Full-time Summoner

Chapter 977: Divine Prophet

"It's the Hades frog, it...it's approaching us!!! Go back and go!!"

There was a loud bang, and the Underworld Monarch Frog leaped suddenly. The terrifying force instantly made the mage dumbfounded. This guy's explosive power is too strong!

"Rewind, rewind!!!"

"It's coming!"

"Defense defense!!!"

For their team of military mages, those underworld trackers with dark runes imprinted on their bodies and doubled defense power are not the most terrifying. What is really scary is the monarch-level frog, although this is only one head, and it is not good at A fighting monarch creature, but after all, it is a real monarch's strength.

One of the tongues of Mingjun Frog came out, except for the commander-in-chief Binwei who is also a super mage, no one can resist it! Moreover, Zhenbeilou is indeed a relatively suburban city, not a core city. Being able to have a super mage guarding it is already very important.

After all, most of the country's mage power is concentrated at the junction of the demon empire and the black human forbidden area.

And this is where Leng Jue deliberately chose. After all, Leng Jue is not stupid. If he chooses to use Minghui in core cities such as Yaodu, Modu, and Didu, he will be banned by the Forbidden Curse Sorcerer before the Pyramid of Khufu descends. It was smashed to pieces.

Leng Jue deliberately chose the place where Zhenbeilou was located, where there is a wide prairie fire. The city behind Zhenbeilou is also relatively famous, with a relatively large population, and a place with only a few super-level mages for defense as a grand ceremony.

"It's about to stick out its tongue, hide away!!"

"Oh my god! The range is too big, I can't hide in time!" The soldiers shouted in horror when they saw the frog's giant tongue sweeping like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

At this time, Zhao Manyan turned his gaze to the Underworld King Frog from the battlefield, with a bit of determination on his face, and shouted in a deep voice: "Even if it is a monarch-level attack, I will show you my strength!!"

Zhao Manyan stepped forward, and the courage to die made the military mages admire him and feel that he was sick.

"Hurry up! How can a high-level mage resist a monarch-level attack!"

"You are crazy!!"

"It's over, it's over, he's gone crazy."

Zhao Manyan took a deep breath, took out the wooden fish vessel, and the golden light bloomed on his body, making Zhao Manyan look like an arhat with a golden body.

"The seal of the underlord - the pupil of the rock demon - the body of a giant!"

At the beginning, Zhao Manyan majored in light and minored in water and minored in soil. Baxia, as a sea beast, is also a defensive totem. He is a perfect match for Zhao Manyan. The strongest defensive power of Baxia is earth, followed by water, so After Zhao Manyan was taken away by Baxia, he changed his major, and now Zhao Manyan is majoring in soil.

And not long ago, Zhao Manyan learned that his championship reward was still reserved, so he went to the Parthenon Temple to ask for a divine seal praise, and the blessing was the earth element.

Like Mo Fan, Zhao Manyan used the power of the Baxia Totem Vessel to retain the basic double boost ability.

In addition, the small earth soul seed obtained by smelting the earth element crystal increases the defense power of the earth element by five times, and now Zhao Manyan's high-level earth magic is fully fired. Five times the soul seed plus twice the praise of the god seal plus twice the increase of the special mark of the totem vessel, Zhao Manyan can now use defensive magic that is twenty times stronger than ordinary high-level earth magic defense.

Generally speaking, it cannot be superimposed, and it is not said to be multiplied and multiplied, so the praise of the god seal is so precious, because it can be multiplied again on the soul seed, and the totem mark of the totem vessel is also similar to the power of the praise of the god seal. Let Zhao Manyan have a twenty-fold increase in power.

"Ha!!! Stop it!"

A huge blue-brown stone man stood up from the ground, and he was one with Zhao Manyan. Zhao Manyan took a horse stance, with his arms crossed in front of him, and forcibly blocked the attack of the frog's tongue.

boom! ! Zhao Manyan's giant was shattered, Zhao Manyan was knocked back a few steps, and spit out a mouthful of blood, but Zhao Manyan showed an excited smile.

My own cultivation was not in vain! He resisted the power of the monarch with high-level power!

The officers on the side were terrified, how could the high-level mage be able to block the attack of the monarch! Even the super commander may not be able to stop it!

In the end, another commander-in-chief among the military mages who went out to seek a breakthrough returned. The two super-level mages, Zhao Manyan and many military mages finally tried their best to kill the underworld king frog and all the underworld trackers.

Monarchs naturally have their own strengths and weaknesses. It is obvious that the Underworld King Frog is a weak monarch who has just reached the strength of an ordinary monarch, so it was beheaded.

But everyone knows that the matter is far from over, because after some investigation, Lingling found that the Pharaoh's frog is actually the pharaoh's mount, and it is responsible for carrying the pyramids. If there is a Pharaoh, there must be a pharaoh.

And Minghui is the channel, and the Mingjun frog is just the pharaoh's tracker, pulling the pyramid for it, however. . . They still haven't seen the pyramid appear.

On the second day after Mingjun Frog was killed, Zhao Manyan asked curiously with bandages all over his body: "Lingling, have you found out which pyramid will appear?"

Lingling said: "I'm still checking. I'm checking according to the trajectory of the stars. There is a basis for Minghui's channel to be connected to the pyramid, not just casually. I'm checking what stars will pass above us in the near future .”

Zhao Manyan and others naturally don't understand this kind of thing, they are healing and chatting, at least for now, the storm has calmed down temporarily.

Just when Zhao Manyan had just taken a sip of cold beer, he suddenly heard a clicking sound. Zhao Manyan turned his head and saw that Lingling's computer had fallen to the ground. At this time, Lingling's face was pale and terrified, and her body even trembled a little.

Seeing Lingling's expression, Zhao Manyan, Commander-in-Chief Binwei and Super-Mage Ye Hong felt a sudden thump in their hearts.

Zhao Manyan asked: "Lingling?"

Commander-in-chief Bin Wei asked in a deep voice, "Which pyramid?"

Lingling said with a trembling voice: "Hu... Husband."

When Lingling said Khufu, the whole atmosphere dropped to freezing point. I am afraid that no one here does not know what the Khufu Pyramid represents, that is the man known as the Pharaoh.

"what to do..."

Lingling took a deep breath to calm herself down and said, "Go to Mo Fan."

"Yes, yes, find him, he should have a way..."

Lingling said heavily: "Then let's go together."

Zhao Manyan was stunned for a moment, and then he also understood that if Hu Fu really came, the North Tower of the town would definitely not be able to defend, and he had to go inland. Going to the imperial capital and the devil capital is the right way. Hard steel is impossible. of.

Zhao Manyan also said in a bit of a daze: "Yes... yes, find Mo Fan and go together, Gan! He took off the national medal, and the phone can't be reached! Damn, I can't find him."

"I know where Brother Fan is." Suddenly a voice came from outside the door.

Zhao Manyan turned his head and said overjoyed: "Good guy, Zhang Xiaohou! That's great, you must know where Mo Fan is!"

"Let's go to a place first, it's not very convenient here after all."

In the ancestral hall of Guli Village in Zhenbeilou, Zhao Manyan and others gathered here.

Zhang Xiaohou asked helplessly, "Is it really the Pyramid of Khufu?"

Lingling shook her head and said: "Everything is speculation, I have no actual evidence, and I hope it is false."

"She guessed right. It's true. What Leng Jue wants to summon is the Pyramid of Khufu, known as the Pharaoh." A man wrapped in bandages came from outside the door and said.

Zhang Xiaohou introduced: "He is the prophet of God's degree. He proposed the guillotine plan to deal with Sa Lang in the ancient capital. He was also in the ancient capital at that time. He knew where Mo Fan was."

Thanks to [Tianhao] [Lei Mian] [Crazy Song] [Moshang Hua] for their big rewards.

Special thanks to 【粗K】for the reward of 5,000 coins.

Very clean [Brother Chang Gung] Ten thousand coins reward!

Suddenly I found out that I owed a lot for rewards and updates. Σ(°△°|||)︴

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