Full-time Summoner

Chapter 82 Secret

"Hasn't Endless Ghost City been proven to have nothing to do with Emperor Qin?" Zhaohua asked his father after hearing Li Weize's introduction to the auction item.

Zhaolang is an old hunter. He knows more about the demon territory than textbooks. He is a walking encyclopedia.

After pondering for a while, Zhaolang said: "The ancient city is the city with the most undead in the country. Every day, the undead siege the city, especially at night, which is more fierce than the night walk of the ghosts in Japan. But there is a city outside the ancient capital Anjie. Ruins, there are many bronze ghost soldiers, although the outer skin of these bronze ghost soldiers is a layer of bronze, but inside are human corpses."

"According to the investigation of the Hunter Alliance, the Hunter Alliance suspected that thousands of years ago, Emperor Qin knew that he was about to die, so he imitated the ancient Egyptian mummification method with his elite soldiers and horses, replaced the shroud with bronze, and made his soldiers and horses It turned into a bronze ghost soldier and sealed it in the current endless ghost domain."

"According to the original records of official historians, Emperor Qin should be buried in the Endless Ghost Realm, protected by the bronze ghost soldiers, but for some reason, now there is a room with a mausoleum, but there is no coffin or corpse."

"As for the stone-like thing, I guess it has nothing to do with Qinhuang Yingzheng, but at least it belongs to the resources of the undead department."

The last thing Zhaolang said was for Ji Shaoan to hear, because he realized that Ji Shaoan wanted to buy it.

Ji Shao felt what Zhaolang said to him, and wrote in the drawing book: 【There is a concentric lock inside that. 】

Zhaohua asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

【Wraith told me, she said it was hers. 】Ji Shaoan was very honest and wrote in the picture book.

Zhaohua and his parents looked at each other, and they both saw surprise in each other's eyes. They didn't expect this wraith to be a thousand years ago.

In fact, this is not surprising. Since there are soldiers buried with him, it is normal to have court ladies. I just don't know how the coffin of this wraith was moved from the ancient capital to the demon capital.

The price of this kind of thing is generally not high, because everyone knows that if it is really valuable, you Zhao will put it up for auction? This is a lottery-like link, which increases everyone's gambling psychology. In the end, only Ji Shaohan, a mage of the undead department, bid and bought it back with a reserve price of five million.

Afterwards, things became more boring. Although there was still a wind spirit species to be auctioned, the little wind silkworm was not interested in that wind spirit species, so Zhaohua did not buy it. About 20 million, he is still short of a wind spirit species and a warrior-level soul, the money is probably not enough.

"Oh, it seems that the joint entrance examination of the four schools really has to fight hard to win." Zhaohua sighed.

Zhaohua's ability to make money is already very strong, especially with the two Ji Shaoan of the Undead Department, they have earned more than 50 million yuan in more than three months, because Ji Shaoan still needs to use the residual soul, so Zhaohua will use money Take more.

But it is still not enough, but the only good news is that in order to let Congcheng get a good result in the joint exam of the four schools, the local administration of Congcheng promised that if Zhaohua they can get the joint exam of the four schools For the first place, Congcheng will present the Most Outstanding Youth Award to them.

The title is false, but the reward is real. Each person will be rewarded with a bottle of cosmic dust to break through to the middle level.

Zhaohua does not need cosmic dust breakthrough, but he can sell it. If the market is good, he can sell it for 20 million, which is barely enough.

Half a day later came the final finale auction.

One of the last finale items is three copies of the vein of the galaxy. The vein of the galaxy is as bright as a diamond, only the size of a goose egg, and it is like cosmic dust. It is covered with dots of starlight. If you look carefully, you will find that this Inside the goose egg is a galaxy.

The function of the vein of the galaxy is the same as that of the cosmic dust, which is used to break through the barriers. The VIP seat they were in was sold at a high price of 400 million.

The climax of the audience was caused by a magic wing tool. Even Zhaolang and Zhang Ning showed surprised expressions. Magic tools are amazing.

This magic wing tool is like a starry sky, dark and quiet. If you don't move in the dark night, you can't find it at all. It is a perfect dark color. When the magic energy is injected, the dark night sky will flash purple, blue, red, and white. , The starlight, the star dots are all over the entire magic wing equipment, and this magic wing equipment can also wrap the mage, allowing the user to blend into the night sky together, and even the magic breath can be perfectly shielded.

According to the host's introduction, this magical wing tool combines the shadow system and the chaos system. More than a dozen top craftsmen of the Zhao family spent ten years creating the highest masterpiece, the magic wing tool called the night devil's wings.

The flying speed is half a minute faster than the high-level wind magic Wind Wings.

The starting price was an invincible price of 1.2 billion, but even so, it failed to stop some real giants, and was finally bought by No. 1 VIP Room at a stifling price of 3.2 billion.

"The world of the rich." The people of Zhaohua are all stupid, 3.2 billion, buy a magic tool, and this magic tool has no attack and defense capabilities, only flight and stealth capabilities.

[But the magic wing tool is so beautiful. 】Ji Shao looked at the magic wing tool enviously. Girls are born to like beautiful and shiny things.

But Zhaohua also nodded and admitted that the magic wing tool is indeed the highest masterpiece of Zhao's craftsmanship, at least the appearance looks really invincible, and the introduction also said that the design of the magic wing tool won the world magic tool design award .

In the end, Zhaohua bought a Wind Spirit Seed, and Ji Shaohan bought an unknown item and ended the auction. Afterwards, Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan went to the court to give a statement and cooperate in the investigation.

In the middle of the night, Zhao's Yaodu Hotel, outside the corridor of the presidential suite on the highest floor.

"FUC*, FU*K, F*CK!!!" Yaxi's voice came from the corridor, and he kept saying FFF in his mouth. At first glance, he looked very international, elegant and easy-going.

Just after the auction, he was planning to linger in some feasting places in Yaodu, when he was taken away by the Yaodu Judgment Society on the grounds that he suspected it was related to an assassination case.

Of course he knew about assassinating him. I was wondering why my subordinates hadn't responded to me until now, but I didn't expect to be killed by two junior ghosts.

Of course, he must say, don't know, don't know, don't talk nonsense and deny Sanlian's attitude towards this kind of thing, but because of this incident, he was temporarily banned from leaving the country, and he can't leave until he is cleared of suspicion.

This caused his subsequent itinerary to be directly scrapped. Although his father is a powerful figure in the world, he is only an illegitimate child, and even if he is favored, he cannot blatantly protect him.

With a loud bang, Yaxi kicked open the hotel door, but the moment he opened the door, he saw a beautiful woman sitting on the balcony of his room.

From the perspective of Yaxi, only the side face can be seen. The wind blows the woman's long hair, revealing a delicate Asian face. She is looking at the night of the demon city with her legs crossed. Long female smoke, white smoke rising slowly from the lit place.

If you observe carefully, you will find a strange place, the wind is blowing the hair, but the smoke is slowly rising.

The red lips bit the cigarette butt, exhaled a puff of white smoke, the white mist was lingering, and the sweetness of the cigarette reached Yaxi's nose, which was an intoxicating smell.

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