Chapter 103 He’s a Man with a Quirk!!


Sister Zeng was taken aback: “Has Su Wenhao already earned 15 million?” ”

Yang Mi nodded: “Yes, didn’t you see it from the finance side just now?” ”

“After the five-five division, the company has already recorded 7.5 million.”

Sister Zeng shook her head and said in surprise: “I asked about the share, and didn’t ask how much money he earned, after all, he was just a newcomer.” ”

“Shhh! 15 million, many artists who have debuted for many years don’t have this ability, right? ”

“In this way, Su Wenhao is indeed a talent!”

Seeing Sister Zeng’s eyes shining, Yang Mi’s beautiful eyes moved lightly, and she calculated her heart.

“But there are some things you have to be careful with!”

Yang Mi deliberately lowered her voice and said mysteriously.


Sister Zeng was stunned: “Be careful? Be careful of what? Su Wenhao? ”

Yang Mi nodded, walked over and closed the door of the conference room, her expression still very cautious.

“You go to watch the first episode of “Children of Tomorrow”, and he said in his self-introduction that he grew up alone in the mountains.”

“Being lonely for so long, it is inevitable that you will develop a very eccentric character.”

“Don’t look at him right now, but it’s also a headache to have a seizure.”

“Do you know how hard it took me to sign him? Do you think that a five-to-five split, and a contract can keep him? ”

“In a hurry, believe it or not he will directly pick the pick and leave!”


Sister Zeng was taken aback.

“He dare?”

“The contract has been signed, and the company still can’t control him?”

Yang Mi sneered: “How can you deal with him?” Blocked? Deduct money? Claim? ”

“Treating Su Wenhao in the same way as ordinary artists will not work at all, but will be counterproductive.”

“The barefoot one is not afraid to wear shoes, he originally lived in the mountains, and it is a big deal to go back.”

“Our focus now is on the gambling agreement, director Xiaogang, uncle Guo, such a powerful character, have not won the gambling agreement.”

“Do you think our company, relying only on me and Reba, and those artists who have little reputation, can win?”

“If we win, Jiaxing Company will prosper, and if we lose, we will both have to bear huge debts!”

“So we desperately need a third A-list artist so that we can win the bet!”

Sister Zeng seemed to understand a little.

“So, do you think Su Wenhao has the potential to become a first-line artist?”

Yang Mi nodded very seriously.

“Isn’t my purpose in participating in “Children of Tomorrow” to find an artist with potential in this area?”

“After meeting Su Wenhao, I didn’t hesitate to start!”

“You know what? Just a week after signing him, Wah-chirp Long Danny came up and planned to sign him in advance. ”

“After she learned that I had signed Su Wenhao, she offered some generous conditions and wanted to transfer Su Wenhao, how could I agree?”

“The final compromise is to let me co-produce a TV series with her, which can be regarded as reconciliation.”


Sister Zeng took another breath.

“So that’s the case, I’m still wondering why Long Danny suddenly asked you to make a TV series, but I didn’t expect it to be because of Su Wenhao!”

“Even Long Danny is optimistic, it seems that it is really possible to be a talent!”

Yang Mi nodded: “Yes, let Long Danni decide to sign a newcomer in the preliminary stage, Su Wenhao is still the first!” This already speaks for his potential. ”

“And now the five largest domestic music platforms, Penguin, Kugou, Kugu, Migu, Net, and at the same time to buy the copyright of Su Wenhao’s songs, it once again proves his value!”

“After all, businessmen are profit-seeking, and they will never make such a decision without investigation and valuation.”

“So Sister Zeng, do you understand?”

Sister Zeng blinked her eyes and asked with some doubts: “Understand what?” ”

Yang Mi’s expression was serious and serious: “Su Wenhao is a talent with a quirky personality, and he may also be the third first-line artist in our company, and may even become the key person in whether we can win the bet!” ”

“I gave him a series of conditions to keep him!”

“But he has a strange personality, if he is angry with you, then the gambling agreement may be lost, and we will also bear a huge debt, so let’s do a good job of working non-stop to pay off the debt for the rest of our lives!”


Sister Zeng’s expression was surprised.

“Su Wenhao’s role is so critical!”

The gambling agreement is her life!

This is a double-edged sword that can both make a person and destroy a person at the same time.

At the beginning, Jiaxing Company was just established, and it needed resources and contacts to develop, so she and Yang Mi chose to sign a gambling agreement and received the support of Huang’s Pictures.

Received various supports such as funds, resources, contacts, etc.

It also means that they have to use these conditions offered by Huang’s Pictures to win the bet before the three-year period arrives, otherwise they will have to pay a huge amount of money according to the terms of the agreement.

These funds may take years of non-stop work to repay.

Or win, so that soaring!

Either lose, this life is basically finished!

Now Yang Mi told her that with Su Wenhao, the possibility of winning the gambling agreement can increase, but this newcomer with a quirky personality may run away at any time, which makes Sister Zeng a little panicked: “Okay, okay, I won’t mention this matter, now the world is big, and the gambling agreement is the biggest!” ”

“Su Wenhao, I don’t care, you coax him well, don’t let him run, let alone be poached by others!”

“As long as I win the bet, the big stone in my heart will fall.”


Yang Mi smiled secretly in her heart.

She actually said this on purpose, after all, in addition to her Boss Yang in Jiaxing Company, the most authoritative person is Sister Zeng.

In terms of shareholders, Sister Zeng has 3% more equity than her, and is the largest shareholder of Jiaxing Company.

And also their own broker.

If she is difficult to Su Wenhao, she is not good to come forward to defend it too ruthlessly, but her own little milk dog for 18 years can let others bully?

So he got a golden bell cover for Su Wenhao to put on, and he had to lose if he ran away from the gambling agreement!

Grab Sister Zeng’s life at once, so that when she wants to be angry with Su Wenhao, she has to weigh it well, if she runs away from Su Wenhao, then prepare to work in the second half of her life to pay off her debts.

“It’s not early, I have to prepare some things in the community, and tonight I will fly to Yanliang to record “Children of Tomorrow”.”

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