Full-time Summoner

Chapter 954 It took three hundred years

"How could it be? How did this snake egg turn into a hollow egg?" Vice President Ao Li was surprised when he saw this scene.

The atmosphere at the scene was no longer as simple as falling to freezing point, but that everyone realized that something had happened. If it is one, then it may be a security problem, the problem of the Victoria family itself, but now even the spoils that the Egyptian military mage used to bid for the auction have problems.

Even Zhaohao's expression became extremely solemn, because this is the imperial capital, and it is the place he guards. Although this kind of thing may not be invaded by forbidden spell mages from other countries, it is obvious that there is some kind of super-level A power that even the guardian formation ignored appeared.

And most importantly, he didn't notice anything.

Zhao Hua asked, "Grandpa, is it possible that he is a Forbidden Curse Mage from another country?"

After thinking for a while, Zhao Hao shook his head and said: "The people who can get things regardless of the super-level guardian formation can be counted with a single slap. The archangels of the Holy City have this possibility."

"But if they appear in the imperial capital, it is impossible for me not to know."

The United States was still a British territory three hundred years ago, but three hundred years ago, Americans in North America suddenly declared their independence, and in Paris, the capital of France in Europe, they half-forced Britain to recognize their independence.

You must know that demons are rampant in North America. At that time, North America was completely protected by British military mages. Although a natural disaster of European demons caused the sunset of the magical empire with the strongest magic power in the world at that time due to a natural disaster of European demons. , But the so-called rotten ship also has three catties of nails, and the British magic power at that time was also quite strong.

But the result was that the leader of the United Kingdom at the time had to recognize the independence of North America in Paris. What did this represent? It represented that the magical power of the United States, which had suddenly risen at that time, was about to surpass that of the United Kingdom.

This is impossible. After all, the United States is originally one with the United Kingdom. How can the magical power of the United States suddenly become stronger than that of the United Kingdom.

And more importantly, even the powerful France gave the Statue of Liberty to the United States this special magical equipment after the United States recognized its independence. magic tool.

Possessing a strong protective force like a fortress, it is quite precious.

This is completely unreasonable. If you have those resources, you might as well leave them to your own people.

In the end, it also proved that France did nothing wrong. Not long after, the United States developed the magic method of using the earth cores that guard the city to break through the forbidden spell, and collected a large number of earth cores.

In one fell swoop, it has become the strongest magic empire in the world, and it is also the magic empire with the most pseudo-forbidden spell mages in the world. If only counting the number of pseudo-forbidden spell mages who broke through through the core of the earth, the United States has sixty on the surface, while our country has only twenty-six records.

As for the secret, everyone has something to hide.

And behind all these miracles, it is because of a place called the Holy City.

When Zhaohua and Mo Fan participated in the Hunters League competition, they went to Italy. There is a country in Italy, and there is a place called Vatican in the center of Italy.

This place is in the interior of Italy, but it is not a strange place in Italy.

The holy city is in the Vatican, more precisely, the holy city exists in another different space in the Vatican.

The holy city is very similar to the totem guardian family in our country, just like our country was guarded by totems in ancient times, Europe is protected by the holy plane, and this is also the origin of the holy city.

The holy city is still protected by the holy plane. More precisely, the magic used in the holy city is still my ancient magic from the holy plane, because the holy city is actually a continent in the holy plane.

From the continent of the Holy Plane, a human city was built on this continent, so it is called: Holy City!

This is why the people in the holy city call themselves the people of God, because if the holy plane is regarded as a paradise, then the people born and bred on this land that originally belonged to the holy plane are indeed the people of God That's right.

Just like the Tang clan of the totem snake guardian family in Hangzhou, and the Yan clan of the totem Yue'e guardian family of Kunyu Mountain, the guardian clan has the power of the totem beast, the power of the totem, and the totem vessel. the power of.

Those are the so-called seven archangels.

There is a strange inheritance in the Holy City, which allows people to gain power like a god and become a legendary angel.

But as we all know, now our country does not recognize the totem, and does not recognize the so-called guardian family. Otherwise, the totem snake would not have been hunted by Zhu Meng. Now the country only regards the totem family as a magical family with strange powers, and it is not allowed to promote the totem Ideas, not even educational materials have totems.

After all, people are people, and beasts are beasts. Once humans let go of their guard and believe in demons, the results are unpredictable.

And Europe is the same, do not recognize the so-called protection of the holy plane, human beings are human beings, we are human beings, not angels, since you think you are an angel, then you are not human beings.

Therefore, the holy city has been hidden from ancient times to the present, in the Vatican in Italy, rather than ruling the whole of Italy.

After all, no matter how powerful your holy city is, it is impossible to risk the world's disgrace and rule mankind as an angel.

And Zhaohua learned through the Bee Project that after the independence of the United States three hundred years ago, there was the Holy City, and the research method of the Pistil of the Earth may even be changed from the ancient method of the Holy City.

Obviously, the holy city also knows that as a force that still believes in the holy plane, it cannot be recognized by the world, so it will establish a country by itself and prove itself as a force that protects a piece of land.

It was also three hundred years ago that magic education around the world began to be reformed. The five permanent councils of magic established the United Nations of Magic, set up the Holy Inquisition to supervise magic crimes around the world, and established a magic association to jointly study magic.

With the United States or the power of the Holy City, mankind has indeed become more prosperous.

Thanks to success, the holy city gradually began to be recognized by the world, until fifty years ago, the holy city planned to let the power of the holy plane come to our country, and it turned out. . . Zhao Hao chopped them down with one sword.

Zhao Hao still sneered at the so-called archangel, just this strength? Even dealing with the little emperor is barely enough, so the military leader of our country did not use the Pistil of the Earth to break through, and is still seeking the highest peak of magic by his own strength.

The second hollow egg also caused the entire auction to be suspended for more than an hour. Obviously, the auction began to check all the auction items, and the final result shocked Zhaohua. The auction was canceled because there were still two pets.

A garuda that can reach the strength of a sub-monarch when it is fully mature in flight type, and a three-eyed liger that can also reach the strength of a sub-monarch.

That is to say, in this auction, the four most eye-catching young pets are all missing!

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