Chapter 110 “People Like Me” once again touched the audience!!

Su Wenhao’s voice was raised.

“Confused people like me, people looking for like me.”

“How many other people have you seen like me?”

Then Su Wenhao whistled again like singing “Eliminate Sorrow”.

It’s almost become his security mark.

As soon as the whistle came out, many people began to cry again.

“This song sounds so heart-wrenching, it’s more uncomfortable than “Eliminate Sorrow”.”

“I really don’t know what Brother Hao has experienced to write such a resonant song.”

“People like me should have lived a brilliant life. The first sentence of the beginning pierces me into a sieve. ”

“Who isn’t? When I was a student, I was so ambitious that I could change the world and even the course of humanity after graduation. It wasn’t until I graduated and walked out of school that I realized that I couldn’t even support myself! ”

“This whistle is a plus, it was already uncomfortable enough, and now it is even more uncontrollable tears.”

Netizens in the live broadcast room kept sending barrages.

Many of the audience had red eyes, and many people were in tears.

Yang Mi was still complaining about Su Wenhao in her heart just now, but when he spoke, he couldn’t hold back.

“Ordinary Day”, “Relief”, “People Like Me”.

Wenhao, how much hardship have you suffered to write such a song?

“A vulgar person like me never likes to pretend to be deep.”

“Why do you occasionally hear old songs and suddenly shake your head?”

“A cowardly person like me must leave a few points in everything.”

“How come you have ever thought about fighting for whom?”

“Confused people like me, people looking for like me!”

“How many other people have you seen like me?”

In the eyes of the audience, Su Wenhao seemed to turn his singing voice into a knife and plunge into the hearts of the audience.

Every lyric makes people very engaged.

Everyone is an ordinary person, an ant tribe begging for life at the bottom of the pyramid.

Cowardly, confused, mediocre.

This is the mood of many ordinary people.

Along with Su Wenhao’s singing, more and more audiences burst into tears, and even several strong men with big flower arms cried into tears.

“Lonely people like me, stupid people like me.”

“How many people in the world are there in the world who are not willing to be ordinary like me?”

“Will someone like me feel sorry for someone as inexplicable?”

When the last lyrics were sung, the audience shouted in unison: “Yes! We will feel sorry for you! ”

Then the audience applauded, screamed, shouted, and even many spectators wanted to run to the stage to hug Su Wenhao, but unfortunately they were stopped by security personnel

Su Wenhao bowed slightly to the audience.

The cheers intensified.

After a while, Zhang Xiaoxiao came to the stage.

“I didn’t dare to go on stage, I cried when I sang.”

“Everyone calm down, the three judges please comment on Su Wenhao’s performance just now.”

“First of all, please Yang Mi, tell me about your team members, right?”

Yang Mi was holding a tissue to wipe her tears, and when she heard that she was named, her voice was a little choked.

“Just a word.”

“Su Wenhao of our Shengshi Beauty Track is the best!”

The audience applauded and recognized Yang Mi’s comment.

Among the draft players, he is the best!


Even if it is placed among professional singers, Su Wenhao can beat most singers.

Just when everyone was moved, the judges sitting in the middle slowly spoke.

“Honey, you are a bit of a royal mother-in-law selling melons, selling yourself and boasting.”

“I comment from a professional point of view, Su Wenhao, your song is too general, so far none of your songs have moved me.”

“So your song “People Like Me” is not good for me.”


The audience was in an uproar.

Hua Chenyu did not agree with Su Wenhao?

Everyone listens to the crying song, and you can even find fault?

Su Wenhao picked up the microphone and responded lightly: “Oh! ”


Hua Chenyu was stunned, he was so attacked by me, why was he so calm?

Shouldn’t you be angry and corrupt, turn your face with me, the judge, and then I will buy a black press release to make the water army overwhelming the black.

I don’t believe you can still be better?

However, such a calm response made Hua Chenyu unexpected.

Zhang Xiaoxiao also asked curiously: “Aren’t you angry?” ”

Su Wenhao shrugged his shoulders very freely: “Why be angry?” ”

“Wen Wuyi, it’s normal for someone to object.”

“I’m not RMB, can I still do it for everyone?”

“Teacher Hua Chenyu likes to criticize me, so criticize a few more words, I agree with them all, but I just don’t change!”

Hahaha! The audience was amused.

“I know it’s wrong, but I just won’t change it! Well frightened! ”

“I was just made to cry by the song, and now I am laughed at again, and it is easy to get mental illness when I cry and laugh.”

“Cut, how many songs has Hua Chenyu sung herself? Every time, I am like a mage, how many nights can I do a nightmare after hearing it, and I even come to evaluate others? ”

“I like Brother Hao’s songs very much, and I have built a special song list in the music software to collect all his songs!”


Hua Chenyu is speechless, this guy does not play cards according to common sense! It’s a little hard to grab a handle.

Then, Xue Ziqian opened his mouth and said: “I have a different view from Hua Hua, what is a good song?” What are the criteria for judging? There has always been no standard for this matter, and turnip greens have their own love. ”

“But there is a shallow standard, that is, whether the audience likes it, audience friends, do you like Su Wenhao’s “People Like Me” just sung?”

The audience replied in unison: “I like it!” ”

Even netizens in the live broadcast room expressed their opinions by sending barrages and brushing gifts.

Hua Chenyu is somewhat embarrassed, so many people are singing against me?

But he is also very stubborn, I just don’t recognize Su Wenhao, what can I do?

Xue Ziqian paused a little and said: “What kind of lyrics with what kind of music, this “People Like Me” should be accompanied by such a low-key song, if it is accompanied by a song like “Good Luck”, is it still good?” ”

“I think it’s very good!”

“But I still have some advice for you!”

I owe three more yesterday, make up for it as soon as possible, keep seven and ten today, and see how many chapters you can write!

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