Although everyone laughed, the program process still had to continue.

Zhang Xiaoxiao then asked:

“An orphan? So did you grow up in an orphanage? ”

Su Wenhao shook his head:

“I grew up in a small mountain village, and a kind sister sponsored me for 18 years to get to where I am today.”


Zhang Xiaoxiao sneered inwardly.

I’ll just ask according to the process, do you really answer?

It seems that this story of yours is very complete, and it can be back and forth.

Yang Mi still had a smile on her face, but there were some ripples in her heart, and she couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows and look at Su Wenhao.

In fact, there was one thing she hadn’t mentioned to anyone.

When she was 10 years old, the school organized students to donate money and materials to children in the mountains and wrote a letter.

At that time, she used the pseudonym “Fox” to donate a picture book, which was full of various graffiti she made, which was her most precious thing at that time.

There was a letter and some money in the picture book.

About three months later, she received a reply letter from the other party also using a pseudonym.


“Since you are [Fox], then I am [Tiger], and when I am developed, I will protect you by your side.”

There was an exchange back and forth.

18 years ago, communication was not developed, and mobile phones were still a luxury.

It costs 1 cent to send a text message with 60 words, and each text message cannot exceed 60 words, if it exceeds it, it will become two after it is sent.

So at that time, [penpals] were especially popular.

Yang Mi’s family is good, coupled with the debut of child stars, so she has been silently sponsoring [Tiger] since then.

Although she is very happy to have a penpal, this penpal is delayed too long.

Others go back and forth for a maximum of a month, but [tiger] can reply to the letter for about three months, sometimes even half a year.

As time went by, she grew up and became busy, which made her gradually lose care of this pen pal, and the correspondence became one a year.

Later, she signed a gambling agreement with a film and television company, and the strong pressure made her have no time to take care of [Tiger].

Some time ago, she sent the other party the last letter.

“I’m in some trouble here, I need to spend a lot of energy on it, I guess I can’t help you in the future.” Although you have not told me your age, you should also be an adult in eighteen years, and the rest of your life will be created with your own hands! ”

“I’ve moved away from my original address, so I can’t receive your letters.”

“But if one day, you can stand at the top of a certain industry, maybe we have a chance to meet!”

“I wish you success in your career!”

“Don’t go back!”


Although [Tiger] said that he would stand by his side to protect himself in the future, it was a joke 18 years ago.

Does my cousin Yang need someone to protect me?


Yang Mi listened to what Su Wenhao said, and wanted to fall into memories in her heart, but quickly adjusted her mentality.

Su Wenhao looked at her:

“Calculate the time, the kind person who has sponsored me for 18 years should be about the same age as Sister Honey.”

Because at the time of the first letter, [Fox] said that she was a 10-year-old child.

However, the well-wisher should not be Yang Mi, after all, she is a big star, and if she really does charity, it is just a donation through a public welfare organization.

How is it possible to send a letter with cash?

Every word in the letter is written by the other party, how can a big star have such spare time?


After Su Wenhao’s words came out, the three judges sitting next to Yang Mi rolled their eyes unabashedly.

Although Yang Mi was smiling, she could also see embarrassment and unpleasantness between her eyebrows.

Without him.

Among the 56 players who played before, many tried their best to get close to Yang Mitao.

Honey, honey, honey, honey, beauty…

Various names are emerging.

There is also a saying that Yang Mi looks like a certain relative, friend and so on.

In fact, it can be understood.

12 of the 65 people will be selected, which means that 53 contestants will be eliminated.

In order to be able to advance to the next round, they really came up with their own tricks and used everything they could, even men dressed as women as pseudo-women.

Therefore, Su Wenhao’s words made many people in the live and live broadcast rooms classify him in the same category as other draft contestants.

Yang Mi, as the star promoter of the Shengshi Beauty Track, still has to perform her duties.

“So what show are you going to bring us next?”

Su Wenhao replied very seriously:

“I bring a song called ‘Lifetime’!”

Then he turned his head to look at the camera and said very solemnly:

“[Fox] I’m [Tiger], I don’t know if you can see this show, but I want to tell you, thank you for your help over the past 18 years!”

“May you have a bright future and get what you want!”

Burst! Hahaha!

The audience burst into laughter.

Netizens in the live broadcast room are also mocking wildly.

Zhang Xiaoxiao and the other two judges were also happy.



What’s the situation?


However, there was only one person at the scene who did not laugh.

She is Yang Mi.

Boss Yang has always been calm and calm, and until now, she has not had any gaffe performance, but now her beautiful eyes are full of shock!


No way?

Could it be that the person in front of him is the tiger who has been funded by himself for 18 years, but has never met?

At that time, I took a pen name [狋�].

Except for writing to Tiger, she never used these two words again.

Yang Mi’s eyes became a little complicated.


Ten more on the first day, please support!

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