Chapter 104: Boss Yang can go up to the hall and down to the kitchen!!

After leaving the conference room, Yang Mi had a satisfied smile on her face.

Looking at Sister Zeng’s reaction, I won’t trouble Su Wenhao for the time being, and I will save myself from being caught in the middle.

Today I talked about two music directors, deceived five editors-in-chief of the novel, and secretly poked and threatened a wave of agents.

It’s a day of slow harvest.


It’s really worthy of my Boss Yang!

How am I so smart? Shouldn’t it really be a [fox]? After coming to the door, he saw Su Wenhao fighting the landlord with his mobile phone. Hiss!

Yang Mi immediately became angry.

“Su Wenhao! Tomorrow you’re going to be ready to record a show, and you’re playing the game again! ”

After hearing the voice, Su Wenhao quickly stood up and explained: “I’m relaxing, really.” ”

“Don’t look at me playing a game, I’m actually preparing inside! You have to trust me one. ”

Without waiting for Yang Mi to say anything, another voice came from behind him.

“Honey, why aren’t you so strict!”

“Wenhao is a very hard working child, I have heard all his songs, very good.”

“People who work so hard, what’s wrong with relaxing once in a while?”


After hearing the voice, Yang Mi and Su Wenhao both looked over, only to see Sister Zeng hurrying over 753 and looking at Su Wenhao with a gentle face;

“Wenhao, if anyone is bullying in the company in the future, tell me that Sister Zeng will support you!”

“As long as I am here, Honey don’t want to kill you!”


Yang Mi and Su Wenhao were stunned.

Su Wenhao remembers very well that this is a very strong woman, and when he was in the conference room just now, he felt the pressure, after all, it is definitely not simple to mix in this position in the circle.

But what’s the situation? Did Sister Zeng take the wrong medicine?

Why is it suddenly so gentle?

“Thank you, Sister Zeng, I know!”

Sister Zeng smiled and said: “Do well in “Children of Tomorrow”, Sister Zeng is very optimistic about you!” ”

“I still have an important call to make, so I’ll get busy first.”

Su Wenhao’s face was full of confusion, but he still bowed very politely: “You please!” ”

Then she walked to the broker’s office on the other side of the hallway.

Su Wenhao looked at Yang Mi in confusion at this time, and asked in a low voice.

“What just happened?”

The corners of Yang Mi’s mouth rose slightly, it seems that the warning just poked and poked has played a role, but I didn’t expect Sister Zeng to come out so soon to defend Su Wenhao.

“It’s nothing, it’s not early, let’s go back to the community quickly.”

“What about those contracts?”

Su Wenhao nodded and patted the backpack next to him.

“All the contracts are in it.”

Yang Mi thought for a while, then smiled and asked: “You said you came on a bicycle today?” Is there a back seat? ”

Su Wenhao smiled and nodded: “Of course there is.” ”

“Boss Yang asked what to do with this? Don’t you want to take my bike back to the community? ”


Yang Mi looked at him with a smile in her eyes: “Can’t you?” ”


Su Wenhao was taken aback: “Really fake?” Boss Yang wants to take a bicycle? ”

Yang Mi was happy.

“What’s wrong with my bike?”

“Do you think my sister is the kind of person who would rather cry in a BMW than laugh on a bicycle?”

Su Wenhao hurriedly waved his hand: “No, no, how is it possible, Boss Yang can go up to the hall and down to the kitchen.” ”

“But what about Xiao Guo and the driver?”

Yang Mi walked outside: “After the meeting is cleaned up, let them go directly to the community to pick us up and take us to the airport.” ”

The two took the elevator downstairs.

“Wow, the sun has set?”

Su Wenhao looked at the sky that was already a little dark.

“Of course, I don’t want to think about how much we’ve done in the company.”

“Where’s your bike?”

Yang Mi looked at the bicycle parking area not far away and asked.

“Boss Yang, have you really thought clearly?”

“Are you sure you want to ride a bike?”

Su Wenhao asked again as he walked.

“The car is tired of sitting and occasionally changes the taste.”

“Which bike is yours?”

Yang Mi glanced at the bicycle in front of her with interest.

“This one.”

Su Wenhao just wanted to share the only mountain bike in the bike pile.

“Wow that’s so new.”

“I haven’t been on a bike in a long time, so feel it.”

With the help of the slightly cool sky, the street lamp next to her, Yang Mi observed the bicycle.

Su Wenhao unlocked the bicycle, and then carefully put the backpack into the basket, which is a novel copyright contract worth hundreds of millions of dollars!

“Let’s go, let’s go back on the path.”

Yang Mi sat happily in the back seat, in order to prevent being recognized, she also wore a mask, hesitated for a moment, and then reached out to gently pull Su Wenhao’s shirt.

“Let’s go.”

With Su Wenhao’s pedaling, the bicycle took him and Yang Mi towards the community like this variable speed mountain bike, which can reach a speed of 10 kilometers per hour for ordinary people and about 30 kilometers for bicycle enthusiasts.

People with good quality bicycles and great physical fitness can reach speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour.

Obviously, Su Wenhao, who has [Gu-level fitness], belongs to this kind. Even with Yang Mi behind, the speed did not slow down too much.

The speed of 60 kilometers in the city is already very happy. Yang Mi’s hair fluttered gently with the night breeze in the back seat.


When passing a downhill section, Su Wenhao did not pay attention, and the bicycle was slightly bumpy.


Yang Mi’s body almost lost her balance, and instinctively rushed forward and hugged Su Wenhao’s waist tightly.

Originally, I just gently pinched some clothes, but now I completely hugged them.

Feeling the warmth suddenly attached to his back, Su Wenhao was a little dry.

“Are you all right?”

Su Wenhao asked with concern.

“It’s okay, it’s just a shock.”

Yang Mi replied.

She also reacted, and she completely hugged Su Wenhao’s waist.

But there is no intention to let go.

I’m not taking advantage, I’m here for safety! Gee.

This waist muscles are really developed! How did you practice it?

Feeling the breadth of Su Wenhao’s back, a sense of security hit, especially hiding behind, as if he couldn’t feel the night breeze.

“I will protect you, with me here, there will be no problem!”

What Su Wenhao said before sounded in Yang Mi’s mind once.

Did you really come down to shelter me from the wind and rain on purpose?

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