Full-time Summoner

Chapter 83 The Holy Inquisition

"Hahaha, Zhao Youqian is quite good at it, and arranged such a beauty for me to enjoy."

Yaxi's mood immediately improved a lot, because his subordinates were not able to do things well and he was troubled. Originally, his trip to Egypt and the United States was scrapped. He was not doing it for himself. He followed the Parthenon Temple Girl He came here in the name of a servant, and announced to the outside world that he would officially join the Knights' Hall of the Parthenon Temple, and now he is undergoing assessment and internship as a trainee knight.

But in fact, he wants to help his father go around the world and secretly contact important people in various countries. Because his father's identity is more sensitive, he can't pay too much attention to the concentration of power, so he can only let his illegitimate son replace him.

Now he is banned from leaving the country by the Demon City Magic Association and the Demon City Judgment Council. Even if he is from the Parthenon, it is useless. On the surface, he is just a trainee knight who has just entered the middle level. Don't say you have violated a world. The laws of a strong country, even if it is just a city, if someone wants to hold you down, you can't resist.

Yaxi closed the door, he looked at the beautiful woman sitting on the balcony, threw the coat on the bed, and showed a disgusting smile.

But before Yaxi's pants started to take off, the cigarette flicked in the woman's hand, and the cigarette turned into a white light and shot past Yasi's ear. The sky outside can be seen from the hole.

This has surpassed cognition and common sense. Why can humans shoot cigarettes into laser-like attacks? Yaxi was frightened by this scene, who is this woman and what is she going to do to her! ?

Zhang Ning, Zhaohua's mother and Zhaolang's wife, has always been a gentle, informal, cheerful young woman. But now she was sitting on the balcony like a different person than usual.

Zhang Ning picked up the cigarette box on the table familiarly, picked up a woman's cigarette skillfully, bit the cigarette butt with his lips and teeth, lit it with a lighter, took a sip, and said flatly: "You sent someone to assassinate my son today. Leave my daughter-in-law?"

*****, Yaxi's heart is full of fragrance, how can he not know what's going on after everyone has said this! If he had known that kid had such a background earlier, he would never have offended him.

Yaxi forcibly restrained her trembling thighs, and said nervously: "This is an order from the maid of the Parthenon Temple, she said, she said that, so that the young master refused her kindness, and it is hard to vent my hatred , so I have already persuaded my subordinates to do such alienation and treachery, but she insisted on going her own way, so I will definitely bring her back and apologize to Young Master Ling."

Yaxi burst into tears, heartbroken, the performance was really true, and he learned Chinese well, but Zhang Ning ignored it and took a puff of cigarette, as if he didn't hear it.

I don't know why, when Yaxi saw that half of the cigarette in Zhang Ning's hand was left, he felt that his life was only half left. Rick is going to die too.

Yaxi really guessed right, Zhang Ning had to smoke a cigarette every time before killing someone, which was a bad habit of hers.

Yaxi knew that he couldn't wait any longer and said, "I. My father... My father is the Grand Judge of the Holy Inquisition Court, Dulanke. I don't know if you know it, my lord."

Zhang Ning continued to smoke, she was very calm, it doesn't matter who your father is, even if your mother is the temple mother of the Parthenon. She is calm, but someone outside the hotel is not calm.

"Brother Wolf!! Sister-in-law! Wait, wait!!!"

Zhaolang sat on his Skyhawk and waited outside on the balcony, because Zhang Ning said to let her come this time, not to intervene, so Zhaolang could only obediently be a toolman. And there was another person on Tianying, Li Weize, the deputy presiding judge of the Yaodu Trial Council.

Because Zhang Ning and Zhaolang saw through it at a glance when their son came back. The two of them had just experienced a battle, and there were still traces of the magic energy of the earth and shadow systems on their bodies.

So after the auction, Zhaolang approached Li Weize to ask if something happened.

In the end, Li Weize checked and told Zhaolang and Zhang Ning that their son contacted the Tribunal and said that he was assassinated by a mid-level mage. He thought it was just a bastard who didn't know the heights of heaven and earth, but who would have thought that he turned out to be the Grand Judge of the Holy Inquisition Duran's son.

The Holy Inquisition is one of the eight major organizations in the world. It stands aloof. It represents the laws of this magical world. Magicians all over the world must abide by the laws formulated by them.

In the textbooks, the Holy Order and the Abnormal Court are never mentioned. This is because of the existence of the Magic Association. This organization exists in all countries and cities in the world. It is a subsidiary organization of the Holy Order, and it spreads all over the world. any corner.

The Holy Inquisition announced to the public that the Magic Association has nothing to do with the Holy Inquisition, and everyone does not interfere with each other. The Holy Inquisition is just a manager who only supervises, inspects, and eliminates evil forces.

But anyone with a little brain knows that it is just a lie. If something really happens, everyone knows that the Magic Association will definitely stand on the side of the Holy Inquisition.

Li Weize hurriedly jumped off Tianying and walked to the balcony. He knew that he couldn't stop these two monsters with his own abilities, so he hurriedly walked up to Yaxi and said, "You said you are Dulanke's son, How do you prove that, as far as I know, High Judge Dulanke has no son, only a daughter."

Yaxi hurriedly picked up the jacket that was thrown aside, glanced at the cigarette, it was over, there was one third left, and he took out a letter from the jacket pocket and handed it to Li Weize.

"This is a letter from my father, Dulanke, to Zhao Yougan, the eldest son of the head of the Zhao family. It should prove it."

Yaxi knew that this was a top-secret letter. In order to prevent it from being checked when passing through the security check, no magic was placed on this letter. It was just a very ordinary letter. Yaxi always carried it with him, and it was originally handed over to Zhao Youqian tomorrow morning.

Now as long as he can save his life, he can do anything.

Li Weize took a look, and there was indeed the seal of the Holy Inquisition Duran, and the content inside was also consistent.

Li Weize put the letter on the table in front of Zhang Ning. He also knew that people would not read it, so he said, "Sister-in-law, listen to me, this letter is true. It says that as long as Mrs. Zhao is willing to support Dulanke If he is re-elected as the Grand Judge of the Holy Inquisition, then Dulan will support Mrs. Zhao as the next president of the World Trade Association."

Li Weize saw that it was over, the last bite was left. Now he regrets endlessly in his heart, he is not regretting that he told Zhaolang and the others this news, but regretting why he came here by himself! And the judge! ! Where did you go when this kind of possibility is related to the safety of the country! ! !

"Brother Wolf!! Don't play with eagle hair, please persuade me." Li Weize cried. He didn't cry when he was hanged and beaten by the British national team in the world competition. Today, he is almost 30 years old, and he actually cried up.

Zhaolang put away his smiling face, glanced at Li Weize coldly, and said, "I don't know the suffering of others, so don't persuade others to be generous. If your son is assassinated, can you let him go?"

Li Weize knew that his reason was untenable, so he said with a bit of tears: "Brother Wolf, you and your name are still on the blacklist of the Disciplinary Court, and my sister-in-law is still being searched for by people from the Hall of Assassins all over the world. You don’t think about international relations, you have to think about Xiao Hua, he’s about to go to college, you don’t want him to be targeted by people from the Hall of Assassins, right?”

Phew, all of a sudden, the smoke that Zhang Ning exhaled seemed to be alive, and it turned into Yaxi's nostrils. Yaxi's whole body was trembling, white smoke poured into his brain, Yaxi's eyes turned white, and he foamed at the mouth , like an electric shock.

But at this moment, a holy light emanated from Yaxi's body, suppressing Baiyan. Dulanke was born in the Parthenon, and he had already left protection means in his son.

"It's useless for you, Dulan, to stand in front of me."

Zhang Ning's aura rose, Shengguang couldn't protect Yaxi at all, and was broken in an instant, and all the means that Duranke left on Yaxi were broken, so he was not Zhang Ning's opponent at all.

"Hey, stop it, you spare his life, we will unconditionally give your son the national ballot from the Trial Council of the Demon City, so it's okay for the head office."

Li Weize really cried this time, and was moved because it was the voice of the presiding judge, boss, you have come to the rescue.

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