Full-time Summoner

Chapter 750 Undersea Undead

Because the entry and exit of the seal is only once, that is to say, when they leave the seal, they cannot enter again.

But unexpectedly, Li Kaifeng chose to stay.

Ai Jiangtu said: "Since they are all gone, we can only work harder. Let's divide up their enchantment weapons. It seems that we will be busy for several days."

Nan Jue said: "Li Kaifeng, you and I and the captain, Jiang Shaoxu, Zhao Manyan, and Jiang Yu are in a group and divided into three groups."

Zhaohua must belong to himself alone, and now everyone understands that Zhaohua, like Nanjue back then, has special missions, and Zhaohua's two water systems lead summoned beasts, here Ai Jiangtu does not It must be stronger than Zhaohua.

What they don't know is that Zhaohua also has a water-type summoned rainbow fish, which is an exchange student from Wanlong Valley. Its blood is extremely noble, and if it can really evolve into a rainbow dragon, it is the most powerful of all dragons.

Zhaohua smiled and took out a blue-green seaweed and said: "We are the first team to come in in decades, it's a pity that they don't want the resources here."

Except for Li Kaifeng, the trio who entered the uninhabited town with Nanjue last time couldn't help laughing, it's too bad!

But unexpectedly, after Zhaohua defeated this humanoid sea monster, no other humanoid sea monster appeared again. Although there are occasional sea monsters of fish, shrimp and crab types, there are not many of them at the level of warriors.

A week later, all the national team gathered in the square. Zhao Manyan's face was dark, and he complained: "Damn! After seven days, I found a water-type spiritual seed and some water-type resources."

Jiang Yu and the others were also speechless. They also found some resources that were not very valuable. The total amount was only 30 to 40 million, which was too little for a high-level mage.

Zhaohua frowned and said, "It's strange, why are there so few resources, and...why there are so few sea monsters? Logically, it's been a long time, and there should be several monster lairs here, and there are even commander-level sea monsters. A group of demons ruled by demons..."

This is also analyzed by Feng Zhoulong. After all, this place has been sealed for so long, and there were many sea monsters when it was cleaned up decades ago, but this time there are so few.

Ai Jiangtu asked: "Where is the magic device not arranged?"

Nan Jue took out the map she had drawn. Nan Jue is a sound mage. In addition to arranging the array, she also needs to make a brand new map and hand it over to the country's Magic Association.

Nan Jue pointed on the map and said, "This is the only location left, the location of the three pyramids."

This is what they deliberately left until the end, because Zhaohua was attacked here, so they planned to finish the arrangement of other places first, and wait until the end to go together.

Zhaohua nodded and said with a smile: "Well, if we don't complete the experience, maybe they will laugh at us to death."

"Hahahaha, you are right."

"I can already imagine their faces."

"It's impossible for me to put up with their faces."

And Li Kaifeng has followed Ai Jiangtu to complete the training tasks diligently these days.

When a few people stand at the bottom of these three pyramids and look up, no matter how many times they look at it, they will be amazed. How did this thing come out in the first place? Did it depend on the soil system? But this arrangement looks like the distance measured by a ruler. Is this something that humans can make by controlling it?

This kind of control is the same as the fixed-point chopping of a coin by the father of the wolf. It is an unbelievable control.

Jiang Yu swallowed his saliva and said: "By the way, the undead in Egypt are all around the pyramids, so... are there undead on the bottom of the sea?"

Zhao Manyan said with an unnatural expression: "Hehehe, Jiang Yu, don't talk nonsense, how could there be undead at the bottom of the sea..."

Zhao Hua broke Zhao Manyan's fantasy and said: "There are undead sea monsters, and the undead sea monsters are all transformed from the bodies of sea monsters and sunk into the bottom of the sea. They are stronger and more numerous than the undead in Egypt."

Zhao Manyan can't wait to slap his own mouth, he should say the opposite!

The few people didn't say much, and began to complete the final arrangement task of the experience. When Zhaohua completed the arrangement of the last device, the magic stone devices in the ancient ruins of Atlantis began to operate, and the magic stones were placed between the magic stones. Begin to emit a blue light linking each other.

The national team deployed a total of 2,401 magic stone devices. This is a super-order formation, and the energy has reached the third-level super-order. The magic stones are arranged with heights and bottoms, and are connected to each other, slowly forming a beautiful blue star palace.

The energy lines of all the magic stones are like star trails, and then the star trails are combined to form a star map, and then the star maps are interlaced to form a constellation, and finally the constellations are inlaid with each other to form a huge and incomparable palace.

This palace emerges among the ancient ruins of Atlantis.

Zhaohua pressed his diving goggles, only his goggles are special magic equipment, and this goggles are the controller of the entire star palace. When the star palace is completed, Zhaohua can use the power of the star palace to start collecting the magic energy value of Atlantis, and then use the power of the star palace to contact Feng Zhoulong over a long distance.

"Hey, Mr. Feng, can you receive it?" Zhaohua said.

Feng Zhoulong's voice came: "Oh, the data has begun to be received, and it will take a little time to collect and analyze the data of mana."

Zhaohua turned off the goggles, the number of times this can communicate is limited.

Zhao Manyan breathed a sigh of relief, rubbed his hands together and said, "Are we going to go inside the pyramids? I heard that the pyramids in Egypt are full of treasures."

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Zhao Manyan's crow's mouth played a role.

With a click, suddenly a white bone claw stretched out from the bottom of the sea and grabbed Zhao Manyan's calf.

"Hold the grass!!!" Zhao Manyan jumped up suddenly, pulling a skeleton undead from the ground.

Like a signal, white figures emerged one after another. They were ugly and hideous. The most important thing was that Zhaohua and others discovered that some of these undead had human bodies but had extremely long finger bones like human sea monsters. The feet have degenerated and become particularly short, especially the phalanges of the feet, which should not have human feet but become like duck feet.

In addition, there are some "fresh" flesh, those are all kinds of sea monsters, black figures appearing from the sand on the bottom of the sea, they are extremely ugly and ferocious.

And I don't know why, these sea monsters look very much like human sea monsters, with blood-stained bone tips all over their bodies, such as crocodile and shark fangs, but they all have flesh and blood, but they have rotted and pus, and their poison glands are swollen. The tail and back thorns are scarlet, with highly poisonous liquid flowing.

The numbers are huge.

"What the hell?!!!"

"Undead! Why are there so many undead here!"

"Doesn't the undead need the power of darkness to be generated? This place is surrounded by a water-type curse. Where does the power of darkness come from?"

Ai Jiangtu shouted loudly: "Be careful, there are a lot of them."

Zhaohua looked at the pyramid behind him, and said solemnly: "They are trying to prevent us from entering the pyramid. There must be something inside this pyramid, and it is probably related to the change of the seal."

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