the national team rested in one of the cities in Mexico, waiting for the arrival of the national coach.

Outside a magic training venue in Mexico, Mo Fan looked at the magic training venue with a heavy expression, and said in a low voice with a hint of sadness: "It's been three months, and it's time for me to come back."

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