Yen Ching Restaurant.

At the recording scene of “Children of Tomorrow”, Su Wenhao and other contestants sat backstage, waiting to be called on.

【Heavenly King System】

Host: Su Wenhao

Ability: Top singing voice, top fitness

Prestige: 0

Su Wenhao was staring at the system panel in front of him and studying.

“Hey buddy, don’t you have a family to accompany you?”

A young man came over to say hello.

Su Wenhao replied: “I am an orphan and have no family!” ”

The young people are very happy to hear it!

“It’s really fateful, it’s similar to my story, I am the death of both parents, and I owe a debt to pursue my dream.”

“I had a car accident on the way to chase my dream last year, and now I still have scars on the base of my thigh!”


Su Wenhao was taken aback and asked in surprise:

“So miserable?”


As soon as the voice fell, the young man’s mobile phone rang.

“Hey, Dad. My mother is next to you too. ”

“Don’t worry, I’m ready, well, I’ve asked someone to help me write a worse story.”

“What’s the content? Well…… I can’t tell you, or I’m afraid I won’t be able to go home.” ”

“Okay, that’s it, bye-bye!”


Su Wenhao was confused, what the hell? Didn’t you just say that both parents died?

Why did Dad call?

Where did this call come from?

The following signal is so good?

Soon he figured it out.


I don’t know when the talent show is not only worse than talent, but also worse than whom.

I haven’t been in a car accident, I’ve never had a loved one, and I’ve never suffered a terrible setback on the way to pursue my dreams.

If you can’t make the audience burst into tears, you’re embarrassed to stand on the draft stage.

Just now, this young man should be looking for someone to write a story.

However, what Su Wenhao just said is not a story.

Although he crossed into this parallel world 18 years ago, he is indeed an orphan.

After charging, the system was finally bound a few days ago, and there were three [song exchange coupons] in the newbie gift pack, which could be exchanged for any song from the system mall.

Su Wenhao had already exchanged the song and handed it to the staff.

“No. 57, Su Wenhao, prepare to appear!”

After hearing the name of the staff of “Children of Tomorrow”, Su Wenhao stood up and followed the staff forward.

Today is the preliminary round of the show.

The qualifiers for “Children of Tomorrow” are divided into three tracks, or three types of competition areas: Shengshi Beauty, Shengshi Duxiu, and Shengshi Magic Sound.

Each track has a star promoter, who is actually a judge.

The characteristics of the runners of the Shengshi Beauty Track: good looks, and singing also passed.

The judge of this track is the well-known actress Yang Mi.

Characteristics of the runners in the Shengshi solo track: not only can sing, but also other talents, such as street dance.

The judge of this track is the famous singer Xue Ziqian.

The characteristics of the Shengshi Magic Sound Track: All of them are walking CDs, no matter what their appearance is, but their singing skills are absolutely passable.

The judges of this track are more powerful.

Fans call him a leader in the Chinese music scene, Flower Dust Rain!

Three tracks, divided into three days of auditions, each track has 65 competitors, each track selects 12 competitors to advance to the next one!

When registering, Su Wenhao took out a mirror and looked at it, and then chose Shengshi Beauty.

Who isn’t a beautiful man anymore?

Led by the staff, Su Wenhao came to the studio and stood in front of the four judges.

Big star Yang Mi, host Zhang Xiaoxiao, and two singers who are also relatively famous.

Yang Mi is the star promoter of this track, and the final promotion will be decided by her.

The show adopts a live broadcast method for drafting, and many netizens have seen the show scene through the live broadcast room.

“I like the track the most! Not only can you see the big beauty Yang Mi, but you can also see 65 handsome guys of all kinds! ”

“Yes, every handsome guy makes people want to drool, wow, you see another one, looks and figure are very passable!” Whoosh! ”

“Cut, what’s the point, there have been more than 50 players on the stage, but none of them can make people shine.”

“It’s just like mass-produced small fresh meat, if it is like this in the Xia Kingdom entertainment industry, it is really uninteresting.”

“There are many good-looking skins, and if the entertainment industry only looks at the face and squeezes out the talented, then this circle will be like this!”


At the scene of the show, Yang Mi raised her pretty chin and looked at Su Wenhao, and Dan’s lips lightly opened.

“Introduce yourself!”

Su Wenhao nodded, picked up the microphone and said:

“Hello everyone, my name is Su Wenhao, I am an orphan…”


Before the words were finished, except for Yang Mi, the other three judges all showed expressions of disgust on their faces.

Whether it was the audience or netizens in the live broadcast room, they all began to mock:

“Haha, orphan, this is another miserable seller.”

“Among the more than 50 players who have appeared, there are more than a dozen parents who have died, some have been in car accidents, and some have had blood transfusions in the hospital.”

“Isn’t there a gauze wrapped in his leg in front of him, coming up on crutches? As a result, after being eliminated by Yang Mi, he left on double crutches, and did not act in a full set of acting. ”

“This is an orphan again, can’t you come to some singers with real ability?”


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