Chapter 112 I have a song I want to hear your opinion!!

Su Wenhao bowed slightly: “Thank you, Sister Honey!” ”

Yang Mi came at him a wink and rewarded him for his good performance.

However, after Su Wenhao finished speaking, he did not continue to look at Yang Mi, let alone notice this reward.

Yang Mi burst out with a burst of anger, stinky boy, dare to ignore me? Well?

Hua Chenyu noticed that Su Wenhao was looking at him, so he picked up the microphone: “I…”

Just said the beginning.

Su Wenhao bowed slightly: “Thank you for the criticism of Teacher Hua Chenyu!” ”


Hua Chenyu was stunned for a moment: “Criticism? I haven’t said anything yet. ”


Su Wenhao lightly patted the door of his head: “Sorry, I rushed to answer!” ”

“You please…”


The audience laughed.

“Congratulations Brother Hao, you have learned to rush to answer!”

“It seems that he has a hunch that the rain of flowers and dust will not vote for him.”

“I also think that the dust and rain will give it to my own people.”

“I think that whether the opponent is his own person or not, Hua Chenyu will not vote for Brother Hao.”

Hua Chenyu took the microphone and said: “Su Wenhao, the song you just sang is very good, and many audiences at the scene were moved by you. ”

“But, as I suggested, you still have a lot of shortcomings to correct.”

“Therefore, I voted for Xiao Luo!”

Su Wenhao bowed slightly: “Thank you for the criticism of Teacher Hua Chenyu!” ”

“Hmm… There should be no strong words this time, right? ”


The corner of Hua Chenyu’s mouth twitched.

Although he knew that Su Wenhao was deliberately blocking his path just now, he still insisted on not voting for him.

Finally, it was Xue Ziqian’s turn: “Wenhao, if you think about it from a selfish point of view, I will definitely not give you this vote, because you will become the biggest threat to our team.” ”

“But from the singer’s point of view, you are a very good seedling, worthy of a higher and farther stage!”

“So I’ve given you this ticket!”

Su Wenhao bowed down and responded: “Thank you Teacher Xue for your recognition!” ”

Zhang Xiaoxiao said: “I announce below, congratulations to Su Wenhao for winning two votes and successfully advancing to the next phase of the competition, please take a seat in the promotion area!” ”

“Xiao Luo temporarily sits down in the pending area!”

“TBD, not elimination, there will be follow-up competitions, and finally the contestants to be eliminated will be decided.”


Xiao Luo paradoxically walked to the pending area, knowing that he would become cannon fodder when he took the stage.

It won’t be eliminated, it’s just that it’s very uncomfortable to eat a defeat.

Su Wenhao walked proudly to the promotion area, and then found a very comfortable position to sit down.

The race continues.

After watching for a short while, he slipped into the toilet again…….

“The game is over, stop playing games, come back quickly.”

When Yang Mi sent WeChat, Su Wenhao was squatting on the toilet bowl and playing chess with his mobile phone.

After you see the message.

On the chessboard, the opponent’s veteran has been driven to a dead end, and only one move is needed to win.



After exiting the game, put on your pants and leave the bathroom.

The process of waiting on the sidelines is torturous, not as easy as this.

Back in the studio, the last singer finished singing, and Zhang Xiaoxiao announced the two contestants who were eliminated in this competition.

Another Shengshi beauty track runner was eliminated.

He was originally at the bottom of the vote, so it was not surprising that he was eliminated.

The second place is from the Dust and Rain Track.

After seeing the results.

Hua Chenyu’s face was ugly.

But there is only one champion, which means that the other players will be eliminated, it is a matter of time.

However, after entering the final stage, all 11 people except Su Wenhao were signed by Wahaowa, and the rice bowl is there, which is how big the rice bowl is.

The longer you stay on the field, the greater the exposure, the higher the popularity, and the more resources you can get in the later stage!

In short, the further you go in the race, the fewer detours you will be able to take in the future.

“Now there is only the only seedling left in Yang Mi’s team, Brother Hao, right?”

“Cut, there is this single seedling, Sister Honey is invincible!” With more than 60% of the votes, one person can hit everyone else! ”

“Anyway, I’m here to see Su Wenhao, and I wouldn’t have opened this “Child of Tomorrow” without him.”

“This is the strength, there are still 8 players left, there are still four periods of the competition, I believe Brother Hao will continue to be invincible!”

After the results were announced, another qualifying match was played.

The two eliminated runners competed in PK, and the 10th and 9th places were determined and finally the Yangmi track won the 10th place.

The Flower and Rain Track finished 9th.

In the last final, the two players who were eliminated were from Yang Mi Track, and she was sad about it for a long time.

Although there was one elimination this time, she was only slightly lost.

As many netizens said, the remaining Su Wenhao is the most powerful player in the field.

With him, the face he lost will come back!

Zhang Xiaoxiao looked at the live broadcast camera: “Thank you for watching this issue of “Children of Tomorrow”, audience friends, let’s see you in the next issue!” ”

After the end, Xue Ziqian found Su Wenhao backstage.

“Wenhao, I’m writing a song here, and I’m currently in the bottleneck period, and I want to hear your opinion.”


Su Wenhao was stunned for a moment: “Is there a mistake?” Teacher Xue, do you need to find me to write songs? ”

Xue Ziqian said with a smile on his face: “This is not recording a program, don’t call Teacher Xue, call it Brother Qian.” ”

Brother Qian?

Su Wenhao was stunned for a moment, and then ridiculed.

“Then do you like to smoke, drink and perm your hair?”

Xue Ziqian smiled and said, “I still like to talk about crosstalk.” ”

“Wen Wu No. 1.”

“Your creative ability is so strong to give some advice.”

Su Wenhao glanced at the noisy corridor: “It’s not convenient to talk here, let’s change places, right?” ”

Xue Ziqian nodded: “It makes sense, let’s go find a lounge.” ”

I was about to take him away when I heard a voice behind me.

“Huh? Xue Ziqian, do you want to kidnap my employees so righteously? ”

Yang Mi stepped on high heels and walked over quickly.

I was just about to come to Su Wenhao and take him back to Hengdian to visit the director Wu, but I didn’t expect to see Xue Ziqian pulling and pulling with him just after I came over.

Thinking about Xue Ziqian’s love and admiration for Su Wenhao on the stage, this made Yang Mi alert.

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