Chapter 1002 just cooperated well!!

Moments later, all the money for the purchase of the rights was traded.


Seeing that the money had entered the account, the five editors-in-chief breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

“Happy cooperation!”

“It’s not early, I have to rush back to the company, take my leave first!”

“I’m also from out of town, I have to drive back, Boss Yang, Mr. Su, let’s talk again when I have time.”

“If you still want any books on our website, please contact me at any time, absolutely guarantee the price discount!”

“Boss Yang, goodbye Mr. Su, oh, no need to send it, bye-bye!”

After signing the contract and getting the money, the editors-in-chief left one after another.

The last one to leave was very caring to help close the door of the conference room…….


Yang Mi and Su Wenhao slapped each other.

A bright smile finally appeared on the faces of the two.

“Hahaha, successfully done!”

“I really didn’t see Wenhao, you can act, you just cooperated well!”

Yang Mi smiled and praised while sorting out the contract.

“When you gave me the look at first, I was still a little confused and didn’t understand what you wanted to do.”

“It’s good to react quickly, otherwise it will show flaws!”

“09 I really learned a lot from today’s negotiation, and Boss Yang is almost killing these novels to the price of cabbage!”

“5 million to buy the copyright of 30 novels, this is something I didn’t dare to imagine before the negotiation.”

Su Wenhao recalled the situation just negotiated and felt that it was too incredible.

The copyright of each of these 30 novels in the original world can reach 5 million or even tens of millions.

There is no need to film, as long as you sit and wait for the emergence of online novels, you can make a lot of money just by transferring the copyright of the novel.

Listening to Su Wenhao’s heartfelt praise, Yang Mi began to [get up.

“I didn’t expect these five editors-in-chief to be picked up so easily, and I probably never had such negotiations, so I didn’t have much experience.”

“A negotiation like this kind of large amount of money tests the psychological warfare of both sides, and it turns out that I won!”

“But, calm down now and think about it, I’ve bought a little too much, right? 30 copies! You still have 6 copies there. ”

“This is a film and television copyright, if it is not filmed, it cannot be realized, it is no different from floating in water, but if it is filmed, can it be profitable?”

She followed Su Wenhao’s advice and some of her own analysis before deciding to buy the copyright of the novel.

Now that the copyright is in hand, the question is whether this matter is reliable?

Su Wenhao smiled and said: “Don’t worry, the meal has to be eaten in one bite, and now the film and television copyright is afraid of flying in our hands?” ”

“What we need to prepare for now is the filming of “Sword and Fairy III” and the recording of “Children of Tomorrow”!”

Ah! Yang Mi exclaimed.

“If you don’t say that I almost forgot, we still have to fly to Yanjing today.”

“I still have to go to the community to get some things, and by the way, take these contracts back to the room and put them away.”

Su Wenhao took out his mobile phone and looked at the time: “There are still four hours to take off, now you can go back to the community.” ”

Yang Mi asked in passing: “How did you come to the company?” ”

“Drive, or take a taxi?”

Su Wenhao smiled heartily and said two words: “Ride!” ”


Yang Mi was stunned for a moment: “Cycling? ”

“Bike sharing?”

Su Wenhao shook his head: “No, it’s a mountain bike I bought.” ”

Knock knock!

Just as there was a knock on the door of the conference room, Sister Zeng pushed open the door, looked at the stack of contracts on the table, and couldn’t help but reproach: “How did you buy so much?” ”

Yang Mi shrugged: “Because I am optimistic about this matter, I plan to gamble.” ”

Sister Zeng sighed helplessly, anyway, she didn’t spend her own money, and it was useless to say too much.

“I have something I want to talk to you about.”

Su Wenhao stood up very consciously.

“You guys talk first.”

Yang Mi said: “You wait for me outside, find a bag to load these contracts.” ”

“We’ll go back to the community later.”

Su Wenhao nodded, palmed a stack of contracts and left the conference room…….

“Sister Zeng, what are you looking for me for?”

Yang Mi asked curiously.

Sister Zeng frowned.

“When you were negotiating with the five editors-in-chief, I went to the personnel and finance side to look at Su Wenhao’s contract.”

“Two years, and it’s still five or five?”

“Honey, you’re too nice to him, aren’t you?”


Yang Mi raised her eyebrows lightly, but she didn’t expect Sister Zeng to talk about Su Wenhao’s contract.

Generally speaking, entertainment companies start with 10 years to sign artists.

This is the prime time for artists from their debut to the sky, and it is also the most profitable time, and the company must of course squeeze value as much as possible.

As for the share, it depends on whether the entertainment company is a person or not, and the artist’s wrist is not big.

Most entertainment companies have a share of three or seven points, and there are more extreme points of one or nine, or even only 0.1%.

It seems nonsense, but it is indeed a common phenomenon in the entertainment industry.

One nine, or 0.1 percent, most of them signed contracts during the amateur period, those idol trainees, small fresh meat many are like this.

Many artists have played the male number one and the female number one, earning millions and 597 million yuan for the company, but I can only get tens of thousands of yuan, or even thousands of dollars.

Therefore, after many artists become famous, they will accuse the agency company of sucking blood and bone marrow, and the contract must be terminated at a sky-high price, and a considerable company will be divided into it.

There are also some who can get a five-to-five share, such as backbone artists such as Reba, who can not only get fifty percent, but also own part of the equity.

After all, the company has to provide a lot of services to artists, take on commercial performances, find scripts, receive advertisements, and deal with a lot of public relations.

Those who can get fifty percent are key artists.

But Su Wenhao was still participating in the first round of the preliminary round of “Children of Tomorrow” when he signed, and he was completely famous, and he could sign a two-year contract and get a 50% share.

Many artists find it difficult to enjoy this treatment for a lifetime.

“Su Wenhao is becoming more and more famous now, aren’t you afraid that he will terminate his contract and leave in two years?”

Sister Zeng said worriedly.

Yang Mi shrugged her shoulders noncommittally: “I give him such good treatment, he won’t be so unconscionable.” ”

“At that time, I found out that he was a talent in “Children of Tomorrow”, so I chose to retain him with such good conditions.”

“It’s only been a long time, he has already earned about 15 million, which is enough to show his worth!”

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