Full-time Summoner

Chapter 955 Listen to grandma

Ji Shaohan was surprised and wrote in the small drawing book: 【All gone? ! 】

Zhaohua nodded and said: "It's really tricky. If you look at it this way, I guess I didn't snatch it by force, but by using some clever technique to steal it."

Special Forbidden Spell Mages like space-type Forbidden Spell Mages will definitely be hidden in some countries. Like our country, the only military leader known to the public is Hua Zhanhong of the Southern Military Region, and the other three The military chief of the older generation has always been the secret weapon of the country, even some super mages don't know about it.

Only the real high-level officials of the country know that Ai Jiangtu's grandfather Ai Tianba is a space-type forbidden curse mage, because the space-type forbidden curse mage's functionality is too great, and it is fatal to appear in other countries at any time, so The purpose of hiding it all the time is to beat the opponent out of reach when necessary.

Not to mention the chaos system, the chaos system is even more mysterious than the space system, and almost no one knows what power it has.

It is also because of this that Zhaohua is sure that it is definitely not the work of the Forbidden Curse Mage of the Space Department or the Dimension Department, because it is not worth it, and it is impossible to do it.

Zhaohua knows the power of space-type forbidden curse mages, how could Zhaohao not know, and how could he not guard against it? It is estimated that the imperial capital has special countermeasures against space-type magic, so Zhaohua thinks it is definitely not space-type forbidden curse made.

"The Black Vatican? I heard Ding Yumian say during your training that the people in the Black Vatican are very powerful." Xiao Ji Shao doubted.

Xiao Ji Shao has only been awake for a year, and she is still very unfamiliar with this world, so when she occasionally hears people mentioning the Black Vatican, they always describe the Black Vatican as ghosts and gods, with cruel means to harm the world, but omnipotent .

Zhaohua frowned, and after thinking for a while, he said, "If it's the Black Vatican, maybe they really have this kind of means, but what's the point of stealing pets? Who the hell stole four It's useless to steal this kind of top-notch pet."

Yes, stealing four baby pets is useless. This kind of thing is different from resources. This thing is bought and raised, which means that you have to spend your own money, and it is a money-burning product.

It is understandable for the Black Vatican to steal one. There is a leader in red who belongs to the summoning system, and needs a powerful summoning animal pet, but if you steal four, you are also born with a defect. Super mages have four summoning systems and need four contracts. summon monster? ? ?

And even if it is stolen and sold, it is useless, the level is too high. All young pets are at the monarch level when they are fully grown. This kind of pets cannot be raised at all, and if you steal billions of things, you can't resell them.

After all, the sellers of these four little pets are world-renowned organizations, even a country. Who really buys them back from the black market and other places, and then raises them to summon a sea dragon? Said, did I steal the thing?

This is what Zhaohua can't figure out, what is the motive.

Not long after, after some discussions, the auctioneer finally withdrew some of the auction items, and the sellers of these auction items were unwilling to sell now, because they all wanted to make money.

But there are also some who are eager to sell, so they choose to continue the auction, even if it is cheaper.

[Then shall we continue filming? All gone. ] Of course Ji Shaoan knew that Zhaohua had found those little pets, and they all asked about them.

But now, some big families like the Mu family and the Zhao family who are aiming at the little pets of the level of Haiyuan evil dragon are starting to leave the field one after another, and they don't look down on other things.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhaohua said: "Anyway, I've come here. Let's read it. If I can't buy a pet, maybe I can update my magic equipment. My magic equipment is too weak..."

Zhaohua's magic equipment is very weak, basically at the spiritual level, but this proves how strong he is. During the national competition, he basically didn't need defensive magic equipment, so he defeated his opponent.

Others don't even have the qualifications to hurt him. Of course, this is also related to his awakening of the summoning system. Jiang Yu was also not injured much. Only Mo Fan, who is clearly a mage but likes to rush forward, attracts the most hatred and injuries.

As a result, one-third of the film was gone, and the remaining two-thirds were mostly held with the mentality of "everyone is here" to continue watching.

The rest of the auction items are all normal, and many of the eager bidders are young pets, because raising young pets also requires resources, and if you stay longer, you will lose every day.

Vice President Ao Li was also in torment. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen, and said with a strong smile: "Okay, the next thing is a special baby pet, no, it should be said that the seedling is more suitable. The next auction item : Wild ghost mother flower demon seedlings!"

"Huh... how disgusting."

"That's right, it really deserves to be something of the undead attribute."

"I feel like throwing up."

"Jie Jie, the old man really likes such monsters and goblins, but unfortunately I haven't awakened to the Summoning Department, otherwise I would want this thing."

There is a high-ranking necromancer old mage who makes no secret of his preferences.

Even Ji Shaoan from the undead department doesn't like this thing. Although she is from the undead department, her aesthetics are quite normal. You can tell by looking at the undead creatures she made, which one is not majestic or glamorous.

But this ghost mother flower demon is a model of disgust.

It looks like a human, with a head, but the left part of the head is missing, and one of the eyes is also missing, revealing a hollow eye socket, and the other eye is closed tightly.

Moreover, the body buried under the soil has no arms, just like a human stick, and the left and right sides of the stick-like flower stem have protrusions like meat corners, like the remaining part of a cut off hand.

When the ghost mother flower demon is fully mature, it will grow a rotting flesh, like a carrion, but without feet, its lower body is composed of tree roots.

What's strange is that its roots can walk away from the soil like feet, and the fleshy corners of the arms that have been chopped off will not grow arms, but will grow strips of tentacles.

But there is a female head, and there is still a piece of the head missing. If you look at it for a long time, you will really vomit.

And the ghost mother flower demon will bear fruit when it matures, and the fruit is a baby-like creature, but like the ghost mother flower demon, it lacks a piece of brain, but it has hands and feet, and it can scream like a baby.

This thing is really not something that humans can withstand.

Just when Zhaohua was feeling sick, Qilin, who hadn't said much, suddenly said, "Xiaohua, it's best to buy that thing."

Zhaohua's heart froze, and he looked at his special grandmother Qilin.

Qilin has been listening and chatting silently with Ji Shao, big and small, so it must make sense to suddenly say that now.

Qilin said: "It seems that the great war thirty years ago was really as weird as what the little wolf said."

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