Full-time Summoner

Chapter 972: Slag Summoner

Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan are not in the Yaodu Tower now, they have both returned to Zhongshan Academy. The reason is simple, to graduate.

Although Zhaohua participated in the national competition and won the first place, which is already honoring the school, but you still have to deal with thesis and graduation research.

And Ji Shaoan finished it early in the morning, because of Ji Shaoan's research, our country has made a new breakthrough in the manufacture of undead utensils.

The manufacturing method of the soul-level undead utensils, which was monopolized by Egypt, has been broken by Ji Shaohan. Now Ji Shaoan is the most powerful professor in the field of undead utensils in our country.

When Zhaohua practiced, Ji Shaohan also went to the imperial capital to give a speech, which was quite extraordinary, and he was already a celebrity in the academic circle.

And Zhaohua's research is naturally about the Summoning Department. His academic research focuses on the research of the Summoning Plane. Talk about it.

Now Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan are both in Sun Yat-Sen University, waiting to graduate. People like Deng Le, Mai Jiaxi, Liang Ri and others have completed their academic research and are waiting to be certified as outstanding graduates.

As soon as Zhaohua came in, he saw Shengyin destroying the Tianguan Zilin sapling again. The dragon's claws firmly grasped the purple crown of the Tianguan Zilin sapling like pliers, as if not letting it escape.

In the past half a month, the Tianguan purple linden sapling has also grown miserable, and it is only in its infancy. It only has the strength of a servant. It wanted to escape, but it couldn't.

Zhaohua learned from hunter master Leng Lingling's hunter's report that the fight between the purple linden tree and the semi-forbidden old lady Yan that day was a terrible battle.

The size of the fully mature Tianguan Zilin tree is not as simple as the usual huge ones. The only mature white-feathered willow tree that Zhaohua saw in the holy plane was bigger than it.

Tianguan Tilia has a small city that huge.

But well. . . Now this little sapling is miserable, and the crown was clamped by Shengyin with one hand.

In the past half a month, Zhaohua has played both soft and hard ways, even the starlight grass has been used by the Tianguan Zilin saplings, so that it will not be congenitally deficient. At least I can jump now.

In the past half month, Zhaohua has figured out some abilities of the Tianguan Zilin tree.

Zhaohua just wanted to say, it's really awesome!

The Tianguan Zilin tree is likely to be one of the original species of the magic world, that is, a race that has existed since the birth of the magic world, similar to creatures such as dragons and wild beasts, so the power it possesses is actually what the magic world can do. Several of the abilities possessed.

The magic world has nine elements, the five elements based on wind, fire, water, thunder and earth, the ice of disease and the darkness of death, the plants of life and the holy light of hope.

These nine elements are what the magic world has always had, and they can be seen everywhere.

Of course, it is impossible to have all the Tianguan Zilin trees. It is a bit like the ghost mother flower demon with multiple attributes. The Tianguan Zilin tree has four attributes, so it can reach the supreme monarch when it is fully mature.

Needless to say, plants themselves are plant-type monsters, as well as soil-type monsters. The Tianguan Zilin tree has soil-type magic. Zhaohua suspects that the purple linden tree used the earth escape to disappear.

There is also the holy light. The purple ray of the Tianguan Tilia tree is a kind of holy light. This kind of light can purify the darkness, which is why the colorful luan bird, which represents peace, likes to live on the Tianguan Tilia tree.

There is another kind that surprised Zhaohua, the Tianguan Zilin tree actually has space power, and now it can only teleport itself, which is still very weak.

Zhaohua speculates that this is the reason why the Tianguan Zilin tree belongs to the most primitive creatures. It is estimated that the first Tianguan Zilin tree was born when the magic world and the scientific world were not completely separated, so it has the power of space.

Dimensional magic comes from the world of science, this Zhaohua knows. Dimensional magic, like black and white magic, comes from another world. The scientific world is proficient in the power of dimensions, so even if the two are separated, there is still a way to cross them, such as Mo Fan.

But the Tianguan purple linden tree is obviously suppressed by the holy silver, not only its strength, but also its attributes.

Seeing Zhaohua come back, Ji Shaoan wrote in the drawing book: [You are back, Xiao Tianguan seems to have something to do with you. 】

Little Ji Shao whispered like an informer: "It seems to have sensed the matter of the big Tianguan purple linden tree."

The matter of the Tianguan Zilin tree happened yesterday, and it almost spread throughout the country yesterday. After all, there were major events such as the fall of the supreme monarch and the semi-forbidden magician. Zhaohua is investigating in detail today. As for why the investigation is so detailed Only he himself knows.

Zhaohua smiled, walked to the sofa and sat down, looked at the Tianguan Zilin sapling, which not only didn't get bigger but got smaller, and said with a smile, "What do you want to talk to me about?"

After half a month, the Tianguan Zilin sapling has become smaller, but its branches and leaves have become more lush, and it is no different from ordinary saplings except for a human face.

The Tianguan Zilin sapling slapped Shengyin's claws away, stretched out a twig and wrapped it around Zhaohua's little finger, and then a cold female voice came into Zhaohua's heart.

"Tell me about my body."

Zhaohua looked at the Tianguan Zilin sapling. Zhaohua didn't think it was strange that it could transmit sound like Nan Jue's phonological magic. Originally, the phonological system was dimensional magic.

Zhaohua smiled slightly and said, "Why should I tell you?"

The Tianguan Zilin sapling was silent for a moment and then said: "I have lost part of my memory. I remember that I shouldn't be in this posture, but I forgot why I became like this. It was you who woke me up, and you are responsible."

Zhaohua couldn't help laughing, the first woman to tell him that he was responsible was actually a tree.

Like a scumbag, Zhaohua pulled out the hand that was held by the little finger of the girl, and then stretched out three fingers and said: "I have three nos in contracted summoned beasts. If you don't take the initiative, don't refuse, and don't take responsibility."

He didn't initiate the Blue Star Fox, and he couldn't refuse Guigui, and he definitely wasn't responsible for the Tianguan Zilin sapling.

puff! ! The two Ji Shao were still curiously watching what was going to happen, and were suddenly amused by Zhaohua's three-no policy.

[You scumbag, public enemy of women. = ̄ω ̄=] Ji Shaoan wrote in the small drawing book.

Little Ji Shao silently walked to the Tianguan purple linden sapling, and said as if he wanted to protect it: "Little Tianguan, let's ignore him, he is a scumbag summoner, and I don't know how many ignorant summoned beasts have been cheated."

Lan Xinghu cooperated very well and took out a tissue from the table, wiped the corners of his eyes and yelled, with a heartbreakingly sad voice.

After the Tilia sapling was silent for a while, it stretched out a small branch to wrap around Zhaohua's hand again, and a voice said: "Human, I can sign a contract with you, but after you die, I will return to nature. You will not shelter humans. And during the period, you will find my lost memory for me and help me regain my body. I think I should not belong to this body."

A strange look flashed across Zhaohua's eyes, but he didn't say anything, but extended his palm and clapped the Tianguan Zilin sapling and said, "Deal!"

Zhaohua hadn't had time to be happy that he had contracted a third-line contracted summoned beast. Another piece of news that made him even more excited came.

Feng Zhoulong's magic fusion research has made a breakthrough.

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