Full-time Summoner

Chapter 964 Ask the Miracle Doctor to Come Out of the Mountain

The valley bottom of Wanlong Valley has always been a mystery. There are many powerful summoning mages in Wanlong Valley, and they have traded with some extremely powerful dragons in Wanlong Valley, and even summoned the supreme monarch and even summoned Summoner of the Asian Emperor.

Since Wanlong Valley is a canyon, it naturally has an end, that is, it has a bottom, but the bottom of Wanlong Valley has always been shrouded in darkness, making it impossible for summoning mages to see its true face. It has always been like that mystery.

Not to mention entering the bottom of Wanlong Valley, no one has even entered half of the depth. At least according to historical records, there is indeed no soul and physical ability of a summoning mage to reach the bottom of Wanlong Valley.

Let alone being invited.

Many summoning mages have always wanted to enter the deepest part of the Wanlong Valley to see what happened, but none of them succeeded in the end.

Zhaohua heard that Jiang Yu chatted with him and said that his master Pang Lai had tried it before, but he heard that he failed in the end and was still lying in the hospital bed for more than a month.

Everyone in Wanlong Valley knows that this is actually a kingdom of dragons, a very large kingdom full of dragons, and some people speculate that at the bottom of Wanlong Valley, the strongest dragon in the summoning plane lives. .

Just like there is a king of darkness in the dark plane, how could there be no dragon species of this level in a sacred place like Wanlong Valley.

And now Zhaohua can clearly say, yes, there is at least one terrifyingly huge dragon at the bottom of Wanlong Valley, and I heard from my dimensional summoned beast Tianyan that this Dragon Emperor called the Final Yan Emperor Dragon , has the power to bring the Summoning Plane to its end.

Yes, what Tianyan was talking about was power rather than power, and this might be some kind of special monster skill of the final Yan Emperor Dragon.

When Zhaohua stood at the bottom of Wanlong Valley, the scene he looked up was completely different. No wonder no one came to the bottom of the valley, the bottom of Wanlong Valley is actually in a different space.

Looking up, it turned out to be blue sky and white clouds! There is a sun! When Zhaohua lowered his head again, he found that he was no longer in the rift, but came to another place.

On the top of a mountain, and I don't know when my feet have stepped on the ground, and in front of me, an exaggeratedly large dragon is standing on both feet and looking at me.

Because the dragon is too big, in order to match the perspective of a small human named Zhaohua, the final emperor dragon deliberately stood on another mountain, so that Zhaohua could see the whole body blurryly at a distance.

The final emperor dragon is completely different from Qinglong. It belongs to a giant dragon. It has a pair of huge wings behind it. It stands on two feet. Its hands are longer than ordinary dragons. It has a pair of armor-like decorations on its body. Stuff protects the body and bones.

The body presents a gradation of color. The dragon claws, the edge of the tail, and the edge of the dragon wings are dark blue, and then the closer to the center of the body, the color will gradually change from dark blue to light blue to light green and then to dark green.

The longan is naturally yellow, and there is a poke of red hair behind the dragon's head, with a pair of sharp blade-like horns.

Gulu Gulu~~! !

Zhaohua still thought that it was not an option to continue being so awkward, and when he was thinking about how to speak, luckily Rainbow Fish was there.

In fact, there is no need for Hongyu to introduce, Zhaohua can also guess that the invincible dragon in front of him is Hongyu's biological father.

The dragon clan is different from the elves. The dragon clan relies on blood to reproduce, but the elves do not. The elves rely on the sky for their food. Theoretically, neither Tianyan nor Xiaofengcan is the child of Fengling and Hongyan.

Because innate elves are the darlings of heaven, there is no such thing as reproduction, only birth.

Just like Little Flame Fairy, she is born rather than born, a living body that absorbs the flames of heaven and earth and finally condenses. Xiao Fengcan belonged to the Fengcan clan, just like the Leisi Zhaohua had seen, the Fengcan clan was one of the thousand clans in the so-called Thousand Clan Elf Tower, living within the range of the Thousand Clan Elf Tower.

And a long time ago, when this family was multiplying their lives in an ordinary way, such an innate elf was born suddenly. Because it was of the wind attribute, it was brought to the holy place of the elves and handed over to the wind spirit for training.

The same is true for Tianyan.

Innate is what it means, and acquired is one's own breakthrough. If these monarch creatures like Lei Si can reach the level of emperors, they are acquired thunder attribute elves. However, only the elves who have reached the acquired level have the opportunity to give birth to innate elves.

"Human Summoner, help my daughter pass the last threshold, the condition, you say."

Zhaohua naturally doesn't know dragon language, but the other party can use spiritual magic to communicate directly, and Rainbow Fish can do this.

And Zhaohua was not surprised, rather, Zhaohua had already guessed a little bit from the very beginning when Hongyu came to invite her in person.

Zhaohua doesn't underestimate himself, he understands that Tianyan, like Rainbow Fish, was stuck at the last step and couldn't step into the monarch. On the contrary, the emperor class only needs enough resources.

The Summoning Plane is a complete plane, which allows the existence of emperors. Unlike the magic world, the power of emperors and forbidden curses will destroy the world, making the land unable to recover for a long time. This proves that the magic world cannot bear this kind of power. .

Emperors and forbidden spells are like cancer. It is wrong and does not conform to the development of the world. Therefore, there is no way for the normal growth of the magic world to allow creatures to reach emperors and forbidden spells. We must find other ways.

And the Pistil of the Earth is like a stuck bug, just stuck in the most extreme position, making the mage a false forbidden spell.

So Zhaohua himself understands that with the catalog of origins in his hand and the three summoning systems, he is the most talented summoning mage today. If Emperor Yan could not do anything about it, then Zhaohua would be like a miracle doctor, and he could only turn to this miracle doctor for help.

There is no way to summon the plane, so there may be some hope in another world, just like looking for a remedy.

And Zhaohua is the most promising and awesome veterinarian. Most importantly, Zhaohua, a veterinarian, has actually cured a Tianyan with the same disease!

Gulu Gulu! ! Rainbow Fish spat out a few bubbles and chatted with Zhaohua. Rainbow fish also have the ability to communicate telepathically.

There is no need to translate, Hongyu is excited and said to Zhaohua, as long as the master doctor takes action, you will be rich and prosperous, and you can choose Meilong. Of course, males can too.

Zhaohua couldn't help being amused by Hongyu, and said with a smile: "Okay, I don't want any glory, wealth, or precious resources. I only have two conditions. First, Xiaohongyu signed a life-and-death contract with me to become my super class Dimensional Summoned Beast."

Zhaohua didn't guess anymore, as long as the origin catalog exists, his fourth element must be the summoning element. The reason is simple, because if he is not a summoner, he will die.

After getting part of the memories in the ancient capital, Zhaohua understood that the price for his father to kill the uncrowned king of the dark plane was that he in another world sacrificed his soul, and the self who was connected with his soul theoretically will die too.

And all his magic systems disappeared early in the morning along with himself in another world. He had no soul in the first place, and it was the origin directory that had been protecting him.

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