Chapter 111 Healing? I’m afraid it’s depressing!!

Su Wenhao bowed very politely: “Teacher Xue, please say, I will listen to you!” ”


Flower dust and rain are not calm.

That’s not fair.

Why did you ignore the answer when I commented, and gave me the right back.

When he arrived at Xue Ziqian, he listened earnestly?

Su Wenhao stood on the stage and saw the change in Hua Chenyu’s expression in his eyes.

Sample, fight with me?

“Teacher Xue, please say!”

With a respectful attitude, he is simply an open-minded student.

Xue Ziqian said with a smile.

“The things you sing are very good, and they are very close to reality, which makes people feel very substitutive.”

“It’s just a little too depressing, when you can sing, can you have a little healing?”

After hearing this, netizens sent a barrage to express their agreement.

“Teacher Xue’s comment is too in place, I have the same opinion!”

“Hahaha, every song that Brother Hao sings is too special and heartbreaking, and the heart pierces people’s tears.”

“If you think about it, it’s true, almost every time Brother Hao appears, I can wash my face in tears, and in the long run, I am afraid that I will be depressed! I really hope that Brother Hao can bring a healing song in the next issue. ”

“Cure? I’m afraid it’s depressing! I listened to too many songs, which caused me to want to cry when I saw Brother Hao’s face now. ”

Su Wenhao looked at the expressions of the audience and thought carefully, he did sing too many songs with a relatively low mood.

With a [top singing voice], he can infect each other’s emotions through his singing voice

It’s too sad to let the atmosphere, it’s really not good.

He nodded very seriously and politely: “Okay, thank you for Mr. Xue Ziqian’s suggestion, I will take it very seriously.” ”

“If I can advance to the next round, there will definitely be a song to cure the frying in the next episode.”


Flower dust rain is even more calm!

What’s that? Adopt?

My advice is to know that if you are wrong, you should not be.

Xue Ziqian is: adopt?

This guy is deliberately against me, right? Alas.

Xue Ziqian sighed.

“How did a singer as good as you go to the Shengshi Beauty Track?”


Yang Mi, who was originally wiping her tears, instantly became angry after hearing this.

“Xue Ziqian, what do you mean?”

“What’s wrong with my beauty track? Am I failing him? ”

Xue Ziqian smiled sarcastically, and then looked at Su Wenhao: “I heard that you signed a contract with Yang Mi because of your food and accommodation?” ”

Su Wenhao replied sincerely.



The audience and netizens were amused again.

Some people who watched the first round of the preliminary round recalled the picture at that time, and Ban Yihao was indeed on the spot.

I didn’t expect this to be the case! Forehead.

Yang Mi is a little embarrassed, although this is true, but why do you admit it so crisply?

You don’t want face, my boss Yang has to ask for it!


Long Danny, who was watching the video, broke the pencil in his hand.

Eat and stay!

With such simple conditions, I attracted away the ratings secrets in my program

I knew this for a long time, and I told Su Wenhao at the beginning that I not only included food and housing, but also arranged marriage!

As long as you sign up with our company, find you two girls to accompany you every day! Damn!

The more I think about it, the more I lose!

Simply closed the live broadcast room.

Xue Ziqian looked at Yang Mi: “You actually snatched such a talent with a bag to eat and live.” ”

“Where is the heavenly reason? Where is the heavenly reason? ”

“Su Wenhao, if I had given you 1,000 yuan a day, would you have signed my side?”

Su Wenhao nodded without hesitation: “Yes!” ”

The nod is crisp.

Yang Mi was not calm.

This bastard, 1,000 yuan can buy you?

Fortunately, the old lady started early, and fortunately Su Wenhao is on the beauty track, otherwise it is really possible to be snatched by Xue Ziqian!

She glanced to the side again.

However, if you appear on the Flower Rain Track, I am afraid that you will be eliminated in the first round of the preliminary round!

Xue Ziqian beat his chest in anger.

“I should have gone to the beauty track!”

“I regret it, I regret it so much!”

The host Zhang Xiaoxiao said: “Teacher Xue calmed down a little, it’s really not okay for us to help you go to the hospital to hang up a cardiology department!” ”

“Our game will continue.”

“Su Wenhao has just finished performing, do the other two track players have a middle platform PK?”


After hearing this, the players lowered their heads again like in the first round.

Is that going to PK? That’s to send to death!

Not to mention that he got 62% of the votes, let’s say that the song “People Like Me” just sung, the quality of the song and singing skills are completely crushing them…

During Su Wenhao’s singing, they all cried.

It is because they are unwilling to be ordinary and do not want to do nothing in this life that they came to participate in “Children of Tomorrow”.

Now, these nine players have long given up competing for the championship, and their goal is to be second and third.

Hua Chenyu stood up and said by name.

“Xiao Luo, don’t worry, go PK with him!”

This player named Xiao Luo, the most popular player in the Flower and Rain Track, ranked second in terms of vote share, second only to Su Wenhao.

However, with only 15% of the votes× it was thrown out of the Wangtiao Expressway intersection.

Don’t instigate?

I want to confess it!

Xiao Luo cried with a sad face, and really didn’t want to go on stage, but he didn’t have a stern gaze, so he had to look at the scalp and walk towards the stage.

—After the song.

The three judges began voting.

Yang Mi was very proud, and said with enough confidence: “Xiao Luo, you just sang that song so well, it is simply the sound of heaven is completely palace-level!” ”

“I like that song so much, it’s good!”


Xiao Luo forced it.

I didn’t expect Yang Mi to praise him!

Voice of Tianying?

Hall level?

emmm, am I so awesome? I didn’t know yesterday? Yang Mi smiled and continued:

3.6 “But! ”

“It’s still Su Wenhao’s skills on our track, and he didn’t rob such a loss by being much stronger than you!”

Saying that, he also raised his right hand and pinched his thumb and index finger together, leaving a small slit.

The kind that lost the Korean market.

When he heard the words ‘but’, Xiao Luo’s heart was already half cold.

As long as these two words appear, use them to show that those mentioned above are paved.

Sound of the Heavenly Box? Hall level?

Su Wenhao is better than me.

What the hell is this praising me? Or is it Kwasu Wenhao in disguise? Really.

Yang Mi finally said: “Therefore, I voted for Su Wenhao!” ”

“Xiao Luo, keep working hard!”

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