Full-time Summoner

Chapter 749: The Remnants of the Zhanlan Society

"Its strength is probably only a small warrior, but its speed in the water is close to that of a high-level wind mage..."

It is not difficult for Zhaohua to judge from being caught by the sea monster just now, the strength of this humanoid sea monster is probably only at the level of a warrior, so he will be so flustered when he sees the blue star fox.

Because Lan Xinghu is equivalent to a commander-level sea monster, its strength in the sea will not be affected.

Zhaohua used wind silk to firmly bind the knocked out humanoid sea-monster. He needed to ask Li Kaifeng about this matter. Normally, it is impossible for other people to enter here. There are not even sea-monsters here. After all, it is sealed, there will only be some monsters like fish and shrimp, and it is difficult to lead them.

But suddenly a human who seems to have practiced the azure magic came out and attacked in the form of a sea monster. This is absolutely abnormal.

"Huh? No, isn't the strange magic of the Zhanlan Club found in the ancient ruins of Atlantis? I heard that the leader of the Zhanlan Club was a former master hunter. He came in for regular cleaning and inspection, and then found Atlantis. Landis's ancient method has been improved into the azure magic."

"Besides, the Zhanlan Society has been wiped out for so long. This humanoid sea monster is not over thirty years old."

"There is something strange."

Zhaohua twisted the human-shaped sea monster and walked towards the square, and other people came back one after another, because Zhaohua sent a signal for urgent assembly through the national medal.

Seeing the humanoid sea monster on the ground, Zu Jiming frowned and said, "Zhaohua, you won't kill a slave warrior-level sea monster and show it off to us."

Guan Yu said in a strange way: "Maybe they think we can't beat the Kraken, so they came to remind us."

"Thank you so much."

Zhaohua was also speechless to the group of teammates who ate lemons all day long. He pointed to the hole in his diving suit and said, "If I hadn't reacted quickly enough, I would have been killed by this guy who cut the main artery in my neck just now."

"If you think that your reaction must be faster than mine, you can leave now."

Ai Jiangtu and the others looked at Zhaohua's arm with surprised expressions. The healing wind had basically healed the wound, but the scar was still visible, and it was very new.

Jiang Yu said: "It can hurt you who have a perception field?!"

Zhaohua smiled wryly. Although it was embarrassing, he still nodded and said: "And these humanoid sea monsters also made sharp screams, which can disturb the stars in the spiritual world and interrupt magic like the sound system."

Everyone knows that the sound system has different sounds, this is dimensional magic, and the sound system can attack the soul like a mental attack, and echolocation can also be achieved in the sea.

Ai Jiangtu asked: "So you want to remind us to be careful?"

Zhaohua shook his head, looked at Li Kaifeng and said, "Li Kaifeng, doesn't this look familiar?"

Li Kaifeng was dumbfounded. I am not Jiang Yu, who knows how to identify monsters, and said displeasedly: "You think I look like a sea monster?"

Zhaohua was left speechless, and felt that Li Kaifeng was still a little self-aware, so he shook his head and said, "Look at the blood at the corner of his mouth, is it very similar to the red and blue blood when you used the blue magic?"

Only then did everyone realize that the blood overflowing from the mouth of the humanoid siren really resembled the blood from Li Kaifeng's azure blue magic. Jiang Yu knew it best, after all, the arm was chopped off by his cat master.

"Sure enough, this... how could this happen?"

Zhaohua added: "And this humanoid sea monster just blocked my fierce fist with the magic armor and saved his life."

! ! ! ?

Jiang Yu immediately said: "Impossible! Magic equipment can only be used by humans. Demons without a spiritual world can only use magic arts with demon veins or demon cores. Magic equipment is designed for humans. How can demons use it!"

"That's why I brought him back..." Zhaohua spread his hands, or do you think I brought him back to roast and eat?

Everyone looked at Li Kaifeng, there will be such a ghost coming out of here, you have to say something.

But Li Kaifeng dodged his eyes, took a step back, and didn't know what to say, he didn't know that the blue magic would do this.

Zhaohua revealed a bit of news and said: "The reason why the Zhanlan Club was wiped out by the Magic Association in the first place, and all the people who had practiced the Zhanlan magic were killed. There is a small chance of turning into a monster similar to a siren."

Zhao Manyan said with a face full of surprise: "People turn into sea monsters!?"

Nan Jue looked at Zhao Manyan and said, "Have you forgotten the fire witch Jiang Feng?"

Only then did Zhao Manyan suddenly realize that, right, wasn’t Little Flame Fairy’s godmother a former human being.

Zhaohua nodded and said: "Well, but Jiang Feng is different from this one. She was assimilated voluntarily and became the fire witch who guarded the growth of Little Flame Fairy."

Jiang Yu asked suspiciously: "Assimilation?"

Zhaohua did not answer Jiang Yu's question, but looked at Li Kaifeng and said, "The reason why Zhanlan's magic is banned, and Zhanlan will be eliminated by the Magic Association, is not because it will harm the body. The body is your own. How can you make trouble?" How to toss."

"It is possible to use the azure blue magic to turn into a sea monster. The difference from the Black Beast of the Black Holy See is that one is forced to turn people into a monster, and the other is voluntary, but you should know the impact on us humans. How nasty."

Zhaohua pointed to the Kraken on the ground and said: "Now something unknown happened here, and I'll tell you the truth. This time I came to investigate the ancient ruins of Atlantis because some time ago, a hunter When he dived into the bottom of the sea, the seal suddenly failed, allowing him to see the ancient ruins, that’s why he conducted this investigation.”

Zhaohua is a bit like the person in charge of this experience, just like Nanjue last time, these things are all state secrets, and the reasons should not have been revealed, but this time when unexpected things happen, the degree of danger will be greatly increased .

Originally, Atlantis was sealed and locked, and no one could get in. Now not only did he find something foreign, but he was also a remnant of the Azure Society. Judging by his appearance, he should have already turned into a sea monster. Even Both mentality and consciousness think that he is a sea monster, and this is what worries Zhaohua the most.

A small warrior has such a threat. If there is a leader level, the blue-tailed carp may not be able to win.

"Li Kaifeng, the Great Instructor should have reported the fact that you have practiced the azure blue magic, plus what happened now... If you have anything to say, you'd better tell the Great Instructor first, it may not be that simple .”

Zhaohua reminded Li Kaifeng that the Zhanlan Society still has party members, and somehow entered the ancient ruins of Atlantis, there must be something bigger.

Li Kaifeng nodded after hearing this.

"Hmph, anyway, I don't practice water, so I won't participate in this training. Our Mu Clan doesn't lack such resources." Mu Tingying was the first to quit.

Zu Jiming and Guan Yu also took a step back silently. They were afraid of such an unknown area as the deep sea, and they were unwilling to stay. Nanrong Ni thought for a while, and followed behind Mu Tingying.

Zhaohua looked at the group of four and said plainly: "If we can create a powerful mage only by building a car behind closed doors and relying on hard accumulation of resources, then our country is still full of hard work so that the players can experience it everywhere?"

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