Chapter 109 Save some face for the other contestants?!!



Everyone was cheering for Su Wenhao, only Hua Chenyu, who was sitting in the audience, grinded his teeth with resentment.

On the charts of music platforms such as Penguin, Su Yihao’s songs have always pressed him.

If it’s just one song that is stronger than him, the popularity of the four songs is above him.

The keys are still close together, and it is impossible to ignore them.

Special, you kid did it on purpose, right?

Do you know, what is the surname of the Chinese music scene?

Yang Mi, who was sitting next to him, did not notice his expression, and Yang Mi’s attention was on Su Wenhao at the moment.

It is estimated that there will be millions of people in the live broadcast room now.

What a real attention!

The director specially arranged a cameraman to give Su Wenhao more lenses, he is the rating password of the program!

Wait until the cheers of the audience subside.

Zhang Xiaoxiao said: “The format of this program is the same as the previous one, first of all, let’s look at the vote share of the 10 contestants in the past week. ”

“Look at the big screen!”

The large screen switches pictures instantly.


The audience exclaimed.

Zhang Xiaoxiao was also surprised: “It was Su Wenhao who won the first place!” ”

“61% of the votes!”


The audience excitedly shouted in unison: “Su Wenhao! ”

“Su Wenhao!”

“Su Wenhao!”

“61% share, more than half of the netizens voted for Brother Hao?”

“This is really unexpected and reasonable, after all, compared with Brother Hao, other players are simply not enough to watch.”

“If you want me to say goodbye, just give the championship to Brother Hao, so that you can save face for other players.”

“Hahaha, no face anymore! The remaining nine people have no vote share, and they don’t have much to do! ”

Su Wenhao happily bowed deeply to the audience.

This is indeed a surprise.

Then Zhang Xiaoxiao read out the rankings of all the contestants.

Yang Mi was a little embarrassed.

Because the first share of votes is Su Wenhao of her track.

And the penultimate place is also from her track!

In the last round, the two eliminated competitors were from the beauty track, can’t they keep it this time?

Seeing this scene, Xue Ziqian and Hua Chenyu breathed a sigh of relief and psychologically balanced the work.

“Su Wenhao, like the previous period, as the first place in the share of votes, you are eligible to choose your own appearance order.”

“Are you going to play now?”


Su Wenhao thought for a moment, then nodded: “Well, I’ll be the first to appear this time, right?” ”


This answer caught everyone off guard.

Zhang Xiaoxiao also asked routinely.

Usually in the game, when you can freely choose the order, most people want to play later, on the one hand, the psychological pressure is not great, on the other hand, it is not too early to play and not too dominant.

Unexpectedly, Su Wenhao took this privilege and actually chose to be the first to sing.

“Did you think clearly?”

Zhang Xiaoxiao asked.

Because the chief director said in his headphones that he wanted Su Wenhao to appear later.

The reason is very simple, most of the netizens in the live broadcast room came to see him, and now seven out of ten in the barrage are related to Su Wenhao, he is the rating password of the program!

If the first to appear, after his performance is over, the expectations of many netizens will be full, and it is estimated that many people will leave the live broadcast room to do other things.

That’s why the general director of the show asked Zhang Xiaoxiao to give Su Wenhao a hint, hoping that he could change his mind and appear again later.

Unfortunately, Su Wenhao and Zhang Xiaoxiao didn’t have any spiritual induction.

“I’m pretty sure.”

“It’s been a very tiring few days, and I can rest after the first performance.”


Yang Mi couldn’t help frowning, how do I remember you played the game for a few days? emmm。

She instantly understood why Su Wenhao wanted to be the first to appear.

After the singing, you can play with your mobile phone, and the province always has to prepare to appear quiet.

This guy’s skin is itchy again!

Since Su Wenhao once again emphasized that he wanted to be the first to appear, Zhang Xiaoxiao couldn’t say anything more, after all, it was now a live broadcast.

“Okay, then please ask the other players to take their seats.”

Afterwards, the nine contestants walked off the stage and sat down behind their mentors.

Xue Ziqian and Hua Chenyu are still 4 students behind them.

Only Yang Mi has only one behind her.

Zhang Xiaoxiao asked: “If you ask Wenhao to perform for us first, what is the name of the show you want to bring us?” ”

Su Wenhao responded: “An original song, “People Like Me”! ”


The audience clapped their hands excitedly, and Su Wenhao’s new song could be heard at the beginning of the show, is there anything happier than this?

“Applause please!”

The audience applauded enthusiastically.

Before taking the stage, all the contestants have submitted the accompaniment of the song to the music teacher.

It was quickly ready to start singing.

Su Wenhao still sat on the chair and took a very melancholy posture.


The applause broke out again, but soon fell silent.

Everyone waited expectantly for Su Wenhao’s singing.

Accompanied by a soft melody, her singing voice came slowly.

“A good person like me should have lived a brilliant life.”

“Why is it that after more than twenty years, it is still floating and sinking in the sea of people?”

“A smart person like me has long bid farewell to simplicity.”

“Why did I still use a relationship to change my scars.”


A few words of opening made goosebumps rise on the audience.

Other songs attract listeners with loud singing.

Su Wenhao is different, his singing voice is very soft, as if he is pouring out something.

Especially the content in the lyrics makes the listener very immersive.

Whether it is the audience at the scene or the netizens in the live broadcast room, the vast majority are ordinary people.

Ordinary students, ordinary office workers, ordinary working boys, ordinary members of society.

Those singing voices of the sea and the sky are very passionate after listening to them, but they don’t have a sense of substitution like this song.

It’s the same as “Ordinary Day” and “Eliminate Sorrow”.

This song is also singing to ordinary people, which makes the audience very vocal.

I owe three more, depressed, and originally thought of keeping seven and fighting for eight.

However, although the author’s hand speed is assured, starting tomorrow eight changes a day to make up for the chapters of the money!

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