On the other side of Japan, in the Yuyi Shrine, this is also the base camp of the Yuyi clan. Such a big event happened to the Tianguan Zilin tree. It is naturally a big event for the Yuyi clan who use the purple leaf demon crown of the Tianguan Zilin tree as a strengthening agent to make the so-called Tilia armor magic equipment as a selling point.

After all, the Yuyi clan only discovered that the demon crown of the Tianguan Zilin tree can be used as a material to enhance magic armor a few years ago. The price of the purple leaf demon crown of the Tianguan Zilin tree used to be very cheap, but now it is hard because they carried it to Very high price.

At this time, Yuyi Ningxin and Yuyi Ningmeng, as well as several so-called elders from the family, were there, discussing the matter of disappearing because of the harm caused by the Tianguan purple linden tree.

One of the elders of the Yuyi family said: "Demons exist to harm mankind. There is no reason for their country to blame us for disasters. It is only natural for us to offer rewards to collect demon crowns. Can they still suspect that we manipulated them?" Can't the Tianguan purple linden tree do it?"

"Our family doesn't run a philanthropic hall. If you want to give them a pension, aren't you joking?"

"That's right. Although it is true that we have increased the bounty and caused more casualties this time, but people make money and birds die for food. This is what you want."

Yuyi lay on the chair with a heart, and always had this bong in his hand. After exhaling a puff of white smoke, he said: "My intelligence personnel in that country received news that the time when the true face of the Tianguan Zilin tree was discovered. After the incident, Mo Fan, one of the main players of the national school team, was involved. He got a lot of purple linden tree demon crowns because of a blessing in disguise."

"But according to the news, Mo Fan would rather reduce the price by 30% than sell it to us, but to a small local magic equipment manufacturing company, and signed a magic contract, requiring that magic equipment manufacturing company not to change hands for any reason. Sell ​​it to us."

"Although before that time, Ningmeng increased the purchase price because of the news that he had purchased a large number of purple-forged purple crowns to produce a lot of mortal-level purple crown magic tools and spiritual-level purple forged magic tools, and even Because the Tianguan purple linden tree has disappeared, it can be sold at a high price if it is rare. But don’t forget that 80% of our magic tools are exported to that country, and the mages in their country are our biggest buyers. Home, according to the current situation, if we don’t restore our reputation, our exports will be greatly reduced, don’t you all understand this?”

Hearing what Yuyi Ningxin said, many old people present frowned and thought. Because of the reason why they developed the usage of the purple crown, they got a lot of wealth, which is indeed a bit floating.

One of the old men said like a peacemaker: "I think, what Ning Xin said is also reasonable, and according to Ning Meng, it was her friend in that country who noticed that the Tianguan Zilin tree was inappropriate and reminded us to increase it. Offering a reward for acquisition. It can be regarded as a bit of credit, and it should be given some money."

"Well...then let's decide."

"I agree."

After everyone left, when the two mothers and daughters, Yuyi Ningmeng and Yuyi Ningxin, were left, the mother's Yuyi Ningxin looked at her daughter, and smiled with an unknown meaning: "Oh, my heart, I thought You are out of the game, it seems that people still care about you."

Yuyi Ningmeng's cheeks flushed, touched her hair and snorted proudly: "Didn't he just notice something strange about the Tianguan Zilin tree when he was going on a mission, and knew that our family was buying the Tianguan Zilin tree?" The demon crown and purple linden just reminded me by the way, what's the matter?"

Yu Yi covered his mouth with a smirk and said: "Yes, just reminding our family so much money, why didn't he remind other families. However, Zhaohua didn't expect that the strangeness of the Tianguan purple linden tree would be so strange. It's such a disaster."

Yuyi Ningmeng deliberately opened up the topic and said, "Let's not talk about this, the plan he proposed about Lanzi, do we want to participate?"

Yuyi Ningxin immediately put away his joking expression, and said with a serious expression: "His plan is not a joke anymore, he has even contacted Russia with Victoria, England, and Germany, except for the United States and France, which have relations with the Holy City. In addition to being close, he has mentioned the matter to the big families in many countries."

"This is not a joke. If the Holy City and the Holy Inquisition find out, it will harm the entire country."

Yuyi Ningmeng also knew that this was not a joke, she nodded seriously and said: "Well, but now the siren's nest is becoming more and more obvious, and more and more coastal areas have been unable to keep the siren tide, so we can only wait until the tide recedes. Afraid..."

Yu Yi sighed deeply and said: "Oh, it seems that catastrophe is coming, let me think about Lanzi's matter again."

On the other side of the Pacific Ocean, Zhaohua was waiting impatiently in the cafe, looking at the other table speechlessly. Moze was sitting there, but he was sweetly having a romantic relationship with a short-haired girl.

This made Zhaohua dumbfounded. He said that he had to confess the information about the trial meeting in person, but your sister actually used working time to fall in love? ? ?

Zhaohua waited for 20 minutes, watching the two people get bored for 20 minutes, wondering if Mo Ze wanted to avenge the dog he abused before.

After Moze bid farewell to the girl, the girl took a look at Zhaohua, and nodded in greeting to Zhaohua, Zhaohua could only smile and nod, instead of scolding Moze as a bastard.

Moze's face was full of happiness, and his whole body exuded the aura and light of dog abuse. He said with a smile: "Hehehe, I met a few days ago. The civil servant who just came to the trial is called Lan Yingjie, who is as beautiful as the Wutai Mountain in Hong Kong." The same name as my female star."

Zhaohua handed Mo Ze a tissue and asked him to wipe off the lipstick marks on his face first, and said, "That celebrity is called Lan Jieying, and he passed away a few years ago."

"I said it's just as beautiful."

Zhaohua didn't bother to tell him, wasting thirty minutes in vain, stretched out his hand and said, "Where are the things from the Judgment Council?"

Mo Ze didn't write any ink anymore, took out a magic tool for space storage, and said with a document: "The magic tool contains the confidential documents of the Judgment Council. It was given to you by Chief Tian Qingbai. You know how to open the file." It contains the wiring of the Tianguan Zilin tree and some purple crowns that you asked to check, and you have to reimburse them, these things are very expensive now."

Zhaohua is indeed a bee brain, and has the right to mobilize the bee plan to investigate intelligence. But everyone knows about the Tianguan Zilin tree, and it is not a secret thing. Zhaohua will not waste the power of the Bee Project, and let the Judgment Society collect information on the Tianguan Zilin tree.

The matter of the Tianguan purple linden tree is raging now, and Zhaohua happens to have the Tianguan seeds in his hand, so he intends to learn more about it.

Zhaohua put away the magic tools, and directly opened the file about the Tianguan Zilin tree. The above information is very simple. The Tianguan Zilin tree's whereabouts are unknown. No, no one knows where it went.

Zhaohua put away his things and was ready to leave, because half a month had passed, and the Potianguan still hadn't made a contract with him. If he didn't make a contract, Zhaohua planned to burn it as firewood.

Moze stopped Zhaohua and asked with a smile, "How is my girlfriend?"


Thanks [i Fantasy Yy] [DogEgg] [Jiu Mi Hou] [Slow Sheep Without a Cane] [Skeletal] [Little Ant Eating Cake] [20200214162242086] [20200404203453471] [Yiha Jiangshihui] [20190902164652329] [Heaven and Earth] Proud of the world] [Kick Mofes] [20180729184037345] [Scholar of Desire] [Qiu Feng] [Tong Jin I] [He Zhuo Anjie] *2 [TLZQ] *2 [Xuanyan Sixteen] *3 [MarcWei] *3 【Yawning】*3【You taste your fine taste】*2【Broken romance】*3【\u0026amp;amp;amp;swastika to the end】*4【Diving】*6【Atlantide】*7【How to write a love letter. 】*18

Special thanks to the starting point monthly ticket benefactor [how to write a love letter. 】Eighteen monthly tickets.

How to write a love letter, write it with a monthly ticket (.^▽^)

Special thanks to the hall master [diving inging] [how to write a love letter. ]’s reward of 10,000 coins, 10,000 coins plus one update, I owe these two updates first, and I will add updates as soon as possible.

Thanks to [Tong Jini], [He Zhuoanjie] and other starting point book friends for their rewards ╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭, new year and new atmosphere. Thank you for your rewards, which allowed me to get the first starting point recommendation this year.

Although it's just a website push, mosquito legs are also meat.

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